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Posts posted by NamEndedAllen

  1. 6 hours ago, IanL said:

    Indeed spot on. However the new way of trying to nation build and create infrastructure had a problem: it turned out we were funding the Taliban's insurgency with some of the cash that was supposed to be building stuff. As a tax payer I'm not find of that outcome either.

    Agree with this and the previous comments by my betters here. But what I have never been able to fully grasp is why the USA at the time, after smashing up al Qaeda if not fully, rather well, did not then announce loudly and clearly that “We are leaving now (translated: we saw what just recently happened to Russia when it rather overstayed its welcome). DO NOT frak with us ever again because the next time THE STARK FIST OF REMOVAL will arrive very very quickly and thoroughly.”…and get the heck out. 

    I mean, we must have learned *something* from Vietnam, followed by Russia’s Afghan Adventure. Fortunately, so far, this feels very different.

  2. 6 hours ago, acrashb said:

    People like me did not.  I work in tech, and my exposure to Russians - going back to the early '90s - has been people who were educated and urban, which I assumed reflected the general population.  I expect that this would be similar for analysts like ISW, and while they have less excuse, this type of exposure would skew the thought process.

    This goes beyond sloppy / easy macro quantitative vs. harder-work micro-qualitative and into cultural assumptions.  I'm still trying to build a full picture of why (almost) every analyst was wrong.


    Yeah, that’s an excellent observation. Possibly confirmation bias. It also suggests that the impact that Steve and others point out about the molasses-like drag of culture on learning new behaviors is why sheer knowledge doesn’t correct the many Russian military failures we see. Not because Russians are inherently stupid or intellectually -racially - stunted! Also why the undoubted access to the military training and doctrine materials of the Western/NATO Powers especially regarding lower ranks initiative, the critical importance of NCOs, etc hasn’t altered Russian behavior…Why not even the demonstrated superiority of the West’s training and ethics as well as technology hasn’t affected fundamental change in the Russian military. 

    Deeply embedded culturally inherited fundamental belief system of what is the “right” way to do things; that is truly resistant to change. Equally, the emotional understanding of what is terribly “wrong” - un-Russian, so to speak. Make no mistake. We all, all nations have our national ethos, and our notions that ours is better than yours. But some are far more hobbling or even toxic than others.

  3. 7 hours ago, panzermartin said:

    Last night I dreamt that Putin was assassinated and in the next hour nuclear bombs started to fall all over Europe and I could see the distant flashes in a stormy beach and we were rushing for cover in buildings. And while dreaming, I thought I wanted to post on this forum that someone who argued that we have not that much to fear because of bad russian maintenance of WMD, was deadly wrong. 

    I need to stop reading this forum everyday and stop drinking beers late at night 😄

    Good thing dreams are the brain washing itself of unnecessary crap from previous days (however entertaining) , and not predictive of the future!

  4. 8 hours ago, poesel said:

    Do say, how many countries are participating in that 'world series' of yours?



    One may only hope that realization may dawn on the veiled minds of those unbelievers, just as the glory and truth of real football may in time be recognized rather than the imposter behavior of banging basketballs around with one’s head and calling it “football”.


  5. 10 hours ago, The_Capt said:

    Now if you want to talk cargo cult militaries…and that one cost us a lot more than the investments in the UA.

    The cargo cult-ish manifestation if at all in this instance, is related more to the US *policy making*. Recalling examples of nation- & modern military-building in past colonized (or otherwise occupied countries), or fighting wars in other less developed countries, policy makers imitated the approaches that from their far removed perches and vastly different culture…seemed to have worked. The Administrations and sometimes the military believed that if they did these actions, these behaviors, something good would be forthcoming. But those other examples were in vastly different cultures, geography, and histories. Perhaps those were not all that successful in themselves in any long term sense. And of course, it didn’t work.

