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Everything posted by PEB14

  1. Hello, After a quick search, I reached the conclusion that no CM map dedicated to the area of Sainte-Mère-Eglise have been created by the community yet. Am I wrong?
  2. I confirm that your file is the same that the one at the FGM repository: still looking for the v2! Thanks anyway.
  3. Thanks, I've downloaded it. I'll check to see if it's different from the version at FGM repository.
  4. (I repost here a message posted by WimO elsewhere on the forum) I confirm that I just observed this bug (incidentally, in the same CMBN campaign as WimO): a building collapsed on a 5-men team and the 3 survivors can't move a fingertip!!!! Well, that's not completely true: they still can pull the trigger. So, they can't move a toe!!! Is this a known bug?
  5. Hopefully you didn"t develop some Waffen SS mode… I'm ashamed to confess that, in spite of all my readings, I never heard of the Voncq battle. I had a quick look on a battle account found of the web (first hand account by a French officer), and I discovered that it was one the few battles in which FCM-36 tanks were engaged! Well Phil, now you have to model a FCM-36 for your France 40 mod…
  6. I went there when I was around 14 years old. That's a long time ago… But great souvenir!
  7. Is it a secondary effect of the France 40 mod? It looks like kohlenklau is writing in French… Did the Finnish and Hungarian mods (gulash?) had the same effects on you?
  8. When it comes to CMFB, you can count on an armless guy's fingers the vehicles and weapons that you haven't already paid for if you own the three other WW2 games... End of digression.
  9. I'm using the last version of MacOS and it works finely (CMRT, CMFI, CMBN). Upon installation, first launch takes ages. After that, it only takes a few seconds.
  10. @LiveNoMore has developped a H2H mini-campaign. Not a campaign in the BFC sense, but a series of connected scenarios whose outcome determine what is the next scenario that should be played. See here:
  11. To many Ukrainians it probably meant something like fighting Charybdis at the side of Scylla ...
  12. Certainly @WimO has his own opinion on the matter, but I would recommend that you don't go too far in the campaign and keep your enthusiasm and energy for testing the v2. I've just finished playtesting the second scenario (and plan to test the third one this weekend); there are minor adujstements to be made to the second scenario that you could benefit from.
  13. Hi @drewshotsfan, by hitting the ceasefire button too early, you'll indeed miss AI counterattacks. When I played the first mission of Boots on the Ground, I was under attack until only 10 minutes remain. Giving more motivations for the player in this first scenario is indeed what @WimO is trying to improve.
  14. Thanks for the kind words, Phil ! Unfortunately new blood doesn't mean young blood... Anyway I hope that you don't plan to retire from modding forever, new blood means new ideas indeed, and these new ideas mean new mods for you !
  15. Thank you Sir! A pleasure to give a modest helping hand to such a beautiful project!
  16. Thank you George for pointing towards that link. As for MacOS mods, I can answer to my own question, after some testing: For MacOS user, there is not "mod folder" anywhere created upon installation. To make user mods work, you should create a "z folder" here: .../[CM game]/Contents/Resources/Data Then you put all the modes you want and it does work.
  17. My guess is you didn't try to reach Assembly 2 at all? Did you face German counterattacks at Cauquigny?
  18. Hi, One reason may be that you did so much that it is sometimes difficult to find and sort everything. Last week I was having a look at your Kasserine scenario at the FGM site which calls for several modes: africa, wadi, saltmarsh, sidi, usfieldjacket, french... Unfortunately I wasn't able to find them... Before leaving, maybe you could do a list of everything you did (it will be a loooooon g list!), and perhaps provide link for it?
  19. OK, I'll play the second scenario this afternoon, but in the meantime here are my comments regarding briefing (no comment about map, not even a small typo, sorry Warts…). No spoiler below !!! In-between « scenario »: you probably know it, but one of the two teams stubbornly refuses to enter the house… No issue as the second does. LE MANOIR LEROUX Briefing and map: - According to the briefing, I am supposed to lead a company at 90% strength. Why do I get only one platoon plus Co HQ??? Is it only an advance party? Is it a balance issue? In any case briefing shall remove this inconsistency… because mys strategy will strongly depend upon the answer… - Tac map makes reference to a Schwartzwalder’s unit, while the briefing does not. Either this reinforcement is planned and the briefing should mention it one way or another, or it is not planned and then vague mention of potential reinforcement may appear in the briefing. In any case the map shall be consistent with the briefing: no Schwartzwalder in the briefing would mean no Schwartzwalder on the map… That's all folks. It's again a 2-hours scenario so I'm pretty sure I won't be able to finish it today.
  20. (off topic mode ON) .... which leads me to think: looks like we're all OLD on this forum! Is Combat Mission, especially WW2 stuff, a game for old timers only?! (off topic mode OFF)
  21. Well yes, I hesitated between PM and public AAR. And yes the "spoiler alert" in my message was too small to be useful. (Sorry the forum doesn't allow editing past a few hours… ) I'll keep posting here generic comments (like typos that Wart's does'nt care, briefing issues and the like), and PM WimO for the rest!
