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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Pierre, I need you to tell me how to do this. PM me urgently .
  2. I think you'll find that the Brit Awards are not just for ****e electronic dance music. In fact the electronic dance category might be the least ****e category eligible for an award .
  3. Please continue this conversation my good friends, I'm gaining some useful indirect intel .
  4. The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. As you rightly say GB is England, Scotland and Wales. As for NI people 'identifying' as Irish and/or British, I don't think that's a universally held view. But let's not go there... Canadians (although very nice) are not Brits. They are Commonwealth, at least for now. I've lived in the UK all my life, but @Warts 'n' all has lived here even after his death.
  5. I wouldn't be worried about that. Different skills - blathering, helping, whatever versus playing the game proficiently. The two might come together but they might not. I always like to say I'm rubbish so as not to disappoint.
  6. Preferred means (to me) that you can try the other side. It looks like you did okay with one Pak40 bunker?
  7. I would have liked that more than once if I could. Totally agree. That's confirmed then, a PBEM is on the cards in our future .
  8. And you've ended up playing me . I am reasonably flexible. On a serious note I think playing other humans is the best way to be challenged. You may or may not find that with me, but you surely will with others.
  9. Yesterday I was asked to fill out a survey, part of which was 'Ethnicity'. Under the 'White' heading (other headings were available) I was surprised to find that I could only choose 'White British' or 'White Welsh'. . I immediately called Tom Jones to ask if he considered himself British. He told me to **** ***, even though I know he has quite a bit of English 'in him'.
  10. Well, that reminds me of a 3 hour long battle I played recently as PBEM where it turned out my opponent had totally crack Germans (and lots of them) against my totally green GIs. The endless 'be seen, be shot at, die or run away' got to me eventually and I started playing around with making roadblocks between bocage with trucks (of which I had plenty). I sort of communicated this to my opponent. Did it work? No. Was it realistic? Definitely not, but I couldn't exit them in that game so they were destined to burn anyway.
  11. I was, but I meant no disrespect. I think your rules have added to the conversation here .
  12. I think we're saying the same thing, perhaps you better than I .
  13. +1 to that, doesn't take long - perhaps a turn or two. I assume they are showing a white flag and have their hands up? I ask because some of the unit (which you may not have spotted) may not have decided to surrender.
  14. The area fire is certainly flying here . It's just a game and we can play it how we like, with agreement if another human is involved. Being the naive person I am, I've never even mentioned house rules to anyone but it's never been a problem. Except for when I was sent a full page of house rules that I didn't quite understand. That game stalled there as no explanations were forthcoming.
  15. Bootie is the guru who curates / maintains etc. the repository. Some of the older items in the repository show him as author, I think as he may not have known who the author was when transferring them. Is that correct @Bootie?
  16. Thanks @WimO (and hello). So tonight it loads okay. Did I perhaps have some other things running in the background earlier that caused the CTD? I don't know .
  17. But can we Frank, just to say hello? Anyway, once again great work and I hope you will be back for more my friend.
  18. That's what I've always done. But it's an interesting question. If you can buy outside Steam and get a key to run it on Steam, can you buy it on Steam and *somehow* install and run it outside Steam? Not sure as I've never tried.
  19. I didn't as I've never had to do this before. I'll have another look.
  20. And of course any saves, additional scenarios and campaigns you might have collected, and incoming and outgoing PBEM if you have any. Have I missed anything?
  21. Hi Julian. That's not actually a question . Can you right click on your shortcuts to get the location? And maybe do the same for the start menu? If they all point to the same place you can trash the other one (first checking for any additional content you might have added in the Z folder etc. that might not be in your 'correct' place). That's probably a dim answer, forgive me if so.
  22. Maybe, it is high on the 'hugeness scale' (sniggering and rolling of eyes). However I've just loaded up 'No country for tanks' which is at the top of the charts in my CMBN, and it loaded without a problem. Perhaps every man and their dogs are on map at the start of Ranville but not in No country... I'll experiment a bit more as I've not had a scenario fail at the first hurdle before.
  23. Oddly when I try to load the scenario up from either side, it crashes me out of CMBN back to desktop. No error message, just kicks me out. This may be the first time I've had this.
  24. Thanks for the advice . I fully expect my good friend Dave to kick some, but I'll give it a go. You never try, you never learn .
  25. I think they communicate, but if the mortar crew can't see the target (a unit or an area) I think they would have to be called in for indirect fire, which would take a few minutes. I don't think they'll 'blindly' fire based on another spotter's info.
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