    But honestly, I think we’ve stretched the idea of cargo cult analogies beyond the breaking point. The straight forward descriptions of what actually has happened - as @The_Capt just laid out here, are sufficient. We are in danger of making a Procrustean Bed. Next we’ll start saying our political parties are cargo cults. Oh, wait…

  6. 2 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    I agree that Cargo Cult isn't spot on, but in some respects it's pretty close.  I think a better analogy is out of science fiction stories about the decline of complex high tech societies that worship/idolize what their predecessors built, but haven't much of a clue how to care and maintain them.  As things become harder to fix and impossible to replace, capabilities atrophy and the situation gets progressively worse.  This is the premise behind such classics as Ringworld and Foundation, but also evident in lots of other books (books 2 and 3 of the Deathworld trilogy are my favorites!).

    The Moskva is a great example of this.  Apparently they didn't know how to use their radar or perform damage control.  They got hit and sunk because of missing knowledge and properly functioning systems.

    Ah, but this is a bad analogy.  Nobody has figured out how to fight and win a deep rooted resistance movement embedded in a culture that, by and large, doesn't want any of the benefits that the occupiers have to offer.  Nobody, so it's not analogous to this war because much of is going on has been solved for in the past, if not in practice but at least in theory.  Cripes, the numbnuts in the Kremlin could just download the US military PDFs on theory, practice, lessons learned, etc. and probably improve their knowledge of how to fight Ukraine by a factor of 10 and take steps to implement things in a logical, prioritized manner that is consistent with Russia's capabilities.  Which begs the question... have they ALREADY done that and this is the best they can do?  I'm thinking that's more right than wrong.  Personally, I think they half assed figuring out what went wrong and are half assing the corrective measures.

    This is where the Cargo Cult thing has a bit more legs.  The Russians have been obsessed with looking to be a modern military without understanding what makes a military modern.  Unlike the Pacific islanders, who had to make do with what they had locally, Russia went to the West and purchased things to look cool for the cameras.  Guys running around with NVGs on WW2 era steel helmets and body armor made of fiberglass with tanks produced 40 years ago using tactical doctrine from before NGVs were individualized does not a modern army make!


    Excellent post and points, Steve. Nice to see Foundation and Ringworld namechecked. About Cargo Cults. I did my graduate work on Cargo Cults and their relevance to Contemporary Policy Making. Will add just two comments to the discussion. The indigenous islanders believed the vast amount of cargo arriving was intended for them, and that the gods must be making a mistake, or that the people were not making the proper ceremonies. Watching how the new arrivals behaved must be why the gods were ignoring the locals. In every case I know of, a charismatic person arose who convinced the locals that if they went down to the docks and assumed the appearance and activities of the Japanese or Americans, the gods would realize the cargo wasn’t getting to the “right” people and fix it. 

    So a necessary part of cargo cults is the emergence of a new charismatic leader whose impact is such that everyone stops doing the necessities - no tilling the fields, no vital daily work. But the other necessity was the overnight transformation of the entire social structure all the way from Big Man down to the “trash man”. When the foreign militaries arrived, EVERYONE became trash men! Each society was utterly demoralized in the face of such wealth. And waste. Which is why so many of the locals dropped everything and followed the new Leader who promised that THEIR ship should now come in. 

    if Russia really were to become a Cargo Cult, watch for the demoralization of much of the society followed by the emergence of a charismatic leader who rallies the masses to follow his (imaginary) path to wealth and power.

    Also note the more general millennial cults, of which cargo was one. A tragic example is the Ghost Dance Society that arose as the Native Americans/Indians were losing everything to the hordes of Horse Soldiers invading from the east. They believed the Ghost Dance etc would make them invulnerable to the bullets of the white soldiers. Of course it didn’t work. 

  7. 2 hours ago, sburke said:

    so much for Elvis recovery this week - Phillies are going to the series.  Seems Steve will have to manage the timeout button for a while longer.


    YES! My grandparents are smiling from up On High.The Phillies are going to the World Serious.

    Signs and portents for the lowest underdog to win. (Trying to make this at least a tiny bit relevant. Working?

  8. 51 minutes ago, Huba said:

    There's some real move towards confiscating frozen RU assets (estimated at $300B) and using it for financing Ukraine (tweets are from a convenient UA aggregator, but it was reported by various more reliable sources too):


    Well DUH! Ukraine is PART OF RUSSIA. Or at least large parts of it. So says the President of Russia. Only safe and secure to transfer to Kyiv and not a Oblast capitol since for some reason Russia is exploding lots of their own areas.


