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Allies Side - 20 000 point Quick Battle DAR

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I just caught up with both your and your opponents posts. WOW! Amazing battle, and fantastic job of keeping us a part of the tale. :)

I still can't believe how well you've done with no significant infantry. It seems...odd. Not to belittle your achievement, you've done really well, but I hope the game isn't unrealistic in letting you "get away" with that choice.

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I just caught up with both your and your opponents posts. WOW! Amazing battle, and fantastic job of keeping us a part of the tale. :)

I still can't believe how well you've done with no significant infantry. It seems...odd. Not to belittle your achievement, you've done really well, but I hope the game isn't unrealistic in letting you "get away" with that choice.

LOL! I love your comments. They're great.

It is interesting. I think I am doing well (so far) mostly because I screamed into the objectives and have kept him out SO FAR. If we end up fighting street-to-street I might miss boat loads of Tommies with Tommy Guns but time will tell I suppose. I just can't believe how well the Churchill has performed, how poorly the Stug has performed (I love Stugs when I play the Germans). My only real fears at this point are Shreks and Panthers. And all I need to do is flank the Panthers....

Thanks for watching. Stay tuned!

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LOL! I love your comments. They're great.

It is interesting. I think I am doing well (so far) mostly because I screamed into the objectives and have kept him out SO FAR. If we end up fighting street-to-street I might miss boat loads of Tommies with Tommy Guns but time will tell I suppose. I just can't believe how well the Churchill has performed, how poorly the Stug has performed (I love Stugs when I play the Germans). My only real fears at this point are Shreks and Panthers. And all I need to do is flank the Panthers....

Thanks for watching. Stay tuned!

I'm quite new to Combat Mission so watching your game is a learning experience, albeit a very very enjoyable one.

From books I've read before I never had all THAT much respect for the Churchill which I thought a plodding whale. I expected the L48's on the StuGs to shred them completely and when it was the reverse I was as shocked and surprised as you. Like you, I usually play the Germans in most games. Just love their kit, what can I say? :D

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More hits on a Stug near the Rail Crossing Objective. Still no assault from him. I'm tempted to send some recon in and see how many wrecks there are in that orchard but I got turned around last time. Not going to risk it again unless I go in force.


Zooming out you can see here that he decided to rain small caliber mortars on my Churchill. It made an impressive display and that's about it.


Had some awesome success with tank crews. That is, of course, a cheap move in my opinion, but I want to win! I had one of his squads throw grenades at another of his - directly over mine I think. They sure caused disruption and confusion. Go Limeys!

You can see his grenade going off here.


This is all taking place near the edge of the Town objective. Notice in this shot I took out another Stug.


- Gibson Out.

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Artillery is still dropping madly on the town. Good thing I did not have tons of infantry holed up in there. They would be hurting! The image below shows some artillery exploses and shows what is going on around the Town objective.


In the Stug vs. Chruchill, I take a hit but it does not leave a mark. I think however I nailed the Stug that fired the shot...or at least scared him off.


I think another shot came out of that group with the Stug and hit one of my Achilles on overwatch. It hurt but did little damage (went right through?). You can also see elements of the Panther Attack in the upper right corner.


The Panther Attack did not go well for me. Will it ever? He took out a Churchill. I ordered the remaining two to reverse and split up. Maybe I can engage the Panther from both sides. Also my Achilles has a tiny keyhole line of sight to this area. Maybe I will get a shot. Also, also, I have ordered a Stuart to go around and into the rear of this attack column. He should make it no problem. If there is any infantry or remaining Stugs he should have a good day.


My lads did hit the Panther but of course it seems to have done nothing. I will be happy only disabling that mighty 88mm. I really need to find a way to engage from the side or the rear.


Not much happened on the rest of the map.

- Gibson Out.

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No more artillery falling. Does that mean he is going to attack the Town or should I rush back into position. I think I will wait before moving back in to see where he decides to move in.

My recon has paid off as I see he is trying to sneak a Stug around the side. I have nothing to deal with it...time to reverse the White scout cars, but at least I know it is there. Time to position some Achilles and get ready for that Stug to come down the road.


- Gibson out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this time something worked. I left my Achilles on the ridge where it had only a keyhole view on the objective. I was hoping that he would drive his Panthers through it and die. I was worried that they might speed through it too quickly but no I bagged one. Feels great. Was beginning to feel his Panthers would carry the game but maybe not.

Have a look at this shot.


There's a lot going on in this image. It shows the edge of the Town objective and 3, yes THREE Panthers coming in. The dead Churchill was there from a couple of turns ago. The Panther on the far right was lucky since an Achilles hit the tree in front of him. He's now out of LOS. I suppose its only far since he (or his buddy) also hit a tree shooting at the Achilles. My opponent, Ian, taught me early on....USE THE TREES!