  22. Woah... kohlenklau, where do you take all this energy from? You seem to be everywhere at the same time, modding, designing scenario, beta-testing for others… Did you consider joining Battlefront team?
  23. AAR Boots on the Ground I just finished the scenario. I played until full time (2 hours), it took me about 6 hours. Just as a reminder, I'm a newbie as this was only my 14th Combat Mission scenario. I scored a "Total Victory" (15 casualties on my side, 59 on the German side). I got all location VP, except Assembly 2. I liked the very unusual rythm of the scenario: long distances, long period without action and suddenly an intense firefight. Sounds realistic. WImO, here is how I translated the briefing into action and how the action then developed (spoilers ahead!) You set three objectives: 1) Occuping Cauquigny Chape; 2) Scouting Amfreville, which means: occupying Amfreville is not a requirement; and 3) there is the bizarre Timmes Orchard objective, which is simultaneously an objective and a fall back point. I understood why only when I read designer's notes at the end of the game. According to this briefing I headed towards Cauquigny with Timmes, joined by Levy, letting Amfreville in Miller's hand. Once Cauquigny Chapel in my hands, I really didn't understand why Timmes shall fall back, but I decided to send him with some escorting troops to occupy his fallback point (after all, it was a mission objective). I never really thought that I could send Timmes towards Amfreville: according to the briefing, Amfreville shall be scouted, and to so Miller is enough. So Levy remained in Cauquigny Chapel with all his men (C2-wise). Once in his fallback point Timmes stayed there until the end of the game; he didn't fire a single shot during the whole game. In the meantime Miller's advanced to Amfreville. He sent scouts towards Assembly 2 point but they were quickly killed. His group then headed towards Assembly 1. Two scouts managed to touch the area, but in front of strong resistance I decided to fall back - scouting mission accomplished. This is where I think something's wrong. According to the briefing, I HAD to fall back to a specific point. In RL, I wouldn't have gone in this direction, considering both my avenue of approach and Miller's initial setup positions. I hence felt frustrated as I lost more men while trying to fall back as requested by the briefing and the victory conditions, than during the scouting mission in Amfreville! Once disengaged, Miller reached his fallback position and stayed there for the remainder of the game. That means that Miller was in action for less than 55 minutes - including approach march to, and retreat from, Amfreville. Then the stragglers arrived. They start far away from... well, from everything, so I just sent them to join Timmes (except one team who joined Miller). None of the stragglers fired a single shot. Their arrival nevertheless decided me to free most of the men who escorted Timmes from Cauquigny; I sent them back towards the chapel. They helped to repulse the last German assault there. So during the last 60 minutes, nothing more happened, except in Cauquigny. I repulsed two German assaults there. The AI didn't manage to position his HMG in a good firing position, so I never was in real danger. Nobody moved during the last 15 minutes. So I clearly didn't behave historically. But I think that I behaved as many players would: - this is a campaign's first mission, so one shall minimize the risks and especially casualties. - Timmes and Miller are tagged as critical for the campaign, so nobody wil put them at risk if unnecessary. - I occupied most of the VP locations, only letting go the one furthest away from my initial deployment areas. The strange thing is, I won the game without using 1/3 of my troops, and with another 1/3 staying still for half of the game... I had the feeling to play two completely independant scenarios, and that's the way I won it: Levy and Timmes at Cauquigny, and Miller at Amfreville. I hope this AAR helps!
  24. I"m wondering the percentage of active players who wander on the forum... Anyway, you can still provide a download link. I at least can have an early look at the briefings (campaign and first scenario)!
  25. Good one! Now the Boots are on the Ground! 20 minutes in the first scenario and yet no enemy contact! What a big map… Funny how Timmes stumbled into Levy, they really instantly met upon Levy's arrival: if intended then it works very well! @WimO, a few comments if you care. All minor. CAMPAIGN BRIEFING La Fière and its causeway are not named on the general map, neither is Merderet river. A detail but it would help understand the context. BOOTS ON THE GROUND scenario Briefing: there is no tactical map in the briefing -> is it intended? Are « Assembly 1 » and « Assembly 2 » at Amfreville « touch » objectives? These two locations are not mentioned in the briefing at all. Map: there are several typos Types in landmarks: « Cauquiny » should be « Cauquigny » « Cauquigny Capel » should be « Cauquigny Chapel » « to Geec de Vains » should be « to Gaec de Vains » « La Fericotterie » should be « La Fericoterie » Is the lone « G » floating beyond « Hameau aux Brix » intended? And one last question, why is Timmes’ 1st Team rated as « Headquarter », not « Parachute 44 » or « Airborne »? Now please excuse me, I shall go on towards Cauquigny and Amfreville!
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