    Maybe satire, but in this very real case it has far more credibility and factual basis than most of everything Russia announces.



  9. 5 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Thanks for the updates.

    It seems that the Bakhmut situation has largely remained as it has for months now.  The Russians continue to take ground very slowly and at great cost.  Ukraine is unable to stop or reverse the trend, just maintain the status quo.  The thing is Russia has been doing this for months now and the result is that even the paltry meters per day advances have added up over time to the extent that they are finally entering Bakhmut.

    This whole Bakhmut battle is... fascinating?  I guess that's the word for it.  At the strategic level this is one of the dumbest things Russia has done since it decided to invade.  Whatever possible military value Bakhmut offered Russia was made irrelevant months ago, yet the Russian's are pouring desperately needed resources into trying to take it.

    It's even worse than it looks because Wagner's troops are supposedly some of the best that Russia has.  Instead of using them as a sort of elite shock force to blunt Ukrainian advances, where they very likely would cause Ukraine serious headaches, they're not even a distraction for Ukraine.  At best they are an annoyance.

    It boggles my mind that so much practical need is deliberately being ignored so that this Bahkmut fight can continue.  Whatever lessons Russia has managed to learn in this war, not wasting precious resources on pointless political exercises is something they seem stubbornly unwilling to accept.


    Steve, you did know about the Ukrainian hack of their Bakhmut map? They replaced the real Victory Points label with a new label with 4x the real number of VP number. 

  10. 5 hours ago, sburke said:

    Elvis is crashed out snoring after a drunken binge with the Eagles at 6 and 0. We have a buy week so he’ll have a chance to sober up and thrash you canucks. 

    Righteous celebration! And he’ll have a long time to recuperate. Eagles earned a pass this weekend and will be gunning for 7-0 on the 30th. FLY, EAGLES, FLY!

  11. This is interesting. What do the tea leaves suggest about such “deals”? Difficult to believe that Chinese don’t have a clue that nearly have their sophisticated product is slag. “I know NOTHING! NOTHINK!”

    Russia has turned to China as a source of semiconductors due to sanctions cutting off suppliesfrom elsewhere, but a large percentage of the chips being imported simply don't work.

    As The Register reports(, the chip failure rate is as high as 40% according to Russian national daily newspaper Kommersant. These chips are being purchased on the gray market by Russian electronics manufacturers from Chinese sellers. And it seems those sellers are taking advantage of the situation to dump broken parts in Russia while making a profit.


  12. 9 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    ...I don't personally believe in Vlad's nuke, but if I did, it could take the form of a high altitude 100kt EMP blast aimed at destroying central Ukraine's power grid.  The USSR tested a series in Central Asia in the 1960s. That way he can 'absolve' himself of killing civilians, directly.

    Pretty sure that would be perceived by most of the West to be a WMD use. Possibly China as well, given its vulnerabilities to similar effects.

  13. 3 hours ago, landser said:

    Still curious how you made the connection of landser to DBond. I have said this at SimHQ "I'm landser over at Battlefront' or similar. Do you read SimHQ? Or does my unique style and panache shine through? :)

    Yes, exactly so. You ID’d yourself at SimHQ. As originally mentioned, have been there since before Thomas Edison. Or thereabouts. Had to re-register at some point when my computer at the time dissolved into scrap or something else caused my original one to disappear. As Discord has flourished, SimHQ has gotten a bit threadbare. But Discord’s privacy policy is so terrifyingly in your face bad I’ll stick with SimHQ. And continue to read your reports.

  14. 3 hours ago, landser said:

    Maybe you're talking about Delphi, which is where many new members had come from if I recall anything from 25 years ago.

    Frugals. Those were the days.  Yeah I talked a lot about the campaigns, that was my jam. Flame wars all around but gotta keep the focus haha.

    Well good to see you again.

