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[WIP] Conduct Mappin: BOBBAK to BN


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Is your windows German version?

The difference of a decimal point character may harm. I heard German decimal point is ",".

Anyway, I've just the tool ver.1.01.

* Replaced Japanese as variable by English. (When the script editted and saved, it may causes errors)

* Replaced a decimal point character by a fraction.

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Hi Japanzer - san!

Yes, you are right, in Germany we use "," instead of "."

However, when I start up the export tool, I get an error message for Line 239 that's look like that when I open it with the text editor:

function SaveFileName(ƒZ[ƒu–¼, Šg’£Žq) // Šg’£Žq‚Í.‚ð‰Á‚¦‚邱‚ÆB
I changed the filename variable ƒZ[ƒu–¼ into fileLeft and Šg’£Žq into fileRight in the whole script to correct that problem.

Then I end with another error message:

Definition is wrong: 0,3

at line 32: SLEEP (3/10)

Seems that the sleep command has a general problem with floating-point numbers for me, since the problem disappears when I change the command to sleep(0) or any other integer !

Maybe I use the wrong version of UWSC? Unfortunately, most of the site is in Japanese.

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The import script end's with this error message:

The number of the argument isn't suitable: FILEOPENDLG

at line 30: OPENFILE=FILEOPENDLG(GET_CUR_DIR; ".csv", "Open the mapfile you want to import.")

I assume there will follow further errormessage with the sleep command...
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The latest version of UWSC is ver.4.7b. Old version is in the deep folder, so I think that without intension old version uwsc isn't downloaded.

The problems about FileOpenDLG and SaveFileName come from Japanese character, so they would be solved replacing the words to English.

The problem about sleep would be solved by no use of "."

>Definition is wrong: 0,3

>at line 32: SLEEP (3/10)

Why the error occurs at this point? I think that "/" operator symbol is common.

About sleep() problem would be solved by replacing to integer, as you did.

Another problem may occur at Map Contour caliculation(1.25m, 2.5m).

If you see any error at Map Contour , you may need to replace 1.25 to 1,25 and 2.5 to 2,5 at Map Contour.(ImportToCMx2.uws, Line18, Line83-88, Line167-168)

I attached the tool ver.1.02 file to this post.

Could you try the scripts?

GI Adelscott,

The tool is intend to help for converting CM1map to CM2. The tool has no other source than CM1.

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Okay, I have tested import version 102c. It staret without problem this time, but runs very slow - for that reason I have stopped it before it was finished.

Question: why are the wait cicles necessary at all? I only see a reason for the first that waits to continue the script until CMBN is active.

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Thanks for your testing. "Starting without problem" gave me feeling of relief.

About slow speed. I don't know the fast setting of waiting.

Some users run other programs like capture software under CM, which requires cpu power.

Safety margin depends on each users environments.

I'll make an advanced configuration for user's fine tuning.

Usually, users don't need to set the advanced configuration.

When users want the fast speed, they can set the advanced configuration.

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What format is the CSV file in. I have been playing around with some javascript in a browser that allows a user to place an image as a background and then lay the tiles over the image. Then you export it as a CSV. I was going to use a screen clicker to enter it into CBMN but if I can get my CSV to match yours.

Could I get you to upload a CSV here as I dont have CM1 installed right now.

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Thanks for your testing.

"Current Elv: -999999" means that the import tool doesn't match the image of Number at the next of "Direct:" in the [Elavation] screen.

I can't represent this error on my CMBN.

possible reason:

1, wrong coorination of the number

If you use the other than resolutin 1024 x 768, it may cause this error.

The import tool check the first number character in the area from [x:40, y:624] to [x:47, y:641].

If any number doesn't exit, the import tool shows this error.

2, wrong color of the number

If you use some mods on the editor screen, it may cause this error.

3, wrong shape of the number

If you use any mods for "font geneva 9.bmp", it may cause this error.

4, CMBN doesn't display the Elavation mode.

It's out of the question.

Please send me the screen caputure at this error. The screen caputure must be .bmp format. The other format changes the color subtly.


I've attached a tiny data.txt. Rename ".txt" extension to ".csv". It skips the ground tiles place and allows of time savings.


Thanks for your message.

The tiny data I've attached is simple data.

If you want more detail data, you can get the Conduct Mappin.zip at Battlefront Repository. "Wiltz.csv" as sample is included in the Conduct Mappin.zip.

The explanation of the format is written in the ReadMe.html.


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Thanks for your mail.

I saw the screenshot.

CMBN doesn't display the Elavation mode.

There is another bad point. The map scale is not smallest. CMBN Ediotr seems not to be able to click smoothly.

What is your sleep value?

Too low sleep may cause the system busy of CMBN editor, the freeze, and skip some click process.

Please confirm your sleep value. If you changed it, undo it or use original script.

If you run any video capture like fraps, stop it. It requires heavy CPU power.

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Thanks for your mail.

I saw the screenshot.

CMBN doesn't display the Elavation mode.

There is another bad point. The map scale is not smallest. CMBN Ediotr seems not to be able to click smoothly.

What is your sleep value?

Too low sleep may cause the system busy of CMBN editor, the freeze, and skip some click process.

Please confirm your sleep value. If you changed it, undo it or use original script.

If you run any video capture like fraps, stop it. It requires heavy CPU power.

No fraps or similiar, and I use v1.02c as you have posted it above without any changes. I don't know where the sleep value is set, is it public weight=1??

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The screenshot you sent me means that the import102c.uws ran well but CMBN did not receive any click on the editor. I don't know the reason except system busy or freezing.

At least the import102c.uws must select the smallest map scale. At line 50, LBtnClick(572, 20) means that "Click Left mouse button at screen x:572, y:20".

When CMBN isn't active, the import102c.uws does not click and quits.

No fraps or similiar, and I use v1.02c as you have posted it above without any changes. I don't know where the sleep value is set, is it public weight=1??

A while ago, when ver.1.01 or earlier, you said "sleep(0)" http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1327098&postcount=27. I thought of it as one of the possibilites of the error reason.

Please leave "public weight=1" as it is.

I did another test the import102c.uws on my netbook. The netbook is ASUS EeePC, which cpu is Atom N270. It is almost impossible to play CMBN, but it's possbile to run the editor with diffculty. I didn't add any change to the import102c.uws

Somehow the import102c.uws dealt with tinydata.csv.

I've attached the import102g. Please test it. Sometimes it'll ask you question about the status.

Here is the movie on the import102g with tinydata.csv. I didn't any click after the 20 seconds.

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Firstly I had problem, since you set the sleep value to 0.5. I changed it to 0 to start the script.

Something important that I noticed in your video: I can't see the status window in the editor when the script is running - but for some reason I have it on the screenshots.

About your questions - yes the smaller map cells are chosen. When I tested a normal map, all terrain is set correctly as far as I can say.

On the eveluation screen, the mouse pointer selects 'Direct' and eveluation setting starts to count up...and doesn't stop. To me it looks like the script is caught in a program loop.

In which line of the script are we at that point, I would like to take a look on it.

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