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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. I've been playing battles in Normandy and Holland a lot as Axis and have been religiously hiding my panzers under trees (in the shadows) whenever I can as I think that's what RL would suggest given Allied airpower.  However I wondered whether being in the shadows does actually make a difference to being spotted in the game a) by aircraft and b) by units on the ground.  Units on the ground might be at a similar level so would not necessarily have LOS blocked by the tree.

    I'm asking out of curiousity as a search of the forum suggested being in the shadows makes no difference.  Not sure it would change my behaviour but intersted nevertheless.

  2. 31 minutes ago, GhostRider3/3 said:

    It means nothing at all as long as Barkmann survives,  If you look in the editor I have zero parameters for the scenario... However Barkmann's tank #424 is worth 500 points (Allied unit objective) and the Allies have a terrain objective, the crossroads of 200  (Terrain objective) points.   My guess is the Allies got some decent points for immobilizing Barkmann's Panther.   But in your scenario, Barkmann smashed the Allies.. and beat feet back to Axis lines alive... and that is good.  LOL.  

    Makes sense, although I wasn't sure how immobilisation works regarding points.  Anyway, yes was a good fight, shame old 424 probably got left behind afterwards in my version...

  3. 6 hours ago, GhostRider3/3 said:

    Glad you enjoyed the scenario.  I worked for about 3 months on it, trying to get the area as detailed as I could from aerial photographs from Operation Cobra and the differences of today.  Stay safe out there.  Cheers!  :) 

    And you did a great job thanks.  One question, Barkmann survived, I was in control of the crossroads and I knocked out 29 US vehicles, but I got a draw.  Is there something I missed in the Victory Conditions?  Barkmann's immobilised Panther wasn't actually on the crossroads but I doubt that would matter as my infantry were?

  4. 19 minutes ago, Doomed said:

    I'm having what the wife would call a senior moment but could someone remind me where the all in one installers are?



    Such moments are common here too 😀

    I believe for the all in one installers you login to your Battlefront account, go to 'My orders' and view the particular game you want to update, it will give you a download link and your activation code.  Or you can just apply the new patch over your old install, worked for me, but I suppose you may have another reason not to.

    If the above is not correct I'm sure someone more senior in knowledge will come along and correct me.

  5. 18 minutes ago, BarendJanNL said:

    I yesterday just started a new game, do I have to start over again after installing the new patch to be able to play with a goodworking Gill and CV90's?

    The notes say save games will work if they're saved in the command phase not replay phase.  Probably playing safe, but I checked my important ones were in command phase and it worked for me.

  6. 1 hour ago, MikeyD said:

    Me, I have an old overstuffed C drive and all my CM game folder on my peripheral F drive. If I use the official mods folder I'm adding files to a drive with no storage space left. If I instead make my own Z folder the mods are going onto the peripheral. In most circumstances it wouldn't make much different but my mods folder can get HUGE, virtually all of the terrain art, buildings and vehicles if I'm doing 'official' work. My poor old C drive would never be able to hold all the art.

    +1 to this, I have gone the same way.

  7. Last example before I bore everyone to death (or at least someone tells me it's boring). 

    Sudden Fury, with 3 Jagdpanthers.  Early on, one hit from a 'normal' Cromwell (I think) and one of the main guns is toast.  I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, just that it happens perhaps too often. Also, following on from the above comments, I assume the hull down damage issue is less of a factor for Jagdpanthers, which are the subject of 2 out of the 5 examples.  

    And I promise no more posts on my misfortunes 😉

  8. I can now add another, Barkmann's Corner revisited.  Excellent scenario.

    Barkmann's Panther made it through some intense action, but near the end his radio and tracks were destroyed.  And yes you've guessed it, also his main gun.  Managed to keep him and the Panther alive as a sitting duck with some excellent infantry hollow charge work in support, but another example of main gun going off-line.

    Between Barkmann and the infantry the final tally on the enemy was 24 tanks and 5 other vehicles destroyed, but my brave infantry paid a heavy price.

  9. A bit late again to the party on this one, but what a great battle! Wow, what a lot of US assets coming at me. Got a draw with 24 US 'tanks' destroyed plus 5 other vehicles, Barkmann survived but only just - main gun (yes main gun again) and tracks damaged close to the end but earlier than I would have liked.  Saved his Panther by popping smoke and getting two infantry units (one with Panzerschrek) to back up just in time, they knocked out 2 Shermans in the smoke.  Then began to run out of shaped charge ammo!  Have to give thanks to the infantry's anti-tank units in this one, plus of course the scenario designer @GhostRider3/3- a memorable experience 👍🙂

  10. 18 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    That's okay, in your case I can understand. But Red Thunder was released in 2014, so it's about time this module will finally compliment it. It may not have been worked on for 6 years, but it has been a mighty long wait. And still is. Apart from that release estimate after release estimate has been broken, so just 'ride the wave' doesn't cut it anymore.

    I can see your side of this too and understand your frustration.  Lets hope for better news soon!

