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Need help with making campaigns


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Hi, Just bought CMBN and want to make a campaign. After reading the manual I only got frustrated and annoyed. Really mad that after 10 years waiting for a good follow up from CM Beyond Overlord we get a game that is limited to 3 months of the war, hardly ANY battles and campaigns (so obvioulsy a person would want more) and a extremely difficult campaign editor.

I made tons of great scenarios and a few Campaigns back with CMBO and also CM Barbarrossa. They still took time, patience and hard work but they weren't as fricken complex as they are now. Very disappointed In Battlefront. Only thing is really going to make me happy with the game is if I can make some scenarios and mainly a campaign. I just got started on it tonight and it's very difficult with the scripts.

I want to make a persistent campaign much like the Carentan campaign of CMBO if anyone can recall it. The map/campaign should go so that as the allies press forward the battles lines move with the land they gain or lose. It was easy to do with the old campaign editor in CMBO. I'd prefer to USE THE SAME MAP just as it was done in CMBO before and as battles happen so that destroyed buildings and craters stay in the map.

Anyway, what I guess I'm asking for here is help in making a script so the damn thing will work. So like...a huge map is what I plan to make and then the battle would have a battle window so the player couldn't jump ahead ignoring the defenders. Meaning something like a 1k by 2400m map but the battle window would only be 800m wide at a time so you could only progress 800m maximum per battle.

Sorry if you don't like my complaining but I'm very disappointed in CMBN in several ways; I'm certain I'm not alone in these thoughts. It's really shocking how few scenarios and campaigns came with the game. Now they're making an add on that should have been part of the core game in the first place!

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There is no persistent damage on maps during campaigns, and there is no static operations-style available.

So while you can make a static/semi-static campaign... each battle will start with a fresh map/no damage.

From what I can gather, there is a way to do what you want in some ways.

You may want to make branches after each battle, depending on scores.

Bad score, you go to next map which is back a few hundred meters.

OK score, you play same map again(but new map with no damage).

Great score, you move on to next map in series.

Lather, rinse, repeat for each section of the campaign.

You could start with a large master map and break it into battles, but be warned that large maps take forever to load and run out of memory when too many doo-dads are added. Your master should have the minimum amount of things on it until you carve out each piece.


Personally I am waiting for at least two additional Modules before tackling a campaign creation. Constructing individual battles is enough of a mind-bender for me at present.

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I had been curious about this as well. Is it possible to create a larger "master map" and then break it up into pieces? Trying out the map editor I could not find any method to crop or cut-up a map. Any tips would be useful.

Just open the map in the editor, reduce the map using the same method you would to enlarge it and save it separately. Several people are doing exactly this to have a campaign play out on a uniform large map and using smaller portions of that map for individual battles.

The only thing to beware of is putting too much detail in the larger map. Take care of basic outlines, but add in the detail only on the sub maps you create.

If you go on the repository there are a couple large maps like that already posted with that purpose in mind.

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Just open the map in the editor, reduce the map using the same method you would to enlarge it and save it separately. Several people are doing exactly this to have a campaign play out on a uniform large map and using smaller portions of that map for individual battles.

The only thing to beware of is putting too much detail in the larger map. Take care of basic outlines, but add in the detail only on the sub maps you create.

If you go on the repository there are a couple large maps like that already posted with that purpose in mind.

This sounds do-able and something I'd be semi-satisfied with.

Something I'm not quite clear on, actually a few things such as how do I make the core units file? This is explained in a very poor way in the lousy manual. Given how difficult it is to proceed at this point in making a campaign they really need to make a point by point explanation on how to get the initial build done. At this point I'm not sure if I need to make a .txt file and write code for the stupid game to figure out or if the game will just save the core units when I save the file I'm working on for the map. What they really needed or probably KNEW they should have done with the editor was build in the tools to accomplish what needs to be done instead of forcing the user to take such a frustrating route. 10 YEARS AGO THE CAMPAIGN EDITOR REQUIRED YOU TO MAKE .TXT FILES FOR BRIEFINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS AND IT WAS OLD THEN. It was ALSO way easier to understand, edit and complete back then; now the editor is confusing.

