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CM will officially go Beta on Monday

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

Yup, the time is finally here when we say "BETA" instead of "ALPHA". To some companies the difference is marketing lingo only, but to us it is a very real step forward.

OK, the first thing on people's minds is probably the tester end of things. All we have to say is that there were FAR too many good, qualified, loyal people to include everyone. Our first list looked like a Who's Who of this BBS, but there were simply way too many names on there, so we had to whittle it down to a productive number of testers and scenario gurus. Thus many people that we wanted to include were cut from the list. Too many testers is a VERY bad thing, making a small team in everybody's best interest.

If you have not already been contacted by us, you aren't in the First Wave for sure. We haven't completely sorted out the Second and Third Waves (we need to see how the First does before we do that), so there is still a slim chance that you might be included. No, we aren't going to say who is on either list until we call for them, so don't ask smile.gif

Anyhoo, we continue forward!


P.S. Beta testers will initially be gagged, but that will change after the Beta Demo is out.

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CM would be one cool game to test, but I didn't even bother

applying for a tester slot, as I was already quite busy testing

the greatest Star Trek game ever released on the PC (Star Trek:

Starfleet Command, for the uninitiated wink.gif ). Oh well, just bad

timing I guess. But I'm sure BTS has a great bunch of WW II

nuts to test CM out with. smile.gif I'm confident the game is in good


[This message has been edited by Lee (edited 09-16-99).]

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Settles Back Slumping in the trench:

I love those Sons of Bitches, Give'm hell guys make us proud!


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe, funny stuff there Sarge smile.gif

Beta Testers came from one of three places:

Previous BTS testers

People involved with certain orgs (like TGN) that are not only going to test, but do things like scenarios and support stuff.

People from this BBS, much to their surprise smile.gif

Although many, many people sent in emails asking to be testers, I am not sure if more than one or two got into the 2nd or 3rd Waves. None got into the first.


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I really did not pray to make this beta team -- honest. smile.gif

I am glad to hear you guys have reached this stage. I will be glad to assist on stages 2 and 3 if you think I can help.

If Mikester made the team, please do not ever tell me. It would simply be too much to bear!! wink.gif




The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Did I hear Beta?

You really said Beta?






(lower your voice for the next set)





BetaBetaBetaBetaBetaBetaBetaBetaBetaBeta!(you gotta say this part really fast)

Sorry for those of you visually impaired. You obviously can't see my little happy dance that is going on at the moment...


[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 09-16-99).]

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it's finally happening smile.gif

I guess the beta demo is almost upon us well. Looking forward to meeting all of you on the field of CM smile.gif (just dont take advantage of me after La maudite)

BTW Thomas, I found a great ale made here in San Diego called "ale smith" A bit expensive $9.99 for a large bottle compared to $5.69 for the unibroue beers but it's really good smile.gif

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So how long do you think the beta test will go? I keep hearing the alpha is extremely strong from a gameplay point of view, thus the beta will be a platform (hardware) test more than anything; therefore I would expect that you are not expecting any 6 month show stoppers to creep up right? I realize there are a ton of variables, but you have been in the business long enough to have a good feeling about the product as a whole, so I won't accept "Uhh, I don't know..." smile.gif I am just asking for your gut feeling. smile.gif

PS. If it helps, I have a hard time determining how long it takes to do my projects in my industry; so I won't come back later and said "You only said it would take 4 weeks" after it takes 6 weeks. wink.gif

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Guest Big Time Software


Really hard to say. We are planning on seeing how the first two weeks goes before we make that call. However, the core of the game is practically release quality now. Lots of stuff needs to be added to make it a full product (network stuff, the rest of the models, tweaks, final graphics, etc.) but we don't expect any surprises that would prevent a Fall release.

Of course, we won't release it until it is truly ready. Our testers are going to be a part of that decision. If they say NO, it won't go out. But we don't expect that there will be disagreement on such a call. We aren't interested in having a buggy, incomplete game go out the door.


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For better, or for worse, Pixy old boy, I didn't make it. So not to worry. I've probably made too big a pain in the a** of myself to be considered for such testing. Even though I sent an email to Charles signing up for such duty eons ago (actually very shortly after what was then Computer SL, now CM, was first shown over at the old BTS webpage and this discussion board didn't even exist). Anyway, I'm sure they've picked the folks that they felt could best do the job. Besides, Steve/Charles probably couldn't handle a "diatribe" bug report on every last little thing anyways. wink.gif

Mike D

aka Mikester

"A fools wisdom knows no bounds other than the infinite space between his ears."

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Guest Big Time Software

Not to worry Mike, the list of who we didn't pick is about 10 times longer than the one of people picked. Trust me, it wasn't easy to get that list down to a number we could handle. Heck, I am STILL getting a couple of emails a day from people trying to get onto the testing team smile.gif


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Not to worry, I didn't expect to get in. I'm actually surprised that the list of those that didn't get in isn't 100 times longer than the one of those that did. I'll simply be happy to see the Beta demo come out sometime soon followed by the actual game. smile.gif

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Tom,

Yes, it is still our goal. It will be darned close, but we shouldn't miss by a week at worst. We could make the demo any time in theory, but we really want our First Wave of Beta testers to give it a really good shakedown first.

We also have to come up with two interesting scenarios for you guys. We are planning on one attack scenario for each side to play.


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