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Everything posted by OldSarge

  1. I don't think this has been posted, or at least I didn't see it. Looks like more reinforcements on the way. The question is what good is it if Turkey won't let them into the Black Sea? Perhaps an airlift from Syria? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/russian-tank-landing-ships-spotted-near-japan-may-be-heading-to-ukraine
  2. The beanie-weenies were good, and valuable, ham & eggs were probably the worse of the bunch Fortunately, there was always a bunch of bartering going on as everyone figured out what they had and were willing to trade for. I always kept tabasco sauce in the rucksack, made everything better or at least palatable. IMO, the best part of the C-rats was the ever versatile P38. I used to have a bunch of them, can't seem to find any of them now.
  3. https://news.yahoo.com/russian-military-being-hacked-after-its-own-soldiers-destroy-3-g-internet-towers-104303881.html Explains the communications in the clear.
  4. Gazprom seems to have two refineries, one in Siberia and one in Moscow that is undergoing updates that are expected to be completed in 2025. It isn't the current operationsl status of the Moscow refinery isn't clear. https://www.ogj.com/refining-processing/refining/article/14201155/gazprom-nefts-omsk-refinery-producing-internationally-compliant-jet-fuel https://www.gazprom-neft.com/company/oil-refining/third-party-refining/
  5. The Pentagon is now saying that 100% of Russia's pre-staged force is now in Ukraine. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pentagon-says-nearly-100-of-preset-russian-troops-are-now-in-ukraine/ar-AAUJPbZ?ocid=uxbndlbing
  6. One area of concern is that the Russians have brought two of their three Slava cruiser SAGs from their northern and Pacific fleets into the eastern Mediterranean. The third Slava group is in the Black sea. These ships have significant anit-ship and anti-air capabilities. https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/02/unusual-russian-navy-concentration-seen-in-eastern-mediterranean/
  7. It is right from their playbook. The US State Department is warning Americans not to travel to Russia and for those already there to leave. https://news.yahoo.com/state-department-warns-americans-not-175452881.html
  8. There are reports that the Russian shelling of the Zaporozhie Nuclear Reactor has set a fire there. CNN just reported it. https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-03-22/index.html
  9. The Russian army doesn't appear to have a professional NCO Corps like we see in the west. Their Warrant Officers appear to be about the equivalent of a 1st Sergeant in the US military. It might explain the obvious breakdown of discipline being shown, especially with the looting. https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/Hot Spots/Documents/Russia/2017-07-The-Russian-Way-of-War-Grau-Bartles.pdf
  10. It does beggar belief that a modern mechanized military would forget about little things like that. You'd think that they would've wargamed this operation out before they even started to their form up positions.
  11. CNN has been repeatedly showing Ukrainian civilians standing up to tanks. The tanks are clearly marked with 'O' on their skirts. CNN didn't give the village name but the video says Bakhmach.
  12. Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics. -- Omar Bradley Large operations succeed or fail based upon the ability of logistics to keep the forward elements well supplied. During the First Gulf war, it was said that you could tell where the U.S. armor forces were by tracking where the fuel trucks were heading.
  13. Thanks, watching/listening now. I followed the turns as they were posted by Hapless, it is nice to get Rice's perspective on what he was seeing.
  14. Who can forget Joan Jett and the Blackhearts? I think the jukebox in the old NCO club wore a hole in that track.
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