In the top left corner, you can see a Stuart. I zipped that along the flank unopposed and intercepted infantry behind the Panthers. I hoped the infantry would be unprotected in terms of armor and they seem to be. Fun times for all! I see no Shrek teams and I will stay back from the rifle squads to avoid a Faust to the face. I'm also moving up a recon car from the other flank to join the fun. There is a Stug there but it appears to be immobilized. I think I did that a number of turns ago.


In the image above you see the Panther getting hit. You can also see that the third Panther on the left disappears into the Town. This is the first confirmed enemy actually in the Town. I have to go hunting.

So now that the rain has stopped I am re-positioning units in the Town. I've moved in a troop of two Achilles that were on the far side back in. I've tried to give them both lots of cover and a narrowish target window in front. If he comes down the road (and he will have to in a big Panther) I will see and nail him. I've done the same thing with two Churchills.

This is where infantry would help of course. If he gets units into the Town, and in particular, infantry units, I will need something to scout them out and nail them. If he leaves his Panther sitting quietly in the Town somewhere I may never find it. I can only hope that he moves to attack me (dangerous for me) but he will have to if he wants to push me off the objective, although, if he is smart (he is) he will wait for an infantry screen that I hope never makes it in.

I guess I will have little choice but to be gamey and use AFV crews to scout the town.

Ian and I have to agreed rules about AFV crews. I wonder if next game we agree that once they bail we never issue them orders again except to remount a vehicle if possible. That might take a way a little gameyness and be fairly easy to do.


In this image you can see the Achilles on the ridge and the target Panthers. You can also see the recon car that I am sending in to join the infantry slaughter.

Sadly, you can also see an artillery shell that I can only hope is a spotting round. I'm going to move off all the Achilles from that ridge to avoid getting rained on. Plus, I don't think he's going to go there any more anyway. I might leave one of the Achilles one more turn in case that Panther that is hiding behind a tree shows up again.


In this last image you can see the part of the map that is starting to worry me more and more. All the badness that came out of the Gates of Mordor is not approaching that non-objective village. I don't really have anything to defend here. He's got at least one Panther, other armor and infantry. Clearly he's trying to attack the Railway objective from the flank. I had expected him to drive from the orchard to the left and then down on to the Railway objective but he has not done that.

The Railway objective itself is heavily defended however, so I'm not too worried. I have a number of Churchills and about 4 Achilles in there. Maybe next turn I will flee from the village, let him approach the Railway objective and then attack from the rear with my units (Chruchills) that fled.

In the orchard I am always tempted to go exploring. Last time I did I paid for it. I can't resist again. I have no contact on anything other than a mortar team and an AFV crew. I know a Stu42 is in there somewhere too but might be immobilized. I'm going to move up my previously retreated recon car and see what I can see. At a minimum I will nail that mortar team. Again this is where infantry would help. I don't regret my choices yet. I still think I'm doing well. The only change I would make is perhaps to add another company of mounted scout detachments.

For the record, in reserve I still have the Battalion HQ group which is 3 Churchills and 2 Achilles. I'm not going to commit those until I need to. If I'm lucky I will break through at one point and be able to zip those units toward his Road Crossing objective. But that is for much later...

-- Gibson Out

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My opponent Ian has been trying to run different versions of the game side by side. Normally that's fine. This is necessary if you want to play with people who have the original unpatched game and with other people who have lastest version or patch of the game.

This time apparently its caused him a problem and the older version thinks he does not have a license to play. He's logged a ticket but who knows how long it will take them to address it.

If it looks like a big deal, I will consider upgraded to the latest version and continuing that way. I did not want to do that since I felt it was prudent to stay with what works for a game in progress. We'll see how it goes.

-- Gibson Out.

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I missed that one. What's the issue?

In 2.0, they've apparently managed to activate the deploy times for crew-served weapons, but if (AIUI) you tell a team to deploy during the turn break, there's a decent chance that some or all of them will wander/crawl/scamper off into the sunset, and the weapon will be out of service until you can persuade them to return.

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In 2.0, they've apparently managed to activate the deploy times for crew-served weapons, but if (AIUI) you tell a team to deploy during the turn break, there's a decent chance that some or all of them will wander/crawl/scamper off into the sunset, and the weapon will be out of service until you can persuade them to return.

Thank you. Interesting. My opponent Ian encountered something like that with the original engine a while ago in a different game against me. One of his AT guns crew wandered about 100m away. I had thought that they claimed to have fixed that issue in 2.0 but perhaps they just made it worse.

Thanks for the info.

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Thank you. Interesting. My opponent Ian encountered something like that with the original engine a while ago in a different game against me. One of his AT guns crew wandered about 100m away. I had thought that they claimed to have fixed that issue in 2.0 but perhaps they just made it worse.

Thanks for the info.