You know I'm surprised that everyone here is not freaking out on this game in the forums; or maybe it has happened and I missed some of it since I just got the game. I mean... I play the demo and thought "I really need to get this game, it really is a great update to CMBO. I realize that it's only 3 months of the Normandy campaign and Common Weath, Polish forces etc aren't included but I guess I can live with that."

Then I get the game download after purchase and first thought I have is: "wow, there's really not that many scenarios or campaigns; I'll have to make some!" "I played some of the campaigns already and have a poor opinion of them so I defeinaltely wanted to get into the editor and start making my own. So then when I get into the editor what do yout think are my next thoughts. "why is this goddam editor so freakiing hard to use!!!"Where are the German Paratroops why the hell wouldn't they be in the game in release?" "Why after 10 years would they make such an incredibly difficult editor when they had such a simple editor to begin with 10 years ago?" "Why is there no opportuity to build a Beach landing when basically that is what this timeline of ww2 is based on?" "Why is there no bunkers with ATG's now?"

There are some great things about the game that I'm happy with but the short givings are so severe that I'm thinking I'll take my money elsewhere and never spend another penny at Battlefront. If I could get my money back right now I'd gladly do so.

You know what they're doing too, they're going to screw everyone here in the playerbase for as much as they can with back to back releases. Content that should have or partially should have been in the Core product to begin with. CMBO in example; which should be focused on since this game is it's predesessor was D-Day to Berlin, most if not all of the units were included and it had an awesome selection of battles and campaigns that kept you busy for months. The editor was easy to use for both making battles and campaigns, there was a learnig curve, it took time, patience, planning and testing to make good product but it was fun to do. Another thing to mention, they never had the beach landings then either, they had the excuse that it was to difficult and not worth it however the playerbase still wanted it dearly. So obviously, Battlefront ignored that request knowing full well that shortgivings 10 years ago would not be remembered or cared about.

So then they put out the game with an incredible INCREDIBLE lack of what the original had for content and expect us all to gullibly pay for more incomplete crap while they lead us down the milking path. I can see it now, after the commonwealth forces release we'll find out they plan to release a "Battle of Bulge" addition, then a "Capture of Berlin" followed by a probably more expensive "Eastern Front" addition.

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It would perfectly understandable if the amount of game you got is not what you expected... if there wasn't a forum here that has covered all you are posting about in various amounts of detail since pre-release.

You are of course entitled to your opinions, but to complain this loudly about things that have been common knowledge for months is counter-productive to say the least.

Due diligence is the term I believe. ;)

Now once you take a breath, look around the forums at each of these issues, and decide if you wish to contribute to the community... feel free to ask for assistance.

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LOL seriously. Do you do this little research everytime you plunk down money? If after this little time you've managed to get yourself this bent out of shape I can only suggest one of two things.

Take a deep breath and look at how the modules to CMSF expanded the scope of the game and read some of the BFC comments on how they foresee the various family of games being released, then spend some time looking at the very useful information folks have put out on what is actually a much better editor than what came with CMBO or

Walk away now and spend your money somewhere else but hopefully with a little more forethought as to what you are getting for it.

I do recommend the first option. I think if you take a few deep breaths and then look at the way BFC is developing your product you will find that not only aren't they trying to stick it to you, but they are actually producing a damned good product that personally is the best money I have spent on a war game in a very long time..well at least since CMSF...

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Reading between the rants you can clearly see what I asked assistance with.

Now take a breath, look around my post and see if you can understand what was said and contribute or at least relate.

Wow 4 posts and you are well on the way to alienating anyone who would have thought to help you out. The guy you are banging away at there is one of the people who continues to crank out scenarios for you to play and a darn good resource for understanding the editor. Reading around your rants isn't really something to ask of folks if you expect them to lend you any insight on what they have learned.

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I did more than adequate research including readig several bad reviews including one from Michael Dorosh and others who have played the series for over a decade like myself. I thought I'd be more satisfied but was mistaken.

I can expect nothing more than responses your type of person gives being a regular lurker of these forums for over a decade.I responded instead of ignored Sgt Schultz as he posted a reply that was not at the least productive.

There are many many people that shut up and stay off the forums, I made the conscience choice to come on and speak.

You and your group of fanboys that lurk on the forums will ensure this game stays small, unheard of and unimproving. Meanwhile myself and many others will shut our mouths as you desire and take our money elsewhere. Battlefront will continue to remain a tiny niche company until they have no one left but you kiss butts.

