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Debugging the British - A list of bugs and inconsistencies

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While working on a spreadsheet over the British units in CMFI I have stumbled on a few irregularities that look a bit off. I will try to explain them below, I think that at least some of them are mistakes, and I will give a link to my spreadsheet that most definitely will contain mistakes.

Here is the spreadsheet

1. There is no I in TEAM, and no team in a section.

Overall I must say that Battlefront has made an excellent job with the British, there are sections, detachments and so on instead of the usual squads and teams of the other nations. There are a few mistakes though with som remaining teams here and there.

The heavy antitank sections in the independent antitank battery has only teams instead of detachments.

All machinegun platoons have a 2IC team and each section has a HQ team, they should both be sections.

The pack howitzer troop has a 2IC team and the sections has a HQ team as well as ammo bearer teams, they should be sections and detachments.

The airborne forward observer is a team instead of a party.

The airborne AT-sections have HQ and AT teams instead of sections and detachments.

Airborne Bren sections have on detachmnet and one team instead of two detachments.

The airlanding battalion has two HQ sections in its companies instead of one HQ and one 2IC section.

The para sniper sections have teams in them, not detachments.

2. Why should I carry your ammo, carry it yourself!

The ammo bearers for the pack howitzer independent team are really lazy, they don't carry any howitzer ammo at all. The ammo bearers in the Pack Howitzer Battery DO carry howitzer ammo, so something is not right.

For the Bofors AA ammo bearers, the situation is reversed. The ammo bearers for the independent guns carry 40mm ammo, but the ammo bearers in the AA battery don't.

3. Who stole my binoculars?

All AT guns have bioculars except the 17-pdr, the airborne HQ 6-pdr and the 6-pdrs of the airlanding AT-company. Are they not supposed to be used at long range?

The motorized rifle sections have binoculars while mounted in trucks, but if you buy them dismounted and give one section a PIAT then that section will lose their binoculars.

All detachments but one in the armoured recce troops (riding in the Stuart Recce) have binoculars but the assistant troop leader.

Independent scout detachments have no binoculars at all, apparently they aren't important for scouting.

Aiborne independent scout detachments have TWO binoculars, apparently they are stealing them from everybody else.

Feel free to comment the spreadsheet and point out all the mistakes you see so that they can be corrected ASAP.

I also want to know if there is a demand for this sort of spreadsheet, should I finish the other nationalities as well?

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Stellar work, and I don't even own the game! Makes me wonder, though, whether the CW in CMBN have similar issues. As for your last question, I have no doubt that people, doubtless blown away by your epic first sally here, would love it were you to expand your analytical horizons and cover other nations' forces.


John Kettler

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So I deleted it.

From the bottom of my heart I think you. Since I no longer follow politics closely, I have no idea as to the possible truth content of the message, but I am definitely not interested in being bombarded by it. I would wager that a generous proportion of the people who would want to watch your clip would share that view.


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From the bottom of my heart I think you. Since I no longer follow politics closely, I have no idea as to the possible truth content of the message, but I am definitely not interested in being bombarded by it. I would wager that a generous proportion of the people who would want to watch your clip would share that view.


Totally agree. I think it was a bleed over from the Fox station. Too bad, 'cause I flagged a rather serious graphic bug. Now I can't remember the vehicle in question! :rolleyes:

BTW, Dick Morris is the last pundit on earth from whom I'd solicit a prognostication. His record is 100%... wrong.

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