    Yes! Delphi!! It was terrific. And then blew up and burned down. Frugal’s was the refuge as an up and coming location for some of the survivors. Now I see your sim racing posts, and enjoyed reading about your getting acquainted with a number of those sims I also use. But am far too slow in them for competition purposes.

  15. 34 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    Hopefully we won't need to pivot to China.  Hopefully US & China will make the smart decision and realize economy matters a lot more than some piece of land somewhere and to not kill the goose that lays golden eggs just for some nationalistic stupidity.

    indeed. And then a huge amount of people, would be a lot happier!


  16. 18 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

    You could try to be optimistic and happy about what @danfrodo and @Billy Ringo said above and stop trying to drag the topic back down into hateful US politics.   Give it a try.  :)  

    Don’t worry, be happy” 🙂

    Honestly, I think you are missing the point. Which isn’t about cheerleading. Or about in looking at the future, necessarily predicting one outcome. My point all along is simply not to *assume* what you hope will happen, but to be aware that regardless in what country, the wonderful world of politics can and will surprise you. The topic is important because of the masssive support the USA provides Ukraine. And that Putin is quite aware of it. Period!


  17. 22 minutes ago, Billy Ringo said:

    I will be shocked, absolutely shocked if a Republican led House and/or Senate cuts or reduces aid to Ukraine.   I keep seeing this discussed but from a grass roots perspective I don't see this as being even remotely popular among conservative voters.  Yes----"Biden is corrupt and evil" and conservatives will work hard to counter his agenda.  But I don't see Ukraine support as being on the chopping block--very strong bipartisan support.  

    Hell, it's about the only thing most of both parties can agree on.



    You should always be prepared to be shocked. The voters are not the deciders once the election over. Congressional Republicans most likely will be. Factually speaking, they quite often vote against policies both the majority of Americans and of their own constituencies support. Both parties agree *now* on Ukrainian support. What comes after is often quite different. Taxes! Foreign aid! Tucker Carlson/FOX - Russia is GOOD. Putin is misunderstood. Trump remains an overpowering voice for Republican *elected* persons. And he is no friend of Ukraine. Unchanged iron clad continued support is certainly *one* scenario. Another reasonable scenario is that the absolutely predictable increase in slowing down or attempted ending of all Administration legislative initiatives by a Republican House will be a *decrease* in aid to Ukraine and a slowing of its delivery. An end to all aid is a highly unlikely scenario. At least through 2024. 

    Again, the future is not written. But we ought not to assume too much in these volatile and bitter times. Especially given the worldwide upsurge in right wing political success, and at least in the USA its accompanying embrace of “America First” and isolationism.

  18. 35 minutes ago, FancyCat said:


    The latest fact sheet, lots of things aren't being replaced. 200 M113s, those 20 Mi-17s we're intended for Afghanistan, hundreds of Humvees, 440 MRAPs, and I'm sure there's a ton else that isn't being replaced once it leaves our warehouses.

    And that’s the military aid. Billions in financial aid and other support has also been forthcoming.





  19. 38 minutes ago, The_Capt said:

    I am not an expert on US politics but we do spend a lot of time worrying about up here.  My bet is that this will not be a complete turning off of the tap, not even the most ardent pro-Russian Republicans can justify that to their own voters at this point.  What it may mean is a lot more pressure to “tie this thing off” sooner than later, or make it a European problem.  

    Further it could mean bumps for follow on reconstruction support coming out of the US but as I understand it that is a lot more complicated than which party has the gavel as US companies could gain a lot from a massive reconstruction effort.

    Bottom line is that there could be some tough decisions ahead and some less than optimal outcomes on the table at least as far as US support is concerned.  If Putin was smart he would shift the narrative with the US audience in mind, sow some seeds of doubt as to what this is all about.  Of course the continuous stream of warcrimes is not helping.  Further the Russians appear so wound up right now in some circles that any concessions or shift, it might blow up in his face.

    We are coming to a particularly tricky phase of this thing from a political perspective unless something dramatic happens on the ground.

    You make a good point about increasing pressure on bringing about an end to the conflict. And by a Party far too enamored with Putin, Russia and toying with autocratic notions. However it would be mistaken to suggest that the question of support for Ukraine has an either/or answer. Far more likely will be BOTH that pressure *and* longer delays and a decrease in spending as sparring over just what gets included in the maddeningly frequent and persistent “stop gap” funding to keep the USA government functioning for the next few months. Over and over again. 