You're welcome. AIUI, it's not "worse" so much as "moved around a bit"... :) You could, from some points of view, consider it "better" since it's more predictable, and so more amenable to bugfixing...

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Well if only all my tanks could be this good and lucky. Watch this video of the Stuart I got behind his Panthers and into his infantry. First he takes a hit to the wheels to no effect, then he avoids a ton of shoots (Shreks?) that hit the trees. Not only does he manage to shred a ton of infantry, he even gets a penetrating hit on a Stug through the trees. BTW, watch near 1:18:18 and you can see one of my armoured cars advancing.


If these guys survive, not only are they getting a medal, they are getting the finest British Ale I can get. But, alas, knowing me they won't survive. :-)

I had an armoured car laying in wait on the other side of this infantry. I decided to send them up to join the fun. Sadly, I did not realize how close, like right on top, of his infantry I was sending it. Watch this video as it rolls up and ends up right on top of the infantry squad. Then, the infantry squad lobs a mega-ton of grenades. Ouch. In this case I almost wish they were not a veteran crew. If they weren't maybe they would have backed off when the took fire. Speaking of fire, it did not look to me like they fired that Bren enough. I wonder what happened.


Just ahead of the Stuart in this video you can see one of the Panthers that should have been defending the infantry. :-) One of my Churchills get a side penetrating hit on it and scares it off. Very encouraging. I wish it was immobilized, but it is still encouraging. During the video you can hear the Shreks which he is firing at my Stuart. And right at the end you can see that Stuart get a penetrating hit on his Stug. Also, just before the Panther takes the hit you can see another artillery shell landing near my Achilles on the ridge.


Not too much happened else where in the turn. Let's see what happens next!

- Gibson Out.

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So Super Stuart and crew bought the farm. Before dying they hit that previous Stug twice more. Is it dead? Another Stug came out of no where in front of him and put him down, however. Watch the sad carnage in the video below. Also in the video you can see still artillery shells hitting the Achilles ridge.


I suppose that if I had been smart / clever I would have guessed that he would send something to hunt it. I could have reversed him and perhaps got away before he's Stug would be able to line up on it. Alas, the crew will have to enjoy their brew in another life, if you believe in that kind of thing. At least they will get a posthumous medal, for what that's worth.

He sure likes moving mud on that ridge. A serious waste of artillery and quick battle points. In the image below you can see roughly where he is aiming at. I'm going to reverse the one Achilles left there in the hopes that I can get a bead on the Stug(s) way at the edge of the map. I can get a LOS there except the trees may conceal the actual unit. Let's see. I've also decided to move that troop of Churchills around the flank to met up with my recon units. It seems he's holding some stuff in reserve there...not only Stugs but also infantry as my recon found. If I can interdict that it will distract him from attacking the town. Plus it seems like again, he's going to hit the town with arillery so a full on assault is not likely to come for a while.


Having a closer look at the town you can see where I think he is dropping more artillery. Its on the opposite side than his assault with infantry and Panthers. On that side, you can see where the scared Panther is, where the Stuart died and where my Churchill nailed an infantry or two running in the orchard like part of the objective. Remember another Panther escaped into the town. I've not seen it anywhere since and I don't like that. I need to find it so I can hunt it.

Far on the other side of the map you can see what my 40mm armed armoured car did against a Stug. Like I said, I never learn. My guy did get a couple of penetrating hits on the Stug, but another 75mm half track showed up and got a couple penetrating hits on my guy. Surprisingly I'm not dead but only immobilized. Let's hope he took a Stug with him at least.


Here's an image from another angle. You can see a Churchill that I'm sending up to maybe do a little more damage. Like I said, I never learn. I'll be a little more cautious with this guy but let's see what happens. There is another Churchill there but he's been immobilized since forever. The scout squad you see it is not w single lad with a Sten gun and 3 grenades. I'll try to keep him alive since I really need his eyes.


- Gibson Out

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The Stuart had a field day. Hard lesson in flank security taught and learned there.

The A/C crew is most likely looking down from Valhalla screaming "Use The Hunt Command Next Time!" :D Grenade storm.

It has been a great DAR and battle from both sides.

All around, I have to state that I am pleasantly surprised at how well this force choice has worked out for you so far. I would have thought it to be a limited and unwieldy force, but you have made full use of it. The flanking and spoiling attack actions of your light vehicles really showcases how speed and surprise can work .... or sometimes not. ;)

I do agree that a single infantry company mounted in halftracks/carriers could have paid major dividends in scouting, screening, and garrison duty. We will have to watch and find out. You seem to be smacking his troops around fairly well as things lie now.

I know I would be a tad beyond nervous by now if my boys were getting constant glimpses of ever more armor. The PsyOp factor just cannot be ignored at both the tactical(TacAI) and commander level. Scary waves of Deathstar Churchills that just don't stop coming.

