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Everything posted by holoween

  1. Its quite simple: trees are not to be trusted in this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAhr14xdKGc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6ygw270QIk Trees are simply magic.
  2. Tbh i think that asessment is entirely wrong. If you want to specify englishj speaking market i would agree. The problem is that in europe the age group 50+ doesnt really speak that much english so if a game isnt translated it wont be picked up.
  3. Being now finally able to look at the map, mission and troops im just confused. Am i supposed to follow the mission laid out in the briefing hoping the designers put victory points in locations that match my plan or simply try to guess what the designer thinks i should do?
  4. Well i did see your post when i was about to make one myself so it worked out quite nicely.
  5. IRL that target fixation works both ways though. if your opponent has a trench 10m next to the building your men might not even notice the fire is coming from the trench and not the house. Also this focus on certain places can be done with target arcs ingame.
  6. Ive tried that in my first playthrough and it didnt work. their tanks simply drove through them.
  7. Problem is that if you apply maximum force each time you will run out of ammo half way through the misssion. On top of that to apply that force you have to first find your opponent and that is the point where the majority of the losses will occur.
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