    I do not mean to get mired down in USA politics! Rather, to emphasize that Putin very likely sees attacking USA politics and governance abilities as one of the few high return offensive options left. 

  20. 1 hour ago, womble said:

    Given that background, why would any expat Russian-roots now-Israeli have any sympathy whatsoever for the "Nazis that never went in front of the Nuremburg panels"? Rose-tinted nostalgia goggles? Even when those very same continuation Fascists are doing Genocide right in front of them?

    Politics = “Strange Bedfellows”

  21. 56 minutes ago, billbindc said:

    Note: the below is *not* intended to be partisan but rather a reasonable analysis of the current American political milieu. 

    I would add some caveats to the above. Putin *was* more popular among Republicans vis a vis  Democrats before the war started in Ukraine but it's actually hard to find any recent data on that now. I would imagine it's not what it was on February 23rd. Pew had Putin's general approval rating in the US around 6% in March. It's also important to note that as of right now 66% of Americans are in favor of continuing to arm Ukraine. That's a big number in a country with our partisan divides. It's also not clear yet where these midterms will shake out. In a normal cycle, this should have been a big year for the out-of-the-White-House party. Candidate quality, Supreme Court decisions and other factors are suggesting that it may not be. We'll see. 

    The important point that I was trying to make above is that Ukrainian aid could, at minimum be delayed or cut it's certainly not a popular move in the American electorate. We'll see what happens and of course your vote and mine will have some say in the matter. 

    Those are good points. However the rub is that after the voting, it is Congress and not voters that make the decisions, whether funding or other policy matters. This is not a partisan comment, but as Steve mentioned earlier, purely procedural. The Republicans in office have fairly consistently opposed policies that the majority of Americans favor. This includes bizarrely enough even matters involving gun controls and abortion. Both quite hot button issues. I point this out only to underscore that financial support for Ukraine is not guaranteed in a Republican House (the House is where spending bills begin). The likelihood is that efforts to cut taxes and domestic and foreign aid spending will occupy the House. Ukraine aid could suffer as a result as divided government grinds most legislation to a halt. And all bets are off after 2024.

    None of this is to say it WILL happen this way! Only that the scenario has a significant probability. Other events can and will affect future decisions, whether on the battlefield in Ukraine, the USA and European economies, or unforeseen other events. Nonetheless, in my opinion, Putin sees the American political landscape proven vulnerable to outside manipulation. And that it represents a decent Hail Mary play for his prospects, even survival.



  22. 1 hour ago, billbindc said:

    As I noted earlier on, US aid to Ukraine is not in any way assured after January 21st of next year if the GOP takes the House. There will be a large fight using the debt ceiling to attempt to cut Social Security, Medicare and Ukraine aid. The Senate GOP will take the WH side of this for the most part but we can fully expect an aid crisis by March at the latest. You could call it Putin's greatest hope at the moment.

    Putin and his inner circle are acutely aware of the implications of American politics for his prospects for prevailing in this war against democracies. And the seeds he planted in the 2016 elections are blooming in a large number of the candidates in next month’s USA midterm elections. Adding the shaky economy strengthens their chances. American economic woes are historically a strong indicator for removing the Party in power.

    While Russia tries to determine how to attack Ukraine’s will to fight - its center of gravity? - arguably Ukraine’s center of gravity for international support is the USA’s military assistance and sanctions’ enforcement. We’ve seen Russia’s well-documented and relentless attacks on the USA through every non-combat means available since at least the 2016 Presidential campaign. Undermining the USA’s faith in its own governance, in its democracy, and its internal cohesion as a means to weaken USA foreign policies - especially towards Russia. Republicans are quite likely to control both houses of Congress and the Presidency. They already have a significant majority on the Supreme Court. Polls in 2021 and 2022 consistently show that Republicans view Russian President Putin more favorably than the President of the USA. Let that sink in. Have we ever seen that before? Ever?


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