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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The Green on the Left is Pause. The Circle in the Center cancels all orders. The Cross on the Right is to evade. Very useful when you have a lot of waypoints to manage.
  2. The present Russian regime is a regime with which no decent person can do business with.
  3. Follow this sound advice when you play CM.
  4. Watch the debate in British Parliament regarding the WHO. The UN Authorities become the dictatorships of tomorrow. We move off topic here. But countries like Russia ruling like tyrants have the seat on the security council. Can invade anybody an veto any resolution they don't like. Nationalities still matter now more than ever.
  5. What is worse? A system where you can say what you like but will be ignored. Or a system where you can be thrown out of the window for saying what you think? The latter system is easier to resist and fight. The Romans already knew it with their Bread and Circuses.
  6. Something like the Kremlin can't be called Elite. Just watch this expert yourself.
  7. A Cocky is an Australian Farmer often struggling. One solved a lot of his problems by restoring Bren Gun Carriers. Also a member of our gun club. One day a big secret came out he restored also a Vickers Machine Gun and showed it off. Unfortunately a fellow member was a policeman. Sorry Bruce but you better handle it in first thing in the morning. Bruce one of these guys would anything for you with his handyman skills.
  8. That one is two hours. It is the story of one of the units who didn't make it to Arnhem and got no further than Oosterbeek. The consequence of the LZ too far from the objective.
  9. Excellent scenario and like all scenarios a sandbox to model your tactics on. Now a more difficult one if you like crack infantry formations is MG Dreijenseweg. Their CO died in RL as he refused medical aid and told his XO to take over and press the attack. A Hero who was on his best when the enemy did their worst.
  10. Who should heed the lesson Russia or the Ukraine? How Long Should Ukrainian Forces Defend Bakhmut? Lessons from Stalingrad - Modern War Institute (usma.edu)
  11. I play mostly WW2 and had a formation of JS2 vs Tigers and Panthers in a Hull Down position. I spotted the Tigers and Panthers before they spotted the JS2s. Reason I used infantry to do the spotting a Regular Ivan without binoculars spotted a Panther in a Hull Down Position from over a Km away. He ran back to the nearest JS2 and when they moved, they got the first shot in. I find it hard to accept that BF lowered the standards in CW. CM comes close to real life but there are differences.
  12. Soviet tanks fight with a different doctrine. They spot when the enemy fires at them and let attrition work in their favor.
  13. It is not the M60 which spots quicker it is the result of more effective combined operations. Figure out a way so that the full contact of Joe the Grunt gets passed on to the FO inside a couple of minutes.
  14. How many Spanish speakers in Texas or California want to be part of Mexico? People like to live and economic opportunities play a role. After all we moved to Australia for the same reason.
  15. Close to two hundred years ago Belgium split away from the Netherlands, a hundred years later the Benelux formed. It ook two small countries hundred year to reconcile their differences. I think a reconciliation between these two culturally similar people will take much longer.
  16. It is a State and States in the US have about the same status as countries inside the EU. They decide domestic policies.
  17. Guess who funded my retirement portfolio? It is like a husband finds the wife in a compromising but passionate situation. Begs her hubby, you know the college fees for our kids? The interest increase of the mortgage? He paid for all that. To her husband leave the gun where it is Bill. Bill: Gun? no I get an extra blanket he may catch a cold. Without the iron ore mines our economy is 19th century dependent on sheep exports agriculture.
  18. A far greater threat is for example a civil war in Indonesia. If 5% of the population becomes refugees, it means ten million people entering the country. More than enough to destroy the economy. I think WW2 style invasion is not on the Chinese agenda. Far more subtle ways to achieve this.
  19. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Russian woman, 70, who called Zelensky a 'handsome young man' is fined 40,000 rubles by Moscow court (msn.com)
  20. As I understand it, winning the Nobel Peace Prize would get you a life sentence in Russia.
  21. The Key Weapon for the US is the Browning MG .30 Each squad has one and also the MG Platoon. Thomas C Helgeson was a real historical figure. I approached the Bridge through the wheatfields and positioned the MGs in the houses don't say which ones (spoilers). The building on the objective is an obvious observation point. I took this building as a reference for my MGs. Once I am under cover near the dikes of the objective assault with all guns blazing. Your MGs have enough ammo for covering fire of the approach. Yes I split my squads as follows 2 assault teams that leaves you the .30 MG.
  22. I am talking about 60 years ago, German army couldn't do anything competently. Then the pendulum swung the other way. Now it is a little more objective. Deep flaws were the logistics.
  23. Only now can we say that the German army was capable in WW2. During the 50s and 60s we had 10 Pence War Comics. You wouldn't dare to contradict popular opinions.
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