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What kind of commander or general are you.

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hmmm well I tend to enjoy Company+ size engagements in open/hilly areas with a town or two as an objective, where I can overwatch with my units and clear the town, nice mix of open and MOUT combat.

ussually like to play with mechanized units with IFVs. I like myself some combined arms jaja.

Couldnt say where im best at, but I do consider myself a good player, not the best but have come a long way since my first tries.

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I am good at all aspects of warfare and with all nationalities except the Syrians who I find too fragile (morale and C2) for my tried and true tactics.

Strange thing is, I found I am really good at MOUT combat, but it is my least favorite form of warfare. Go figure.

Another thing I found that I am good at - playing large battles in real time. I have found time and time again people who play RT stating it is unmanageable for them above company level but it doesn't bother me at all. I played through the scenario 'Hell for Leather' which has an entire British battlegroup in RT. One has to really love RT to play an entire battlegroup at one time.

I like big maps to maximize opportunities for manuever and I like mixed combined arms forces for the synergy I can generate.

Not a big fan of QB because usually the maps are too small for my tastes and having the computer pick the forces ends up at times with a bizarre force that no real life commander would ever field against an enemy.

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I like to play slow and methodical. I view the game like chess. First I move my pawns into position, carefully, slowly so as to not attract attention. while this is going on I like to pepper objective with harrassing artillery fire if I got it in my inventory with some to spare. When everything is in place, I hit objective with remainder of artillery, good and hard and then move quickly to take enemy before he recovers. I'm like a symphony conductor, trying to move all the parts in unison in order to achieve that perfect melody.

I enjoy all the modules, really love learning to handle the different TO&Es and the different tactics that come with those differences. Lately, I've been playing more of the Syrians who are quite a handle to control.

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I think I am slow and methodical as well, but by using a lot of recon. So, nearly all my games follow a similar pattern, 66% slow recon to identify the enemy's key assets/dispositions, with all the action in the last 33% of the time available. I often feel I will run out of time, but usually I can win with time to spare. Sometimes it's rather boring when one wants action, but I have learned from the early days of CM1 never to rush into a mission.

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When playing as blue vs. red, I use reece vehicles to 'recon by death'. I then lay down smoke in front of enemy positions, and any arty I have to suppress. If no smoke, then use terrain and bounding movement to close my IFV/Infantry or Infantry close. Dismount if needed, and then close with and destroy the enemy. I like large maneuvers versus methodical plodding. Shock and Awe so to speak. You need to be on top of them when they come out of their holes, so you can knock them back in there for good ;)

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I am a planner, and analogize the game to be much like chess also like Frankster said. In this way I would say I enjoy the game most in WEGO especially PBEM. I am Patient when need be, and aggressive and bold when I think it is worth the gamble. I always try to think what would Sun Tzu do? I like being very aggressive with supressing fire and try not to let my opponant breathe by keeping the tempo going. Playing as blue is so great as there is plenty of ammo to blow stuff up! By the end of the game all javelins, and 40mike mike are gone. The ability to think out of the box I feel is my strongest asset as a creative person when playing against a human. This game gives me the creative strategic buzz i need to keep my mind limber.

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When playing as blue vs. red, I use reece vehicles to 'recon by death'.


I bet your (virtual) recce vehicle crews really love you:eek::eek: Allow me to make a couple of constructive suggestions.

1) Pair up your recce vehicles and keep one foot on the ground at all time, meaning one unit will always be stationary in a position to observe any enemy activity and give covering fire to the other while it advances. That way if the advancing unit runs into trouble, at least its partner will have a sporting chance of identifying what is shooting at it and where it is located.

2) Try dismounting your crews. For example, don't just drive over every ridgeline. That is a sure-fire way of getting your crews and vehicles converted to molten slag. Stop your vehicle short of the ridgeline, order the crew to bail out and then have them conduct their recce on foot using available cover such as woods/undergrowth or buildings. That way they stand a far better chance of both surviving and locating the enemy. When the recce is complete you can re-embark the crew back into the vehicle.

If I was in one of your (virtual) recce crews, I would have (virtually) fragged you by now:D:D

Time spent in recce is time seldom wasted (but you have to survive in order to report what you have seen.)


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I used to be very cautious but found I was failing to gain the objectives or cause the enemy to surrender before game end. My casualties were low but that's not much consolation when you get a "Minor Defeat" or similar.

Recently when playing the Canadians campaign of the NATO module I've adopted a much more aggressive approach, with good results. In the second battle of that campaign my mech troops pretty much stayed inside their vehicles unless they got immobilised or destroyed. The whole mech force - tanks plus ICVs - basically just rolled over the enemy position, causing the enemy to surrender. I lost a couple of vehicles but was quite surprised at how effective this tactic was. Top cover infantry managed to take out quite a few enemy in close range ambushes, and the ICVs withstoood quite a bit of punishment.

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