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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Reason I like Red Thunder, a boys dream came true. I finally can play with JS2s. Waited 60 years I am now 73 but it was worth it.
  2. Was watching this YouTube video about unmanned vehicles and I found it interesting. It is Israel among others so my apologies if it is off topic.
  3. One thing is clear all the arguments of for or against won't stop the warming of the planet. Besides I think 40C is nice warm and comfortable. Once I see the zealots no longer flying to their destinations I may take them more seriously. They are completely counterproductive, stop pollution is far more positive and is what most people can relate too.
  4. I live in Australia and worked in 50 C. Oh yes the two wars are completely not connected and I will use the reference Battlefront Forums Wargamers Community. Far better than fully accredited journalists. I know people who resort to personal attacks are worth zilch. To work in 50 C is lovely speaking from personal experience it is lovely a year and you are used to it. 50C is about 114 F. Now stick to the Ukraine War topic not the game.
  5. I am 73 by 2050 I won't be here any longer. Climate change is good business for these people. They don't fly economy for starters. Oh yes my electricity runs on solar and use the car twice a week. Not much the world can do about climate change even if it is caused by man. Lift the third world out of poverty and you may get the support of something like 6 Billion people. Yes that takes industry, our indigenous people lived in 50C during summer for the last 40000 years. Better get used to it.
  6. These two wars are connected but I maybe wrong. It got the attention away for a short time or longer. The media plays an important role.
  7. Just what they need Climate Change Zealots in the Ukraine.
  8. Mini Gatling guns which can spew 6000 .22s a minute could be successful against drones. But we don't see anything new from that direction.
  9. I think it is a leftover from the original Shock Force. In Black Sea if I remember correctly they dropped it and you have only General and Personnel.
  10. That is what I need because effects in the game are not modelled. Only what we see when we are on the receiving end. But the attacking player can only guess and make an educated guess. I know a 25 Pdr can knock out a StugIII. That is from player's experience.
  11. That is just about what I would expect. You need a short heavy barrage in WW2 settings to have some reduction achieved. That is general the fuses took off with the introduction of the proximity fuse.
  12. What is better in the game Personnel or General when you call for a mission in a forest?
  13. The Jury is still out on that one. I use armor against armor and against apartments with more than one floor. Never tested it how effective it is but it seems a good tactic.
  14. I found the Move Tool very useful. I can eyeball the endpoint. But the LOS Tool doesn't allow me to target it. The Vector is absolutely straight. But over the years I know the TacAI still generates contacts for me to engage.
  15. I understand the Ukraine sunk one of them. Seems to be a modern ship. Project 22800 Karakurt-Class Corvettes (naval-technology.com)
  16. Yes, the .45 ACP has real knock down power. Wondered where he was shooting at.
  17. I said "Which is not always true". Read the above again. The 60mm Mortar in direct fire mode vs an MG42 is the most obvious example.
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