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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. I'm no expert on WhatsApp. Besides painfully copying the text of your WhatsApp message and pasting it into the Google Translate app on your PC, you could try running the browser version of WhatsApp in Chrome and then try the same method I suggested for translating Telegram in the browser.

    Use this URL to go to the web browser version of WhatsApp:

    If you go to this URL:
    it looks like Facebook is working on built-in translate functionality for WhatsApp, but it appears you have to be invited to participate:

  2. Reported use of cluster munitions:


    From the positions they report: they worked on us with cluster shells. Thrice. Since the personnel are in shelters, this did not cause any damage, but the situation is indicative: the day before there was a noticeable decrease in artillery activity, apparently caused by a shortage of conventional ammunition, and then cluster ammunition arrived (or were in reserve).

    In the fourteenth, we first encountered cluster munitions in the direction of Peski. Placing positions in any forest stands then helped us out a lot: tree crowns absorbed a significant part of the damaging elements. In general, this type of ammunition poses a particular danger to equipment and personnel outside shelters, and to non-combatants due to the high degree of dispersal of low-precision weapons.


  3. 24 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    Anybody have any recommendations on how to translate telegram posts more or less wholesale?

    It's pretty easy if your browser is Google Chrome. Just click the left mouse button and select the "Translate to ...", where ... is English for me.

    And then you can click the checkbox to always translate Russian or Ukrainian or whatever language is detects on the current page.

  4. Rybar reports on a post by another milblogger claiming that Ukraine fired cluster munitions via HIMARS near Tokmok, if I'm understanding the post correctly.

    Take it with a grain of salt.



    🇬🇧🇺🇦Ukrainian formations fired cluster munitions at Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region : hits fell on the poultry farm area and on the outskirts of the city in the direction of Vasilyevka .

    According to Revenge of Goodwill @Mestb_Dobroj_Voli , the Armed Forces of Ukraine first launched one package, then waited until the rubble was cleared, and then struck again.

    At the moment, there is no information about the victims and destruction. In the afternoon, the enemy fired at the settlement from the MLRS HIMARS.
    #Zaporozhye #Russia #Ukraine



    Several cluster missiles flew over Tokmok, first they discharged the air defense, then launched the cluster ones.
    The tactics are the same, first they launched one package, then they waited until the rubble was sorted out, and launched the second package.


  5. 1 hour ago, Beleg85 said:

    Yes, I mean his account on Facebook, there was one that published longer analysis every several days on average but lost it somewhere. Saw translation of his post on polish twitter and searched for original, where there were detailed units, numbers and positions of this Russian grouping, reportedly 45+k soldiers. I deleted my TG account some time ago too, phone started to behave in strange way. God only knows who is watching on this, after all, Russian-created media site.😉


    Must also wholy concur with @Haiduk's opinion about Russian mainstream liberal opposition. They never stop to dissapoint...now Navalny team cries that cartoon dogs are spoofing their potentiall electorate. Volkov is and always was a walking joke, but I respected Maria Pevchik slightly more...well, I guess was wrong.


    On his telegram channel, he provides a link to his Facebook account:

    It appears he shares the same posts on both Facebook and his telegram account.

    I don't have a telegram account. I just view the site in my browser on my Linux PC.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Beleg85 said:

    Reportedly Ukrainians are slowly crawling again north toward Soledar...they have circa 1km left.

    Meanwhile there are rumours Russians are concentrating big forces on northern front; meanwhiel,thry are trying to push in several places in for example Kreminna. Mashovets made a post several days ago about size of their reserve, made from 1st Tank Army and 6 Army, but cannot see it now for some reason (lost track of his account in fb somewhere). Worth to remember about this space, while we all look at Zaporizhia and Bakhmut. Russian would love to make offensive on Kupyansk if only allowed to.

    This is his telegram account:

  7. The Russian TV presenter and propagandist, Vladimir Solovyov, sometimes hosts Russian milbloggers on his program to provide updates from the front. If you follow his telegram channel, in addition to propaganda bits, he forwards certain updates from various milblogers.


    Anyway, some of the messages he forwarded this morning mention pressure Ukraine is asserting in these areas:



    Zaporizhzhia direction
    Orekhovsky area

    At this moment, our soldiers are repelling the third wave of the attack on our positions in the Rabotino area.

    The enemy is serious today, heavy Ukrainian armored vehicles, a lot of Western-made boxes went into battle.



    Since night, a heavy battle has been going on on the Vremievsky ledge and in the area of Ugledar.

    Our artillery is actively working to stop an attempt to break through the Ukrainian. We are waiting for objective information from the direction.


  8. 8 minutes ago, JonS said:

    Except, of course, then you need to do a manual breaching operation over the exact same ground to clear through all the uxo you've just left lying around with no discernable pattern.

