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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. 10 minutes ago, Pablius said:

    Somewhat ironic that a group called Wagner is trying to pull a operation Valkyrie

    You're not the only one that noticed. Here is the pro-Wagner telegram channel Grey Zone


    Gotterdammerung: Trauermarsch
    Richard Wagner, Orchestra Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Evgeny Nikitin…
    Death of the Gods | Götterdämmerung

    A musical drama by Richard Wagner in three acts with a prologue that concludes the Ring of the Nibelung tetralogy.

    — Act three: Near the river, Siegfried meets the daughters of the Rhine. They ask the hero to return the ring to them, when he refuses, they predict his death. Gunther and Hagen return from the hunt, offering Siegfried a drink that brings back his memory. The hero recalls his life, love for Brunnhilde (“Mime hieb ein murrischer Zwerg”; “Once upon a time there was Mime, a quarrelsome dwarf”). When he turns his back on Hagen, he spears him. Siegfried's last words are addressed to his beloved (“Brunhilde! Heilige Braut!”; “Brunhilde! Bride of the gods!”).

    Night descends. The body of the deceased is carried to the castle in a solemn procession. Hagen and Gunther argue over the ring. Hagen mortally wounds Gunther, but when he tries to remove the ring from Siegfried's finger, the dead man's hand rises menacingly, and Hagen retreats in horror. Brunnhilde, tormented by remorse, removes the ring from Siegfried's hand in order to return it to the daughters of the Rhine. Then, jumping on a horse, she rushes into the fire, on which Siegfried's body is burned, blaming Wotan for his death ("Wie Sonne lauter"; "Like the sun, the beneficent face is clear").

    The fire flares up, engulfing the castle. Hagen perishes in the waves of the overflowing Rhine. Fire reaches the heavens, Valhalla burns, the gods perish in flames. Evil redeemed. The Rhine returns to its shores. Mermaids frolic in its calm waves, playing with the ring.


  2. https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-23-23/index.html


    Russian state TV channel interrupts news program to refute Wagner chief's claims
    From CNN's Anna Chernova

    State news TV channel Russia 24 interrupted the broadcast of a program Friday night to read out a message from the Russian Ministry of Defense, stating the claims made by Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin "do not correspond to reality."

    The interruption came during the broadcast of the International Overview program. The anchor announced the following:

    "We are interrupting the program [...] to deliver a message from the Russian Ministry of Defense: All messages and videos circulating on social media, attributed to Yevgeny Prigozhin, regarding alleged attacks by the Russian Defense Ministry on Wagner PMC rear camps, do not correspond to reality and are intended to misinform."


  3. 8 minutes ago, riptides said:

    So it was started.

    How do you not view this as civil war?

    PMC Wagner Commanders’ Council made a decision: the evil brought by the military leadership of the country must be stopped. They neglect the lives of soldiers. They forgot the word “justice”, and we will bring it back. Those, who destroyed today our guys, who destroyed tens, tens of thousands of lives of Russian soldiers will be punished. I’m asking: no one resist. Everyone who will try to resist, we will consider them a danger and destroy them immediately, including any checkpoints on our way. And any aviation that we see above our heads. I’m asking everyone to remain calm, do not succumb to provocations, and remain in their houses. Ideally, those along our way, do not go outside. After we finished what we started, we will return to the frontline to protect our motherland. Presidential authority, Government, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rosgvardia, and other departments will continue operating as before. We will deal with those who destroy Russian soldiers. And we will return to the frontline. Justice in the Army will be restored. And after this, justice for the whole of Russia."


    The Russian Ministry of Defense responds:


    All messages and video frames distributed on social networks on behalf of E. Prigozhin about allegedly “delivering a strike by the RF Ministry of Defense on the rear camps of PMC Wagner” do not correspond to reality and are an informational provocation.

    ▫️The armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to carry out combat missions on the line of contact with the armed forces of Ukraine in the area of the special military operation.


  4. 8 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    I don't know if the vibration issue with the Ka-52s is a real thing, but it is potentially a large issue is true. Russia is having to fly the heck out theses thing to even try an stay in this war, or at least in Southern Ukraine. If they are running into a real fatigue limit issue with the airframes that could have a material effect on this war.

    This was the evidence that the writer of that blog pointed to:

  5. 58 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Well, the specific scandal about the Ukraine funding accounting might wind up playing some role in a bigger move to improve accountability.  I was unaware that the Pentagon is already skating on thin ice:

    Whether this latest attempt to reign in fraud and wasteful spending will do anything or not is yet to be seen.  History indicates it won't do more than nibble at the edges.


    My bet is that it passes. I think it's cleverly-written to inflict a 1% budget pain on those "entities" that fail. That's not too much pain, but it is a small incentive.


    (1) the amount available to such department,
    11 agency, or element for the fiscal year in which such
    12 determination is made shall be equal to the amount
    13 otherwise authorized to be appropriated minus 1.0
    14 percent;
    15 (2) the amount unavailable to such department,
    16 agency, or element for that fiscal year pursuant to
    17 paragraph (1) shall be applied on a pro rata basis
    18 against each program, project, and activity of such
    19 department, agency, or element in that fiscal year;


  6. More details on what Biden said at a campaign event earlier this week. I'll paste in the parts in some way related to Ukraine:



    And so, we spent a lot of time trying to figure out where this relationship was going to go, not only with China but with Russia.  You may remember, when I became president, I checked with the intelligence community to see if I could — without any — hurting any one individual, to let — let the world know that for the first time since World War Two, 135,000 people were going to invade another country. 

    And I said and I predicted — and I told — I told — at the time, it was cleared.  And I told the Ukrainians that they were going to be invaded.  They didn’t believe it either.  But for the first time, we had — ever — no one contemplated the notion that there would be a Russian army that would invade another country with a hundred- — it ended up being 185,000 people.



