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Calamine Waffles

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Everything posted by Calamine Waffles

  1. Tornado-G's max range is about 40 km. The author is confusing it with Tornado-S, which is based on Smerch. Tornado-G is based on Grad.
  2. There aren't any other nearby airports. You'd have to set up one. The combat range of, example, an Mi-28 is 200 km with 10 min loiter and 5% reserve.
  3. Yeah, I should have specified the Luhansk (Sieverodonetsk—Lysychansk) sector, since that's where the main Russian thrust currently is. 14 OMBr was last known to be near the Kherson region so they're probably part of the counteroffensive. But units like 1 OTBr haven't been seen since the withdrawal from Kyiv.
  4. One thing that's struck me about the fighting in Donbas is that most of the more experienced Ukrainian units don't seem to be there (or if they are there they've been a well kept secret). Units like 1 OTBr, 14 OMBr, 28 OMBr, 30 MBr, etc. are some of the more experienced units and they are not in Donbas AFAIK. Only 24 OMBr and 17 OTBr are in Donbas.
  5. Well, that particular tank crew has apparently already lost two tanks from under them, so hopefully the T-84U will fare better...
  6. Logistically, it seems like it would be a problem, since T-84U has more in common with the T-80 and T-64 than with the T-72.
  7. Hmm, T-84U Oplot operating with the 3rd Tank Brigade. That's an ex-reserve formation that uses T-72s, so pretty unusual for them to be given that.
  8. It's unfortunate that Ukraine was not able to hold the defences along the natural barrier of the Siversky Donets, but I suppose the Russians managing to capture Popasna made it much more difficult to hold along there.
  9. According to Theiner, it is BONUS fired from the CAESAR
  10. Well, the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) were active for 33 years.
  11. Insurance is not really the problem: during the Iran-Iraq War tankers continued to sail through the Persian Gulf even though both sides attacked shipping. But the Russians have submarines, and they could easily torpedo merchant shipping and then claim it was destroyed by Ukrainian mines or what have you and make things politically difficult.
  12. It's a mistranslation of the original French (véhicules blindés — AFVs) https://twitter.com/EmmanuelMacron/status/1542480626560942080 Bohdana exists in maybe single digit numbers (some say only 1 was ever made). It was not until Western HIMARS/Caesar/etc. systems started coming in that Snake Island became untenable.
  13. They have no way to counter artillery strikes. Pantsir and Tor can't shoot down 155 mm shells.
  14. I'm sure the fact that Ukraine was obliterating stuff there with artillery was only coincidental.
  15. Gur Khan on replacing Russian tanks: http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2022/06/blog-post_29.html#more For reference, on Oryx's site the number of lost Russian tanks is at ~800.
  16. It's a bit outdated. Some of the information about specific tanks is wrong too.
  17. This is the closest you will get to a CAESAR in World War II: The T19 HMC only carried 8 rounds, though.
  18. Alexey Khlopotov (Gur Khan) had to give up ownership of his blog https://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2022/06/blog-post_7.html
  19. The Syrians are definitely still using it right now, so it's probably not *that* dangerous...
  20. Well, for the MCLOS variants it depends a lot on operator skill. Also, IIRC, Polish and Czech BWP and BVPs that were sent also use it.
  21. https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2021/07/soviet-atgms.html#malyutka Malyutka, depending on variant, is probably still perfectly usable against light AFVs and static positions. If you are as skilled as Abu TOW you can probably make even the early MCLOS variants work: https://www.calibreobscura.com/fighting-with-the-atgm-in-the-syrian-conflict-an-interview-with-abu-tow/ Besides, the standard BMP-1 uses Malyutka, so it is hardly an unfamiliar system to the ZSU.
  22. "I have a truly wonderful plan for Ukraine which this margin is too small to contain." — Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin, (probably).
  23. Yeah, but those are tank units. I think their WIA to KIA ratio is going to be higher than the average.
  24. That 8,000 dead bodies number is from the first week of April, so presumably the vast majority of these would have been recovered from the withdrawal from Kyiv at the end of March. Russia attacked Kyiv with an estimated 15-30,000 troops. Do you believe Russia lost 1/2 to 1/3rd of those KIA?
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