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Calamine Waffles

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Everything posted by Calamine Waffles

  1. If there is one thing that the history of warfare since World War II has shown, it is that "impenetrable" air defences are anything but.
  2. If this is true, I think they will outnumber the DNR/LNR/Russian forces in the south by about 5 to 1 if they commit all of them there... https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ukraine-has-one-million-ready-for-fightback-to-recapture-south-3rhkrhstf?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1657473949
  3. It wouldn't help anyway. GMLRS uses GPS for minor corrections. The bulk of the guidance is inertial, which the jamming would not affect. That of course assumes that they can jam US military grade GPS systems anyway.
  4. They have been doing this since very early in the war. Honestly, nothing in that thread is very surprising to me re: the UA tank arm. Example: there was a Butusov interview from March where a tanker discussed knocking out Russian tanks with HE.
  5. Battery technology is just not energy dense enough for combat use at this time, unfortunately.
  6. *Some* sanctions can be skirted, but the bans on high technology imports that Russia really desires from Europe and the West will probably never be lifted or overcome. Not even after Russia is defeated in Ukraine. If by "6-12" you mean 2 (Almaz-Antey and Votsinsk), then go ahead. As for the Donbas and Ukraine's economy, I'll just leave this here (from Osprey's Elite series: Armies of Russia's War in Ukraine)
  7. Not my website, but it's also discussed here https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Talk:RPG-7#/Airburst
  8. I do not know of any success from airburst (almost all the helicopter kills with RPGs, like the Black Hawk Down incident, were direct hits), but that hasn't stopped people from trying. https://www.billstclair.com/weaponsman.com/index.html%3Fp=17281
  9. It's fairly well known, the Vietcong/NVA and Mujahiddeen used that feature to try and airburst helicopters with RPG-7s.
  10. I think they need to go read the RPG-7 manual. The PG-7's warhead has a 4.5 s self destruct timer. It will self destruct before it lands if you fire it at that angle.
  11. It's kind of like strapping nails to a pipe bomb. I guess they just want to add more lethality.
  12. My German friend says this guy is a member of Die Linke (i.e., the German Communist Party), so he has exactly 0 influence politically.
  13. My impression is that the motor rifle squad is separate from the crew. That's why it was previously a 7-man squad.
  14. That's great...too bad a BMP can only fit 7 people inside.
  15. So far they claim to have captured CAESARs (no proof), PzH 2000 (cited a non-existent BILD article as "proof") and now have destroyed HIMARS (with that video as "proof")...
  16. Yes, but the Russian military budget is not just for shells. There is some evidence they have been underinvesting in traditional artillery (all those hypersonic/stealth/nuclear Wunderwaffe don't come cheap) https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR3000/RR3099/RAND_RR3099z1.appendixes.pdf
  17. Msta-B/S can use standard 152 mm ammunition. Only Giatsint-B/S uses its own 152 mm ammunition.
  18. According to Tom Cooper, Ukrainian partisans have been attacking the railway lines in occupied territory, among other things. https://medium.com/@x_TomCooper_x/ukraine-war-1-2-3-and-4-july-2022-4947588c9b71 He also thinks Russia may have used up their operational Kh-22s
  19. I think for the Ukrainians they are probably relying on mortars to do the bulk of the infantry artillery support in order to reserve the heavier pieces for more important tasks.
  20. I honestly doubt Zelenskyy has that much input in what the ZSU does. Pretty sure it's mostly General Zaluzhnyi who would be making these decisions.
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