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I'll second xwood's nomination! What might be highly desirable for SC3 is to start out with the Russian Civil war and as the game progresses have multiple "'endgame" possibilities where a victor could be declared at various stages. The players, of course, have the ability to continue the conflict, perhaps with various allegiance changes, subject to negotiations of MPPs and land, DE's, etc, with a final culmination in the 50s.

So now the game can be multiple games within "the game" with a higher order of prestige awarded(tournament points) to a victorious player who manages his forces favorably deeper into the war timeline.

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The game engine already adequately covers both WWI and WWII. So porting the existing features into SC3 with hexes and a few more enhancements should be great.

I have my doubts about using the game for a NATO-Warsaw Pact WWIII campaign simply because such a conflict would be short lived (weeks, months max) and not exactly something that could take advantage of all the fine Grand Strategy features of the game (research, diplomacy, production, etc.) However, rolling backwards to the Napoleonic Wars has a lot of interesting possibilities...

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I would vote for WW3 around 1980 but maybe a Calm Before the Storm type build up giving Nato and WP the chance to pre-build their armed forces to their own liking (i.e. Soviet Union could decide to add more carriers or surface ships vs land vs air).

Then have the spark that ignites the conflict randomly generated so neither side know exactly which month year the conflict will start. It would be nice for the game to shift to a weekly time scale once hostilities commence but I'm just brainstorming here.

Also - it would be a challenge to model the electronic portion war. ECM, Awacs, heat seeking missiles vs radar, and chemical warfare. Still - something resembling Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising" would have appeal - but how to do that in SC3 - that is the challenge.


After that - I was thinking of SC Global War (the World War One game) would start to look interesting set in the American Civil War. Infantry, cavalry, artillery, balloons, etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sick of these limited deployment options in SC, especially the island type settings, even land peninsulas are crowded. SC3 hexes don't need to be occupied by the addition of the HQ unit. It's time to make HQs and their resulting supply enhancements attachable to combat units and just give them a range of influence.

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  • 1 month later...

What I would like to see is more variable starting conditions.

I mean GOLD has a clear advantage for Axis player in Multiplayer. If there was the ability to give some additional mpp's or other stuff at the beginning. We played that in SC1 times. It is possible when modding I know but it would be better to give a decision in turn 1 or something like that. More fun I guess...

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Try some of the other campaigns Amadeus. I grew tired of the same old beginning, choreographed opening moves and started sampling, "Axis of Evil", "High Tide", and "The Last Democracy". There is still "Allies Strike Back" and the "1948" scenario and if they are as unique as the aforementioned campaigns, there are a great many playing days a head of me.

So to everyone who has grown a little bored of the opening 1939 campaign, I urge you to try the others, you will be richly rewarded.:cool:

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You are right SeaMonkey, Axis high tide is pretty interesting. But for Multiplayer Hubert and Bill may program an easy betting system cause it depends on opponents which side is in favour. For example GB gets 200 or 300 mpp before making a single turn. In our German Panzerliga ladder there are too much Axis wins I guess. And betting in advance of a match were much fun. Tournaments were much more interesting too.

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