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Blue and Gray

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Thanks Slim!

excellent. That's about right. A Co. had virtually no combat-effective soldiers after the first few minutes of invasion.

There was an 88 gun situated right on the mouth of the draw raining hell on anyone and everyone, so Shermans had a tough time supporting their dying brethren, not to mention the mine-infested beach which made maneuver a horrible thing to do.

Head for the seawall. It reduces (not eliminate) enemy fire. Then think about whether you want to stay there or advance!!!

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excellent. That's about right. A Co. had virtually no combat-effective soldiers after the first few minutes of invasion.

Possible Battle 1 SPOILERS ahead!!

I'll say! In my game A Co. had about 7 or 8 men left standing (if you can call it that) at the end of the scenario. Most of them wounded and pretty much all of them cowering/broken or panicked, you name it. But, by golly, they made it into the trenches.

Even in their broken state I had the battered remnants of the entire company storm that ridge. I felt it was far better to chance that almost futile seeming assault than to have them just sit and die on the beach, like the rest of their buddies. I'm never that gung-ho with my pixeltruppen, but in this case it really was do or die. Die, most often...

Only after the battle I noticed how many minefields those poor guys had to blunder through!

Still, I won in the end... But with the highest casualty count in any of all my CM games ever: 310 dead, 98 wounded, 4 missing!

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Im on battle 6 right now and Im enjoying my self immensely! The mix of different scenarios and sizes are very well composed. As all scenarios so far have a lot of time available, I think all who have been put off by scenarios/campaigns with shorters missions times should check it out. I hope we will see more work from you in the future CL!

Juju, Im up there with you! The bloodiest CMBN battle I have seen so far.

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I'm only on the second scenario so far, but I really enjoyed the first one. Easily my favorite of the beach landing scenarios I've played so far. I guess my guys were a bit luckier than others, as I *only* had about 300 casualties. I think the biggest factor was that my Rangers got off the beach mostly intact, which allowed me to easily take the positions on the right.

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I'm only on the second scenario so far, but I really enjoyed the first one. Easily my favorite of the beach landing scenarios I've played so far. I guess my guys were a bit luckier than others, as I *only* had about 300 casualties. I think the biggest factor was that my Rangers got off the beach mostly intact, which allowed me to easily take the positions on the right.

Great! Considering the 116th regiment had 1000 casualties that day, and 1st Btn > 2nd Btn > 3rd Btn, you did pretty well with 1st Btn.

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How do you get the briefing maps to display over an image background like this?

Also, is your 29th ID patch serving as the "stratmap" here?

What does your briefing map display over? I didn't do anything specifically, unless one of the mod's i downloaded did that...

and heh, yea. I really wanted ppl to feel blue and gray. actually it's the operational map iirc

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I'm only on the second scenario so far, but I really enjoyed the first one. Easily my favorite of the beach landing scenarios I've played so far. I guess my guys were a bit luckier than others, as I *only* had about 300 casualties. I think the biggest factor was that my Rangers got off the beach mostly intact, which allowed me to easily take the positions on the right.

It has been a slow PBEM week for me so I started this campaign too. I am still in the first scenario. The rangers have been luckey in mine too but they still have lost the Company CO and 1st platoon's Lt as well. The bulk of the men made it to the sea wall along with a single fully operational tank. I just watched the turn as the start their assent up the sea wall and then the hill.

Kudos to BFC the tank looks like it is working hard to make the grade and the men look like they are working hard up the slope too. The animations were very satisfying. Hopefully I will have time to record some video.

Lots of fun so far - despite the incredible losses.

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You caught me. As I was posting the screen shot I realized I had failed to note which platoon it was and I knew I should have. I am going to have to check next time I fire up the game.

based on the location directly opposite the draw, it is probably a 116th regiment unit (ie not rangers or combat engineers).

They don't appear to be a weapons company so not D.

And B and C companies (and D) arrived later than A, so if this is at the beginning of the scenario, it should be A company.

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You know I was a bit skeptical simply because the landing itself never seemed to me a good topic for a scenario. Not much strategy and you are getting slaughtered essentially right from the start..... That was until I managed to get two almost complete platoons over to the left side away from the draw, blew the wire behind the sea wall, rushed up the hill, blew the wire in two more places and forced the MG team there to withdraw. I have a foothold on the hill now and damn it feels good. My Rangers aren't doing so well and the guys in the center got cut to pieces... but just getting some of my force off the beach feels pretty damn good.

Nice job Crushingleek, you changed my mind about a beach assault scenario. Looking forward to the rest.

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You know I was a bit skeptical simply because the landing itself never seemed to me a good topic for a scenario. Not much strategy and you are getting slaughtered essentially right from the start..... That was until I managed to get two almost complete platoons over to the left side away from the draw, blew the wire behind the sea wall, rushed up the hill, blew the wire in two more places and forced the MG team there to withdraw. I have a foothold on the hill now and damn it feels good. My Rangers aren't doing so well and the guys in the center got cut to pieces... but just getting some of my force off the beach feels pretty damn good.

Nice job Crushingleek, you changed my mind about a beach assault scenario. Looking forward to the rest.

I appreciate it!

I totally know where you are coming from; what appeal does a slaughter-fest in CMBN have? I saw some of those comments before I started the vierville project, and absolutely agreed.

But I also thought it could be modeled to some degree of accuracy with the tools in CMBN, and was surprised that no one had yet made that particular sector of omaha (dog green). It's too important to not have a rendition of it.

As for the strategies, it definitely took some hours and hours of tweaking and play-testing. I love that you and Ranger33 and some others have found different strategies for making some "progress." Some of the specifics sound awfully similar to my experiences!:D

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Since your Omaha map seems so popular and is working so well for players, can you post some insights and tips about how to make a good historical beach map? I mean the technical aspects like getting the beach, water, and terrain to look and play right, etc., types of tiles for specific types of ground, how you made the defensive positions, etc.

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You know I was a bit skeptical simply because the landing itself never seemed to me a good topic for a scenario. Not much strategy and you are getting slaughtered essentially right from the start.....

While true the getting slaughtered from the start part is no fun the tactical challenge lies in figuring out how to get over the sea wall and up the hill towards the objectives with the men that make it across the beach.

Normally we know what our resources are and can create a plan. Here we have to roll the dice to see who will make it to the sea wall and then we have to see what we have and figure out how to make something happen with the men that survived.

In my game A company and the engineers are the ones that were chewed to bits and the Rangers are my units in the best shape. Heck first platoon of the Rangers even has their Lt with them and the Company 2IC is there too.

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Yeah I spoke a little too soon, my Rangers (well some anyway) made it to the seawall and a few have scaled the hill and cleared the route for the rest. My engineers and some infantry made it on the other side so now I have a couple platoons on each end and the destroyer is pounding the defenses over towards the ranger side. May not be doing much damage, but the dust is working wonders.

Forgot to mention, I have a great shot of a demo charge being tossed into an MG position. Not a bunker, just a standard MG in foxholes. And no, I did not try to order them to do so.

So I have a couple platoons plus that have breached the seawall and started moving up. I sent in teams on either flank to draw the attention of the MG team and then sent men up to assault the position. I didn't quite expect this.

The MG Nest


Engineer tossing a demo charge


German view of the toss


The effect


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