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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 4 minutes ago, BletchleyGeek said:

    the cover up effort

    In Rotmistrov's circumstances this is understandable and surprisingly successful, although apparently it did not go un-noticed by Stalin.

    Interesting stuff - so much for the 'facts' we all grew up with 😉.

  2. So in summary (from these recent papers, based on supposedly rock solid German and importantly Soviet sources) German losses at Prokhorovka were 16 AFVs maximum, while Soviet losses were 235. 

    So Kursk as an offensive may have been a failure for Germany but it looks like Prokhorovka as a battle wasn't? 

    Propaganda notwithstanding...

  3. So according to all of the latest papers I've read, the Germans lost hardly any armour at Prokhorovka.  Or am I misunderstanding this?

    If Kursk was so bad for Germany, does this just mean losses were somewhere other than Prokhorovka?  It seems not according to the figures.  So the 'badness' was just that they did not achieve a victory in their offensive at Kursk?

  4. I've just ordered a second hand copy of Zamulin's 'Demolishing The Myth: The Tank Battle at Prokhorovka, Kursk, July 1943: An Operational Narrative' (and yes I did see a website offering a free download).

    So when is 'CM : Kursk' due for release?  Or will it be part of 'CM : Babarossa to (just before) Bagration' 😁?

  5. 35 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    I have a large picture book named "Battle of the Bulge Through The Lens" by Philip Michael Vorwald. Its filled with then-and-now photos of locations of famous photos, including maps. An added treat is now you can use the book the navigate Google Earth Street View. So you get an example of what the location looked like in 1944, what it looked like 50 years later, and also what it looks like now! :P

    So a bit like a modern 'Battle of the Bulge Then and Now' (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Battle-Bulge-Then-Jean-Paul-Pallud/dp/0900913401)?

    An absolute classic, as good now as it was then 😉.  And currently on the floor by my bed...

  6. 1 minute ago, 3j2m7 said:

    i have already the mod, so is for peoples like you, that want it, just saying !

    but staying  calm and drinking fresh is the better solution !


    So I should PM you for a download my friend (via dropbox for example)?

    Drinking fresh - do you mean wine or beer or even stronger 😉?

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