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I did more than adequate research including readig several bad reviews including one from Michael Dorosh and others who have played the series for over a decade like myself. I thought I'd be more satisfied but was mistaken.

I can expect nothing more than responses your type of person gives being a regular lurker of these forums for over a decade.I responded instead of ignored Sgt Schultz as he posted a reply that was not at the least productive.

There are many many people that shut up and stay off the forums, I made the conscience choice to come on and speak.

You and your group of fanboys that lurk on the forums will ensure this game stays small, unheard of and unimproving. Meanwhile myself and many others will shut our mouths as you desire and take our money elsewhere. Battlefront will continue to remain a tiny niche company until they have no one left but you kiss butts.

Your choice, I earnestly suggested option 1, but if you want to ride around on Michael Dorosh's coat tails, or throw his name around to try and cloak yourself in some air of the embattled few doggedly trying to show BFC the error of their ways- well good luck on that. BFC is still producing and seem to be doing quite well. Assuming though you do read the guys reviews I am somewhat surprised you didn't realize all the games "flaws" beforehand.

Perhaps you, Dorosh and others of your ilk can open up your own gaming company and put your money where you mouth is instead of just telling BFC how they should be spending their money. Oh wait, then you'd actually have to be accountable.. yeah that would suck.

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Wow, you're such a kiss ass living in his own little sense of reality.

Lemme just start my own game company to "show" Battlefront the error of thier ways and be accountable instead of voicing my opinion on a crappy product; your fantasy is so much more do-able.

I don't know Michael Dorosh and he doesn't know me but I assume you do since I know he just like your "kind" have been recognizable around this community. I recognize you from being a loud mouth on the forums for basically the duration of it's existence and will continue to hide out here and be an ass.

So there ya go, have the last word if you want that's what you live for. The thread lost it's point long ago once you got your fanboy panties in a knot. No point in continuing to trade words with the likes of you who lives his life hiding and insulting who you wish in a cyber world.

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I'll leave the last words to Jimi:

Manic depression is touching my soul

I know what I want but I just don't know

How to, go about gettin' it

Feeling sweet feeling,

Drops from my fingers, fingers

Manic depression is catchin' my soul

Well, I think I'll go turn myself off,

And go on down

All the way down

Really ain't no use in me hanging around

In your kinda scene

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Can BFC please give this crazy person his money back - so that he can go buy the competitions WW2 combat simulator, that will give him loads of content and an idiot-proof editor.

Obviously he was not mentally competent to make a purchase (crazies are not allowed to legally enter into binding contracts) as he seems to suffer from Dorosh-ism.

Yes, I suffer from CMBN-Fanboi-ism : But I take my medication regularly (High doses of CMBN/CMSF/CMA) so I am allowed to wander around outside the home and interact with normal people.

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I'd almost bet money he is Dorosh...in the least, he went to the Dorosh School of Forum Participation...act like a jerk, be snide and then when called on it, put on the Martyr undies and claim oppression...

Anyway...bye bye Johnny...we hardly knew ya...


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I find it ironic that someone who is so concerned that his opinion be taken seriously is so quick, and aggressive, about dismissing the opinions of others. Then flaming himself out within a few posts. Speaks volumes all on it's own, which is nice in a way because then we don't have to bother going through a dozen more abusive rants which seem to imply that their opinion is the only one that has any worth.

Because of the clear lack of interest in obeying the simple rules of civility, and apparently learning nothing about our standards through 10 years of lurking, I see no reason to denny Johnman's request to be banned. And by that I mean calling a poster an "ass" and the rest "fanboys" then has the gonads to say:

No point in continuing to trade words with the likes of you who lives his life hiding and insulting who you wish in a cyber world.

Aren't glass houses rather energy inefficient in the Great White North?

We offer a place for customers to criticize as well as praise. We don't offer a place for people to behave abusively towards others. It's as unpleasant as it is unproductive. We don't take ranters seriously since they obviously don't value their opinions enough to state them clearly and allow them to be evaluated by others.

There's plenty of places around the Internet to be mean and nasty. This isn't one of them.

For the record, I don't think this guy is Dorosh. When Dorosh tries to duck the ban placed on him he actually tries to stay here, not flame out within a few posts.


P.S. This message is repeated in the other rant/abuse filled thread Johnman participated in

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