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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. On 3/15/2024 at 7:29 PM, AdamPraha said:

    Is there any automatic download ?

    Or do you know where I can get the latest new update ? 

    Thank you

    Adam, it's an old(ish) but still current game.  It may be my favourite, but that's not important.  Anyway, if you have the latest F&R module then you're up to date.

    And hello to Praha, I had some good times there...

  2. 6 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Not sure if we have it here.

    If you have the CMFB module, you have it.

    On 3/15/2024 at 3:21 PM, SDG said:

    The Jagdpanther

    Did I ever say I like the Jagdpanther 😉?  I agree with what you say though, particularly the gun damage.

    Just by way of balance I have a Tiger Ausf B in a PBEM which just took a frontal hit from an ISU122 at less than 50m.  Bounced off.  The return shot from my KT penetrated the ISU.  No-one got out 💀.  You win some you lose some.

  3. 25 minutes ago, AdamPraha said:

    Has BFC tried to introduce 'convoy orders' before ??

    Pardon what is " 'convoy orders' ?

    What commands should I sequence to keep the whole column of 10 tanks at the same spacing and moving together ? On the same road?

    By convoy orders I understand it to mean you set a path for the first vehicle and then issue a 'follow me' command to vehicles behind.  They follow the same route, but keep their distance to avoid bunching up and getting in a jam.  I've read that BFC trialed this some time ago (before my time) but I gather it was not a total success and was withdrawn.

    To do it now you have to issue individual, detailed paths with waypoints following the road (so not just A to B...) to each vehicle in turn, and if required also put increasing pauses on the vehicles in the queue so that they don't run into the back of someone in front.  Does this always work?  Definitely not, but it does if everything aligns.  It can be a joy to watch, or it can be 'oh no, not again!'.

    In a current game I have 10 M5 Stuarts moving as two groups.  I've got their movement right most of the time, but not every time.

    25 minutes ago, AdamPraha said:

    What commands should I sequence to keep the whole column of 10 tanks at the same spacing and moving together ? On the same road?

    What I suggest above does not guarantee the same spacing, it as an attempt to avoid traffic jams which result in vehicles going 'off-piste'.  If there is no bunching up and you've issued sufficient waypoints along the road, they should all stay on the road (unless there are obstacles, incoming fire, mines etc.).

  4. 1 hour ago, Anonymous_Jonze said:

    this still available?

    @Malaspina is your man for this, although I have a copy that he sent me if need be.  To my enduring shame (sorry Enrico!) I didn't get much game time on it, but what I did see looked great (I played mission 0 which was a pretty unique experience 👍, and part of 1 but why didn't I finish it, who knows?).  I think I'm seeing a theme with myself there 🫣.

  5. 1 hour ago, AdamPraha said:

    The road is empty. It's just not programmed into the game at all. They can't stay glued to the road.

    My experience of empty roads is that if your movement orders allow time between vehicles such that they don't bunch up, and are also short enough to follow the road turn by turn, then you can get it work.  If one vehicle gets held up, it might go off road or cause others to go off road. 

    Micro-management - yes.  Part of the game - yes.  Has BFC tried to introduce 'convoy orders' before - yes. Did they work flawlessly - no.  Is it being looked at again - yes.

    Did I mention I quite like micro-management 😉?

  6. I'm not sure I'm following this fully, but even the late war biggest PFs only had 100m range (the early ones much less).  So they won't fire at a range of 120m.  Rifles might be firing if for example the tank is unbuttoned and Tank Commander is presenting a target?

    Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding...

    A picture would help.  I use Nvidia screen capture, put it on Imgur and then post the direct link here.  A bit of an exercise but worth it.  Others do it differently.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Sergeant said:

    I have the impression that altough the combat mission community is small by comparison to other game titles in terms of numbers, it is otherwise in terms of quality of great caliber. Cheers for the great community here! 

    Nicely said 👍.  I've only been here for a few years (not like some of the old buggers 😉) but I've never had a bad experience with anyone and at the same time I've had a lot of good experiences.

  8. 6 hours ago, AdamPraha said:

    In the Battle of the Seelow Heights.

    It's really too bad that tanks can't drive on the road. I had to ride with everyone personally manually to get to the last positions.

    If I let them drive alone I lose 3. They immediately drive like drunks off the road.
    It's embarrassing that the AI can't even... recognize the road.

    Got any pics, showing paths if possible?  Why does the AI take them off road?  Obstacles like wrecks in the way, or something else?

    I assume by lose you mean they drive off into mud and get stuck, or perhaps into LOS/LOF of the enemy?

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