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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Or carry on with outdated gear. It will be a brave Ukranian mounting a T72 tank. I thought autoloaders were a great idea, but this war changed my mind. I also accept that we can't put these tankers in Abrams, Challengers, or Leopards 2 without extensive training first. See what happens even one Ukrainian dying in this conflict is one too many. For the Russians better desert than selling your soul.
  2. I hope I am wrong wars used to be long term. Wars used to be normal, easily lasting a human lifetime.
  3. It is what Hitler thought from June till Christmas 1941. Just let's look in a years' time, I truly hope I am wrong.
  4. Europe covers an area from the Atlantic to the Urals. Putin is fighting the democratization of Eastern Europe and China is frightened it may happen to them. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan show the prosperity democracy can bring. The USA leads NATO and Western Europe. Why did you think Putin flirted with a dissident president? America first and not accepting the outcome of an election. It was a president who talked Putin's language. He also woke up western Europe and us in Australia too. Don't take the US for granted the mistake the Kurds and the Afghans made.
  5. China is watching with glee an imploding Europe. For them Putin is truly a useful idiot. NATO will be damned if they don't interfere and damned if they don't. I hope the strategy of NATO fighting to the last Ukranian works with modern NATO weapons. I give it at best a fifty, fifty chance.
  6. Here is an educated Russian I won't have a guess of the level of education of the armed forces.
  7. Here the animals from the same farm know how to deal with an invader.
  8. How can you talk about war-propaganda? I thought Mr Putin called it 'Special Military Operation'.
  9. Countries need to apply for NATO membership, NATO doesn't have a need to invade. What else can I think of? Sovereign countries can enter alliances, upsetting Putin is also a right of a sovereign country. His threats of nuclear weapons? I wonder or they even work. I pen the last down because the reason they have not been used yet is not because of the humane feelings of Mr Putin.
  10. While my Rottweiler has higher morals than the latter-day Bolsheviks there are problems. He is very protective in regards little children and elderly ladies.
  11. Four Objectives. Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa and Mariupol. None taken two still contested hard to agree to a cease fire. Even the average CM player can see that.
  12. Russia will become a third-rate European power it is the only way out. Belo Russia will also need regime change and hold free elections. Hungary proves itself a modern-day Quisling. If you win make sure you take all. Here is a nice place in the South Atlantic called St Helena good place for Putin's retirement.
  13. That is how wars were fought. The troops were given the city as payment. Looting, pillaging, raping was the norm. This is how the Russian army gets paid by the looks of it.
  14. I can see the point autoloaders on AFV's may not be a brilliant design feature.
  15. Putin will nominate Tucker for the Nobel Peace Price.
  16. I think so. I never knew about the project of the Ukraine government regarding the Dnieper River. I compared it with the Israeli control of the Jordan river. The Donbass region's economy seems to depend on the Dnieper River and irrigation from it. Solution is easy return the agricultural area to the Ukraine. Do business like Western Europe is doing, France and Germany tried to restore the empire of Charlemagne. After more than one thousand years they gave up on that idea. No Kaisers, Empereurs, or Tsars in European politics.
  17. This is interesting about the objective of Russia. It is similar of the Israeli control of the river Jordan. Ukraine controls the Dnieper River and by damning it ruining the agriculture of the Russian controlled region.
  18. Left and Right is just downright archaic. Originated during the reign of Louis the 16th of France. Just make it clear what we support democracy or autocracy.
  19. It is an Australian expression like a skyhook. Easy to write impossible to get. Dictators paint themselves as benevolent democrats inside their one-party system.
  20. Too cut it short if you want to be a dictator be a benevolent one. Like manufacturing people's cars and child endowment schemes. Once you fail to deliver you soon be out.
  21. EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine - Consilium (europa.eu)
  22. So far to the right they are on the left of Genghis Khan.
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