    I imagine Ukraine will have an empirical answer, shortly, for whether firing DPICM makes a minefield better or worse.

  9. 37 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    It isn't, there have been some studies using FAE bombs dropped from aircraft, but I don't think it worked well enough to really pursue. You need enough overpressure, for long enough to trigger the fuses, not fragmentation effects.


    In this video, at 4:18, this former UK Air Vice Marshall says that if you use enough cluster munitions, you can clear a path through a minefield.


  10. Russian Telegrammer Rybar says:



    On the attempt to strike the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Crimean bridge

    Ukrainian formations once again tried to strike at Russian facilities in the Republic of Crimea .

    Anti-aircraft gunners of the 31st Air Defense Division of the Russian Armed Forces intercepted a missile north of Taman . No damage or casualties, debris fell into the waters of the Sea of Azov.


  11. Quote

    On a hilltop near the occupied southern Ukrainian town of Polohy, Russian forces set up an observation point that can spot Ukrainian soldiers more than 6 miles away. Four times, Ukrainian forces destroyed the Murom-M surveillance system, said Lt. Col. Oleksiy Telehin, of Ukraine's 108 th Territorial Defense brigade.


  12. Russian view of the fight near Rabotino:



    🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦The offensive at Orekhov, the enemy was again able to break into our trenches on the front line of the Zaporozhye Front
    ▪️All night the enemy fired and tried to attack with equipment, to no avail.
    ▪️In the morning, the infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, under the cover of artillery and tank fire, attacked our positions in the fields northeast of the settlement. Rabotino at the junction of the defense regiments.
    ▪️The assault group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine landed on the Bradley and were able to break into the forward trenches of 70 SMEs on foot .
    ▪️The enemy was covered by fire from howitzers and tanks, some of them were hit by our artillery.
    ▪️Then for several hours there was a heavy downpour with a thunderstorm and the Armed Forces of Ukraine could not send their reinforcements to increase the pressure.
    ▪️Now the battles for the trenches continue, ours are being destroyed and the suicide bombers who have settled there, cut off from their own, are being driven out. Reconnaissance, infantry, tankmen and artillery work.
    /Shots with rain from this area from D. Rogozin/


  13. 11 minutes ago, FancyCat said:

    The RU bloggers are going to be pissed….clearly Ukraine is attempting to further internal divisions in Russia and Turkey seems happy to assist. 

    WarGonzo speculates it's posturing with respect to the grain deal:

    ⚡Important⚡War criminals return to Ukraine⚡

    The commanders of the Azov banned in the Russian Federation and the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine returned to Ukraine from Turkey, who, according to the initial agreement of the parties, were to be visiting the Turkish authorities until the end of the NMD.

    Perhaps this is Turkey's response to the termination of the grain deal, the extension of which may or may not take place in less than a few weeks. Turkish partners may know about the decision of the Russian governments to abolish the grain corridor, and with this gesture they want to hint at their awareness.

    But all this is just speculation. Whether we are right or not, we will find out very soon, after the official statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of Russia.


  14. This afternoon, there was another short briefing at the Pentagon where Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. Colin Kahl answered a few questions:


    Here are some quotes:

    On Ukraine's counter-offensive:


    But I will say this -- you know, it is slower than we had hoped -- again, Ukrainian officials have said as much -- but the Ukrainians have a lot of combat power left.  And in fact, the majority of their combat power for this fight has not been brought to bear.


    I think the Russians probably were more successful in digging in more deeply than perhaps was fully appreciated.  You know, no plan survives first contact with the enemy.  So, they are moving deliberately against the threat that's there.

    On the delivery of cluster munitions:


    On the timing, I'm going to be a little circumspect for operational security reasons.  We have been pretty cautious about talking about specific timelines.  The one thing I will say is they will deliver in a timeframe that is relevant for the counter-offensive.


    All I'm going to say is we have hundreds of thousands that are available at this dud rate, and that we believe the numbers and our ability to flow them into Ukraine will be sufficient to keep them not only in the current fight, but to build this bridge to increased capacity on the 155 unitary rounds.


  15. 50 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Interesting.  The last I heard of AIM-7 was a rumor (never followed up on) that they acquired some around the time of slaughtering the Russian air strike group approaching Kyiv.  It was for this reason some speculated that is what took them out, though we know soon found out it was Patriot.


    Here's an article on that from January:

  16. 1 minute ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    The fact they are DPICM doesn't matter. The fact that are artillery ammo and there are a lot of them immediately available, that is what matters.

    Kofman clearly stated this.on the resent podcasts.

    And this FT article says there are a lot of such rounds.


    One advantage of cluster munitions is that the US has large supplies it can quickly tap into, with nearly 3m rounds in its inventories, much of them in US and allied bases in Europe.


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