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Everything posted by PEB14

  1. I probably wasn't clear: I don't ask for tweaking the vehicle and weapons systems' attributes. BFC rightfully never would. My main request was to open the battalion structure OOB to modders. This way they would be able to tweak the squad's staff and equipment. Of course, you would get delirious mods with battalions of flamethrowers. I don't think it would attract lots of people. On the other hand, removing the Panzefaust from German squads would allow to mod Stalingrad accurately, by example. Having to compete with people that didn't develop the game obviously would not be in BFC interest. But if BFC doesn't intend to go early war, they've nothing to lose and could let it to the community. There is indeed an active (Steve would call it a "vocal") minority of people asking for an historically accurate content related to early WW2. Indeed CM is BFC's game and if they don't wanna do early WW2 they won't. Their game, their market, their call, as you rightfully point out. So I feel that they could at least open this era to modders. A niche inside a niche. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose.
  2. These arguments sound more like pretext than real arguments…
  3. Is there a reason why they say now? Technically, it doesn't sound insane… And if they're not going to early war, they've got nothing to lose…
  4. By the way, I couldn't find "A Morning Run" at the FGM repository. Where did you manage to locate it?
  5. I learned something today... Australian English, perhaps?
  6. I'd really like to see more options for modders. In particular, the possibility to fully mod a battalion's OOB: from elementary building blocks (e.g., infantry squad, mortar team, MG team, HQ team, HQ support team, etc.), the possibility to build completely a battalion OOB. Modder shall be enabled to choose the number of men and the number and type of weapons for each elementary block (e.g., 12-men squads with Carcano rifles only, or 10-men squads with 9 Mauser and 1 MG34, or 2-men HQ teams with 1 Webley revolver and 1 Garand rifle, etc.). Names of units, name of men, even nationalities, could be modified by the modder. Considering the lack of interest from the BFC team towards early WW2, this would allow the modders to build very realistic early German, early Soviet, early UK, French, Romanian, Finnish, Greek, etc. infantry units, using available weapons to model the RL ones (I mean, in game terms, I don't think there is much difference between a Hotchkiss 13 mm MG and a US cal. 50 one). The Holy Grail would be the possibility to modify the vehicles capabilities: crew size, armament type and calibre, speed... This would also allow modders to recreate extremely realistic early war armors... But whereas the battalion modding stuff doesn't seem unrealistic, this is a lot less likely to ever happen...
  7. Hi, and welcome back! Calling Bootie a naughty boy is really harsh, as he's the guy who uploaded all the former's repository stuff once this went down. Which means he saved your stuff from oblivion! The signature on the FGM repository is the uploader's, not the author's. No appropriation intended here.
  8. Well, WimO's trying to put them all together into a campaign, so no H2H here.. Anyway WimO is too modest. I liked his campaign very much, even though some debugging was required. I'm disappointed that Levy stands alone at Cauquigny disappeared, this was my preferred scenario of the set, and I don't think it need that much adjustments to be near-perfect! Good luck for the campaign compiling!
  9. I'm trying to build a very small scenario, just to test the editor. And I must thank the community for its help because, without the advices that can be find here, on YouTube or at FGM forum, I probalby wouldn't have gone far… I nevertheless have two questions for which I didn't fin any answer... yet. The first is related to windows and doors layout of buildings. Game manual states that you can change this layout with Ctrl + Left Click (or Alt + Ctrl + Left Click for the whole facade). Unfortunately, Ctrl + Left Click only changes the damage level of the facade. Alt + Left has no effect at all, whereas it should "change buidling details". I'm playing CMBN, and the aforementioned buildings are independant (non-modular) houses… Second question is much less important as it is more a customization matter. I've find how you can set a unit commander. Is it possible to change also the commander in second's name?
  10. Tested and approved by @PEB14. Thank you @kohlenklau!
  11. No problem, thanks for the answer. I'll follow your advice and remove the modded main menu files. @Vacillator One advantage to being a newbie is, you generally have perfectly up-to-date versions!
  12. Hello, I just installed this much praised mod and it looks like there is an issue with the "saved games and PBEM" button on the loading screen: (Sorry, I can't load a fullscreen capture as the forum limits the images size to 7 kB for some reason ...)
  13. Hello, After a quick search, I reached the conclusion that no CM map dedicated to the area of Sainte-Mère-Eglise have been created by the community yet. Am I wrong?
  14. I confirm that your file is the same that the one at the FGM repository: still looking for the v2! Thanks anyway.
  15. Thanks, I've downloaded it. I'll check to see if it's different from the version at FGM repository.
  16. (I repost here a message posted by WimO elsewhere on the forum) I confirm that I just observed this bug (incidentally, in the same CMBN campaign as WimO): a building collapsed on a 5-men team and the 3 survivors can't move a fingertip!!!! Well, that's not completely true: they still can pull the trigger. So, they can't move a toe!!! Is this a known bug?
  17. Hopefully you didn"t develop some Waffen SS mode… I'm ashamed to confess that, in spite of all my readings, I never heard of the Voncq battle. I had a quick look on a battle account found of the web (first hand account by a French officer), and I discovered that it was one the few battles in which FCM-36 tanks were engaged! Well Phil, now you have to model a FCM-36 for your France 40 mod…
  18. I went there when I was around 14 years old. That's a long time ago… But great souvenir!
  19. Is it a secondary effect of the France 40 mod? It looks like kohlenklau is writing in French… Did the Finnish and Hungarian mods (gulash?) had the same effects on you?
  20. When it comes to CMFB, you can count on an armless guy's fingers the vehicles and weapons that you haven't already paid for if you own the three other WW2 games... End of digression.
  21. I'm using the last version of MacOS and it works finely (CMRT, CMFI, CMBN). Upon installation, first launch takes ages. After that, it only takes a few seconds.
  22. @LiveNoMore has developped a H2H mini-campaign. Not a campaign in the BFC sense, but a series of connected scenarios whose outcome determine what is the next scenario that should be played. See here:
  23. To many Ukrainians it probably meant something like fighting Charybdis at the side of Scylla ...
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