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A Supply Question, I Think.

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One more thing, I have been playing these Stragegic Command games for a long time but I have to play on a superficial level because I can't figure out the nuances of supply.

I have a large invasion force just north of Australia heading for the PI. All are in transports for speed in getting to destination. Of course I also need an amphibius unit or two for a foothold.

So, I took a couple of small islands nearby and wanted to get the invading marines back into landing craft to head to the next invasion site. But the Amphibius transport option isn't present. I thought it must have something to do with supply and as soon as the island supply hit 5 I was able to select Amphibous transport. But then another island with a supply of only 2, which also held a marine unit, gave me the amphibius transport option. it makes it very difficult to do a little planning when I can't figure out when a unit will be available. Any ideas?

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HMMM, I will have to do a couple of tests. But i did have the Marine unit sitting on a port for several turns and could not get amphibius Transport as an option until the supply was 5. Oh and I had an HQ unit do the same thing. But another unit was sitting at a very recently captured city-port on an island and with in a couple of turns it was able to do an amphibius transport.

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I play this game for a few weeks and then stop for months. Now I remember why. It is a supply game, not a war game. It drives me nuts. I can't do anything because i never have supply over 5, or so it seems. And even if I do have a supply of 8, I cannot plan for future moves because it is anyones guess if i will be allowed to make the planned move, or unload someone or do an anmphibius assualt. When the moon is full and it is the second Tuesday of the month I can reinforce a unit fully. If it is Monday I can't. The game can be fun but on a very shallow scale because there is no way to make a battle plan.

I'm playing Brute Force (gold) right now and there are three units and an HQ that start in East Africa near Asmata. It is now 1942 and they are still there. The supply for the port and city is 1 and never increases. The units hit a high of 3 the other day and I threw a block party. I could actually move them one square. Why even have the units if the supply makes them total useless?

Supply should be on a scale of 1-100, so events that effect supply will not have a drastic result.

Or have an option where supply is at 10 all the time. That would take a lot of frustration and guess-work out of the game.

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Good for you, Yolo, you've restoreth my faith in the left coast. Anytime you get tired of that nonsense feel free to call Texas your home, we'll welcome you with open arms.

Just beware though, there's a place here where left coasters(politicians) dwell, our capital, "Moscow on the Colorado":eek:, avoid the place, we're in the process to get the rightful capital, San Antonio, declared as the bastion of freedom.:cool: The place where the Alamo resides.:)

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I'd like to come to Texas but my supply is only 3 and I can't move...

I didn't know you had a liberal varmit problem in your capitol. I figured Texas was conservative, through and through.

I too have a political problem in my own backyard. My wife is from San Francisco..........

Unfortunately we both follow politics very closely. We can't even be in the same room when the nightly news is on. I watch O'Reilly and she watches that #^$%%#@& Matthews. But she works for the District Attorneys office and so she is at least tough on the crime issue and not a bleeding heart. Now back to my supply problem..

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