  11. On 7/11/2020 at 4:10 AM, BFCElvis said:

    Live in the moment, man. Have you wrung everything out of Rome to Victory that can? I still haven't played out all of the original CMBN. Keep an eye on progress if you're interested in the module but ride the wave, dude.

    This is fair enough for me, having only recently bought the BN big bundle and not long before that RT.  Haven't even got FB or RtV yet, so my spare time is already pre-allocated for quite a while to come.  Of course I'll jump on Fire & Rubble when it comes along, but I for one am happy that @BFCElvisdoes actually respond in the forum rather than having the tumbleweed roll past 😉.  Forgive me if I sound like I'm kissing somewhere I shouldn't, this is not my intention...

  12. 8 minutes ago, com-intern said:

    If you go over to the tank targeting accuracy thread you can see clearly that being in a hull down position will have a significant increase in the chance for gun damage results. With heavy armor that is likely proof to enemy return fire I would recommend fighting from the open rather than hull ground.

    Yes I have been reading that thread as well.  I wasn't deliberately hull down (as in having placed a hull down order or specifically maneuvered to achieve hull down) in any of these scenarios, but I would guess that they were hull down to some degree except for the PIAT hit on the Tiger 1 which was pretty much 'in my face'.

  13. On 7/11/2020 at 3:58 PM, danfrodo said:

    Looks like it has everything.  You will be busy for a long time.  I still haven't played it all.  I bought the big bundle before battlepack came out.  It will have everything and will be up to date as far as version.

    Agreed, I bought it recently and it has everything so far.  And while that is a lot of content, there is also of course the excellent collection of scenarios, campaigns and mods at The Few Good Men.

  14. At the risk of being shot down in flames, my non-scientific experience from the last three battles I've played.

    1.  Gog and Magog in RT - several King Tigers and several Panthers ended up with 'Main Gun Damage' and could not fire any more.  There are lots of tanks on both sides in this battle, so perhaps not so unusual, however I did not notice any T34/85s or IS2s (or Pz IVs for that matter) ending up with non-functioning guns, only full destruction or bail-outs.

    2.  Ambush at De Hoop in BN - this time I benefited, putting the main gun on a Tiger 1 out of action with a PIAT.

    3.  A Quick Battle of my own also in BN, in which a Jagdpanther ended up at one of a road concealed partially in trees and an AI chosen Sexton (88mm SPA) in the open at the other.  Jagdpanther fired twice, missing both times.  Sexton then fired and knocked out the main gun on the Jagdpanther.

    In 1 and 3 I was playing as cautiously as the circumstances allowed, not sticking my neck out asking for a slug-fest.  So my overall feeling is that either I'm unlucky with large German tanks or they *may* be more susceptible to gun damage for whatever reason.  But yes, it's just a feeling and it's not going to stop me playing.

    Let the AA fire begin 😉.

  15. On 7/5/2020 at 10:10 AM, JulianJ said:

    In the old days at least it was porn mags. I'm clearly going downmarket.

    Well we all go through different stages in our lives 😉

    Good idea, but not sure I can help on the book suggestions.  A couple of old favourites of mine are the Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WW2 and Battle of the Bulge Then and Now, but they're already gathering dust in my attic and are available on Amazon for reasonable money.  Panzers in Normandy Then and Now is a good one too.  Perhaps there's a theme here, showing my true colours...

  16. 29 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    I think they had something like that for CMx1 (which I haven't touched in more than a decade) but that game engine units were a lot of abstractions centered around a single point.

    Field of view graphics would be a complex thing in CM. A tank includes the field of view of each member of the crew and it changes dynamically (if the loader's loading instead of spotting for instance). I recall there was a bug in the Beta involving a Tiger I were spotting didn't feel quite right. It turned out the invisible commander in the buttoned-up tank was sitting sideways in his seat so wasn't looking out his forward vision block! For infantry you've got a 7-13 man squad, each with his own LOS. If one man is up on one knee the squad has LOS, if he's prone it doesn't. If they're in short grass they do, in tall grass they don't. And if that guy on one knee has line-of-sight that doesn't mean anyone has line-of-fire. If a member of the squad isn't facing to the rear on lookout they can be jumped from behind. This is awfully complex stuff to put into a graphical representation.

    While such a tool would be very useful 'I think MikeyD has a point' 😄

  17. 3 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

    If the casualty is not in or near the center of the action spot give the unit to perform buddy aid a Slow order to an action square that takes them directly over the casualty. Then I give them a pause of 20s, 30s or 45s depending on how far away the casualty is. Push the BRB. In the next command phase they will be directly over the casualty.  Then cancel the remaining Slow order and issue a Face command.

    Thanks for that, I think I had read it before during a search of the forums, but I hadn't really taken the above bit in.  Will have to try that.  Seems however that even if successful, I won't gain a lot in normal battles or campaigns other than perhaps sharing ammo and equipment.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Holman said:

    Units never come back into battle, but aid helps your WIA/KIA ratio at the end of the scenario.

    You also collect ammo and sometimes even weapons from  aided soldiers.

    Yes that's pretty much what I thought thanks, I now just have to get it to happen 🙂

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