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All around, I have to state that I am pleasantly surprised at how well this force choice has worked out for you so far. I would have thought it to be a limited and unwieldy force, but you have made full use of it. The flanking and spoiling attack actions of your light vehicles really showcases how speed and surprise can work .... or sometimes not. ;)

I do agree that a single infantry company mounted in halftracks/carriers could have paid major dividends in scouting, screening, and garrison duty. We will have to watch and find out. You seem to be smacking his troops around fairly well as things lie now.

I know I would be a tad beyond nervous by now if my boys were getting constant glimpses of ever more armor. The PsyOp factor just cannot be ignored at both the tactical(TacAI) and commander level. Scary waves of Deathstar Churchills that just don't stop coming.

Thank you! It will be very interesting to see how the end game turns out and it will be even more interesting to read his side of this DAR.

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  • 1 month later...

He's got infantry in the Town objective and I don't like it. I know as well he's got at least one Panther.


I have to be careful. This is where you all will remind me that I need infantry. I'm going to hope to HE him to death with Chruchills. At least Tommies don't have Fausts!

I'm sending in more Churchills into the town.



Behind the Town my scouts are still sweeping across to see what they can see.


And near the Railway objective, in the Orchard, I am going to attack - again. Yes I still don't learn but its really annoying. I'd like to break through there.


So attacking on all fronts! Short post today because I had these images for a while and did not take the time to post. So here it is. I hope to keep up better now.

- Gibson Out

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Lots of exchanges between Churchills and Panthers...well at least a couple.

First, on the edge of town again. A Chruchill exchanges shells with a Panther. I think I got the worst of it being immobilized.



Now an Achilles got a bead on the second Panther that appeared in the town. A crewman is dead and the Panther withdrew. Let's hope its combat ineffective.


Where things stand at the end of that engagment. In the upper left corner is that artillery falling again? Come on.


Do I send this Chruchill to get the wounded cat? I say yes. Get the getting while the getting is good (or something like that).


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Now on the other side of town I sent two Chruchills to support my scouts. Here you can see one firing at something and hitting a tree.


Some enemy leg popped up. In the top of this image you can see that his AFV crew made my scout squad flee like [WARNING: inappropriate analogy follows....] screaming school girls.


What's this? An ambush?


A Shrek Crew! Its like he knew I could not resist and would have to attack! Yes he knows me by now I guess.


And another immobilized Chruchill...what will the neighbours think? I need my luck to return.

-- Gibson Out

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Not a good turn for me at all. This is starting to get ugly. Finally his infantry is making a difference.

Above the town you can see here the second of my Chruchills I sent out getting his by either another Shrek or a Faust. He's dead Jim.


Just above that you can see my scout car getting nailed by another Stug. How many Stugs does this guy have left???


I'm going to have to call off my little insurrection here. I have nothing much left and he's got more there than I expected.

Behind those two Chruchills and at the entrance to the town you can see him moving more mud. Wasted! However, that is exactly where my Chruchills were a few turns before. So by moving them up [and getting shredded] I did manage to kill some of his infantry with them. Can't say it was worth it but I can say that if they died in the barrage it would have been worse.


In the town, where the Panthers were, he again hits me with infantry at close range. He sent in a scout squad which I sent crying, then hit me with either a Shrek or a Faust again. I saw the Shrek team and a couple other squads. I'm not immobilizied. What a mess.


This is what it looked like before I took the hit.


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At least I get a little action here. I moved up this Chruchill and he gets a bead on a Stug. No idea if its still combat effective or not but at least I hit it.


Now over to the Orchard. Again he's got more stuff than I expected. How big is his force after all? I don't have *that* many Chruchills


Here you can see that my immobilized armored car (not marked as such, I marked the other units as immobilized for reference; they have been immobilized for a long while) gets a partial penetrating hit on a Stug.


Sadly its not good enough. The Stug returns fire and takes him out.


I'm going to withdraw from the Orchard *again*. This strategy is not working so well. What I need to do, I think, is let him attack and then flank with my reserves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Churchill destroyed yet-another-Stug. And for good measure nailed that HQ unit in front with an HE follow up round.


He knows where I am however, and there are Panthers about. Not sure what's going to happen there.

He continues to move mud, but also nails a recon car with a previously unseen yet-another-Stug. Shortly after the scout team gets owned by a tank crew with P-38's. I guess the HE shell from the Stug helped suppress the scouts too. Still hurts however.


Massive duel between this Churchill and Panther. Highly one sided but massive non the less. The Church took about 5 rounds to the face before becoming immobilized and having dead crew. Its not long to this world I'm afraid.


I did manage to smoke some infantry in the town just ahead of the Railway Crossing objective. That's got to count for something.


Not a good turn, not at all.

-- Gibson Out.

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