    And so I had two jobs you elected me to do.  First was to reestablish American leadership in the world, not so we could beat our chests — because if we don’t do it, no one gets it done.  No one has the influence, the power, the consequence, or the history to get it done.  Nobody.  It doesn’t mean we’re better than anybody else.  It means — but we are more unique than anybo- — than another country.

    You know, there’s a — every other country in the world is based on their — their — their — their country, as a consequence of ethnicity, religion, geography — or something other than — other than geography.  And we’re the only country in the world that we’re united based on an idea.  That’s what — and that’s not hyperbole, that’s a fact.  Think about it.  The only country organized based on an idea — that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain rights, et cetera, et cetera.

    We’ve never lived up to it, but we never walked away from it completely.  And we’ve been the — we’ve been the linchpin that most democracies around the world look to to keep things moving.  Madeleine Albright was right when she said we’re the essential nation.

    And so, the point I’m trying to make here is that we had an obligation to try to reunite the world.  I have spent, because of your help — I haven’t been able — I’ve spent over now, they tell me, about 180 hours with European heads of state and allies, including the Japanese as well, who have come along — come along a big way.  And in terms of pulling these countries together.

    If you notice, Putin was certain when he in- — virtually certain when he invaded that he was going to split NATO, that NATO would ne- — never stay together.  NATO is more united than it’s ever been in an entire history of NATO, because we’ve worked together.  And it’s critically important, and that was the job that I had.

    I’m going to say something outrageous.  I think I know as much about American foreign policy as anybody living, including Dr. Kissinger.  That’s what I’ve done my whole life — for the last 270 years.  (Laughter and applause.)


    When I was out here about three years ago saying I worried about the Colorado River drying up, everybody looked at me like I was crazy.  They looked at me like when I said I worried about Putin using tactical nuclear weapons. 

    It’s real. 


  7. 2 hours ago, Grigb said:

    Dmitiry already translated Prig comments about real situation. Here is confirmation that situation for RU is very difficult - from "agent" Thirteen (infamous RU soldier in Kherson-Zaporozhye area)

    [EDIT] For those who do not want to spend time listening to Prig here are main points:

    • Pyatikhatka is under AFU control [is not new for us]
    • The northern section of Robotne is under AFU control [is new for us]
    • Urozhaine is under AFU control [is not new for us]
    • Prig concludes that the UKR controls huge areas of land
    • AFU unit (50-10) is located near Tormak in the Sadove village [is new for us]
    • RU MOD has no control over anything [is not new for us]
    • Total shortage of weaponry and ammunition (including anti-tank weapons) [is not new for us]
    • AFU advances [implying successfully] toward Molochny Lyman [village on the Azov seashore south of Melitopol - if AFU reaches it, the RU grouping will be split in half]. [is new for us]
    • AFU begins crossing the Dniepr - there were recon parties at Hola Prystan [a town south-west of Kherson] and now the main troops begin to arrive [is new for us]
    • RU suffers casualties but no reinforcement [is not new for us]
    • RU units are understaffed by 50-60% [is not new for us]
    • Everything up there has been hidden from everybody. The Russian military command is fooling Putin and the Russian people [is not new for us]
    • Disparaging Shoigy and the RU MOD,  concludes the Russian army is being destroyed [is not new for us]
    • The UKR counter-offensive causes significant losses for RU, which is not being acknowledged [is not new for us]
    • Bla-Bla-Bla [is not new for us]

    I appreciate the summary of Prig's comments. Then I watched the video in order to see the translation in real-time.
    Wow, did he really lay into the MOD!

  8. Ukraine's deputy minister of defense, Hanna Maliar, says:


    🗺️The Defense Forces of Ukraine continue offensive operations in the Melitopol and Berdyan areas. During the past day, they had partial success, they consolidated at the achieved boundaries and leveled the front line.

    In the east, our defenders continue to restrain the large-scale offensive of Russian troops in the Lyman and Bakhmut directions. Particularly heavy fighting continues in the Lymansky direction in the Yampolivka and Serebryansk forestry districts of the Donetsk region. In the direction of Bilogorivka-Shypylivka, our troops conducted offensive actions and had partial success. Now they are fixed at the achieved boundaries.

    🔹The EAST remains the main direction of the enemy's offensive. The goal is to reach the borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

    Near Bakhmut, the situation is unchanged, several combat clashes take place every day, the line is stable.

    In general, in the east, our troops are firmly holding their positions, repelling constant enemy attacks and inflicting maximum losses on the occupier.


  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-says-threat-putin-using-tactical-nuclear-weapons-is-real-2023-06-20/
    Biden says threat of Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is 'real'


    "When I was out here about two years ago saying I worried about the Colorado river drying up, everybody looked at me like I was crazy," Biden told a group of donors in California on Monday.
    "They looked at me like when I said I worry about Putin using tactical nuclear weapons. It's real," Biden said.


  10. Perhaps the US will find room to send more weapons to Ukraine now.



    June 20 (Reuters) - The Pentagon found it had overestimated the amount of funding for ammunition, missiles and other equipment it sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion due to an accounting error, a spokesperson said on Tuesday, more than double the amount previously disclosed.

    The value of the accounting error was revised up from the $3 billion that was first reported by Reuters in May, the result of assigning a higher-than-warranted value on U.S. weaponry shipped to Ukraine.


  11. 4 hours ago, Maciej Zwolinski said:

    Have you managed to find any weapons which would work for this? I do not think there is any mobile SHORAD in the Nato inventory which could reach out to 10 KM. US ones are based on Stinger, so no better than MANPADS in the range department.

    Maybe the Stryker when equipped with sidewinders?

    Or the Croatale:

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