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Everything posted by PEB14

  1. AFAIK Frank is not affiliated to BFC by any mean. And his communication regarding his great work is more or less what @CarlXII is suggesting to BFC...
  2. gochujang is no brand, it's the name of the main type of Korean pepper paste (gochu = pepper and jang = paste)!
  3. In fact, it is not Telegraphpoleland, it is Barrentreesmodland...
  4. Well, they have no explosive (no bazooka, no demo charges) before and after the explosion! Plus, they're really too far to blow a hedge with a demo charge... Looks like I've discovered a new German Wunderwaffe: the hochexplosive Hecke !
  5. Thanks for the update. The real problem, now, is to get the AI units on the right side of the hedges and walls…
  6. I'm surprised by this statement. I've just worked an AI plan and I found that the face command (Alt+click green painting) working pretty well, as my troops end facing the desired direction. Is this tip obsolete?
  7. Another bizarre thing. I'm playtesting one of my creations in author mode. Suddenly… a hedge exploses with no one in the vicinity !!? See below: As you can see on the clock, there are less than 15 seconds between the two pictures. There is no squad with a demo charge nearby. No artillery nor tanks in this scenario. No mines either. So what ?!
  8. The maps (terrain) would take no time at all for BFC. Korea is a temperate country so every type of terrain is already available, save perhaps rice paddies.
  9. Hi Phil, You're perfectly right. Your "fake lobster" job leads to great results. I enjoyed very much playing a French campaign scenario of your design. And I think the very modest one I did for your mod had the real taste of the Phoney war. By TOE, I really mean the squad organization and weaponry, as you know very well. One cannot play Stalingrad with Panzerfaust. IMHO It's not a matter of purist or snobish style… I'm one of your fan! And I sincerely hope you won't retire. You and your work are pillars for this community! That's really a pity because it would indeed boost your mods a lot (see my remark regarding Panzerfausts issue above)… This afternoon I was having a look at the units available for the Italians in September or October 1943, as I consider a small red vs. red campaign during Operation Achse. Unfortunately, nearly no armor are available for this era, whereas some did fight against the Germans, either on Italian mainland or in Corsica. So I really would have interest for such a CMFI workshop…
  10. You're correct. It's technically not a bug. But it's one of those illogical behaviour caused by the way the game functions. Here it means that it's more interesting NOT to buddy aid.
  11. Can you remove Panzerfausts from the units? Can you adjust the number of LMG per squad? If I'm not mistaken, 1941 german infantry divisions fielded 37 PaK that are not available in CMRT…
  12. Sounds like a bug… You can use ammos from the neighbouring bodies, but once the bodies are evacuated the ammos disappear?? I doubt the extra gun shells went to the medical aid station with the poor ammo bearers…
  13. That's the more realistic (from an amount of design work required) option every WW2 CM fan is waiting for since… how many years?
  14. Hi, Game manual states (Game Engine page 64) that it takes 1-2 minutes for surrendering (i.e. raising hands) troops to actually be captured. In my last CMBN game, it took at least 6 or 7 minutes for my troops to capture surrendering ennemies in the same building (and at the same building's level). In my current CMRT game, I have two different Soviet soldiers raising their hands since 4 turns and nothing happens. My troops were 12-15 meters away, since 2 turns they're in the same action spot, not pinned, nobody firing at them. Still waiting. Did I miss something??
  15. So did they for the Italian front. So did they for the late Eastern Front. Anyway, there's nothing critical in having a separate game for CMFB, except for a couple of drawbacks: I have to install yet another game engine on my already crowded hard drive CMFB would have been a formidable opportunity to upgrade CMBN (tank riders anybody?)
  16. We all know the fundamental weakness of Phil's stuff… While it is graphically on-par (and even better) with BFC official production, it doesn't (and it cannot !) feature the proper TOE and weapons characteristics of the portrayed eras/theaters. And it is by no mean Phil's fault: we cannot mod these critical aspects. I hope we could.
  17. Hmmmh… This is defintively NOT the most exciting timeframe/theater combination of WW2 as far as wargaming is concerned… Germany doesn't offer terrain much different from CMBN's France and Benelux… There is not much to be added in terms of equipment and organization… save the Volkssturm, and the French forces, whose colonial troops are already portrayed in CMFI… and which, together with their armored divisions, will probably never make it into CMFB anyway. So what are you expercting from CMFB's last module save for the "'last ditch' efforts on the West Front" ? Did I miss something from WW2 history? To be honest, I don't even own CMFB. I still don't understand why it's not a CMBN module, the same way R2V was to CMFI. And I don't think in terms of cost for the customer or complaints like that, I'm thinking in terms of coherency: one game for the Western front, one for the Eastern front, one for the Italian front. And the next one for the African front, obviously… (or for Korean War — in both cases, see @kohlenklau achievements…)
  18. That's somewhere on our planning, don't you remember Tim?
  19. Don't worry. After a couple of minutes the Brits are out of ammo. It's not a scenario — it's an execution. (As you guess, I was on the wrong side of the blade… but Theblitz's stats consoled me somewhat…)
  20. You don't need this company anyway; the scenario is unwinnable as the British. https://www.theblitz.club/scenarios/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/boy-s-against-men/b-15.htm?action=scenario&id=3709
  21. Easier to hit I don't know, but my understanding was also that green troops are pinned down more easily.
  22. The two versions might be VERY different if all troops were changed to green. @WimO did you test the impact on the whole campaign? Rushing the La Fière causeway with green troops might be... complicated!
  23. One more question, even though I'm pretty much certain that the answer is "no !": - is there a way to show simultaneously on the map the "yellow zones" from all AI groups for a given order #? - is there a way to show simultaneously on the map the "yellow zones" from all the orders phases for a given AI group? That would be so useful…
  24. Yeah! But when you're wondering about the AI, don't forget @CarlXII's phone as well, he's pretty impressive regarding this topic…
  25. @WimO@kohlenklau@George MC@CarlXII Gentlemen, thank you for your support! That… I'm… It's… unbelievable !! I just scratched my head and tried things and tricks for an hour… and all I needed was SIMPLY to push the GO button?! I can't believe it… It works!!! The IA units are instantly teleported to the yellow areas! Yeah, that's an issue. I thought that the "facing" (MAJ+click) painting in the AI plan would do the job, but it just does THAT: adjust facing. It looks like the wall/hedge's side an AI unit deploys is only determined by the friendly map edge — which obviously doesn't work well for hedges and walls which are orthogonal to the friendly edge… I guess you mean TEAMS, not SQUADS?
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