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Everything posted by JUAN DEAG

  1. Can an admin please remove the second topic that I accidentally reposted?
  2. The smoke shells in-game have WP written as a suffix. Does this stand for 'White Phosphorus'? If so, will this type of ammunition burn infantry alive or is the effect purely visual? Can I break international law and use it in the anti-personnel role?
  3. The smoke shells in-game have WP written as a suffix. Does this stand for 'White Phosphorus'? If so, will this type of ammunition burn infantry alive or is the effect purely visual? Can I break international law and use it in the anti-personnel role?
  4. @HerrTom So what was the average penetration in millimeters for the shrapnel? Is that an accurate model for a 152mm shell? Also, what program are you using and where can I acquire one of them?
  5. The Armata may have kept the stupid carousel auto loader that removed the turrets from so many tanks by the hands of Chechen and Ingushetian RPG gunners, but the real revolution in the Armata is a Russian tank that has actual situational awareness. Also, the front hull of the tank is not exactly the safest place to house the crew as that is statistically the most probable impact area of enemy anti-tank weapons and an ATGM to the lower glacis will kill the entire 3-man crew with the added safety issue of having only one place to escape the vehicle from. The M1 Abrams TTB (Tank Test Bed) was a prototype tank constructed by General Dynamics Land Systems back in the 1980s. The unmanned turret concept is nothing new. The Russians just wanted to make something different that would fit the 'new look' Russian Army. I recently watched a video of the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests and I slammed my head against the keyboard every time one of the interviewed protesters called the Husky MRAP a 'Tank'. They deserve to get sprayed with water cannons and shot with rubber bullets just for that.
  6. A large part of armor effectiveness comes from the location of the hit. HE rounds by definition lack any armor penetration mechanism so if say a 152mm OF-530 hits the frontal upper glacis of a T-80, there will be no penetration and almost no effect. But if the same shell hit "its Achilles' heel ... the upper surface of the engine deck" then the round "could penetrate the thin armor of the engine deck, then pass through the unarmored firewall between the engine and fighting compartment, striking the ammunition around the turret" sparking "a chain of explosions of the tank propellant, causing the tank to 'lose its cap'" (Zaloga 31). This may seem like common sense but with even with precision artillery you don't have much of a choice where on the tank the round will land which leads to discrepancies in artillery effectiveness versus armor.
  7. AZOV has more of a multi-cam vibe so it would not work for this mod. But this is strikingly accurate for the variations of camouflage that exist in the Ukrainian army. It's nice to see the P1G-TAC "Zhaba" camouflage so now it's easier to represent more elite formations within the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  8. It would be foolish for them to do that because Russia is only becoming increasingly isolated and economically destitute. That's not even getting in to the fact that the U.S. has so many allies all over the globe, it is insane. Picking on Russia is advantageous for China because they would retain the moral high ground, grow closer to the technological and economical benefits from the west, and get territorial concessions in the Russian Far East and influence in Central Asia (they've been eyeing Kazakhstan for a while now).
  9. The Russian Navy should just do what Ukraine did and sell their aircraft carrier to China. The technical issues in the Admiral Kuznetsov's engine, the limited aircraft carrying capacity, the lack of a aircraft catapult all contribute to the carrier's increasingly evident irrelevance. It's honestly not worth the Telekanal Zvezda specials of we are the best nation because Putin has bestowed us with airfield boat to fight American imperialism!
  10. This is literally the perfect counter to Russian doctrine in a forest environment. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, probably, most likely.
  11. It would actually be in the Chinese interest to ally with the U.S. against Russia because the Russians have nothing to offer the Chinese except the the land they're sitting on (Sino-Soviet border conflict). Furthermore, the Chinese have a lot to gain from the magnitude of the U.S. economy. Russia can't even get China to recognize the seizure of Crimea and the growing military-industrial independence of China from Russia will further cut relations.
  12. I doesn't matter that it dissipates quickly. The sudden flash will instantly attract the eye. That's why when I'm playing as either Ukrainians or Russians I tend to avoid long-range ATGM systems like SKIF or KORNET and instead favor CORSAR or METIS-M.
  13. How many bridges are on that map? You could use your artillery to destroy the bridges and effectively utilize the amphibious capabilities of Russian transports. Just a thought.
  14. I'm sure Europeans will be skeptical of a person that thinks that vaccines cause autism, climate change is a hoax, and that Obama wasn't born in the U.S. Let alone thinking that Russia isn't a threat to European unity and democracy. Trump and reality are two different worlds, and Europeans can see this.
  15. In light of the election it's probably safe to assume that Putin is going to start "protecting ethnic Russians" in more provinces in Ukraine. Ukraine is going have to start getting serious about national defense since Batman is totally fine with the Joker terrorizing Gotham. The era of great powers protecting their flock is over; now sovereignty stands a nation's ability to defend itself and the ability to secure regional alliances, not on some superficial promise from a larger nation. I'm sure Russia's neighbors are just as pumped as @cool breeze about a Trump victory. RIP eastern European liberal democracy 2016, it was an idealistic notion that just wasn't practical.
  16. RE Mosul: The Iraqi army brought along TOS-1A for the operation so they are fully aware of what Mosul could potentially devolve into. Unfortunately for the civilians,the operation will likely entail a lot of Groznyesque city flattening. Would not want to be on the receiving end of that thing.
  17. Sorry @VladimirTarasov, it had to be done. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Russia+bashing
  18. I would disagree. Belarus is culturally close to Ukraine but politically close to Russia. This division alone could cause problems down the road. Belarus has been within the same jurisdiction with Ukraine for a very long time; first with Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and later the Russian Empire. Belorussian culture and language is very similar to Ukrainian culture and language. This is evinced by the number of Belorussian liberals that volunteered in the ATO while there have been none (AFAIK) that joined the Russian side in the war. Conversely, Putin pays Lukashenko (dictator of Belarus) an obscene amount of cash just so he doesn't migrate to the European Union. This arrangement satisfies both parties as Lukashenko and his people can live relatively comfortable lives outside of the European sphere and Russia keeps the west out of Russia's back yard. Interestingly, Belarus can still maintain their sovereignty despite being an ex soviet state that borders Russia because unlike Ukraine 1995-2013, Belarus has a very strong army for its size and population that can deter any surprise shenanigans from Putin, should Lukashenko decide to change the arrangement. As the war in Ukraine rages on we might start to see societal rifts in a nation that is one of the most stable in Eastern Europe. lol, no need, we sell it all to the U.S. anyways. It's about time that America's Hat should join as the 51st state in the union.
  19. You're forgetting the SBU ALPHA team that snuck onto the plane and planted the explosives, or the Ukrainian SU-25 that ATGM'ed the plane; or was it a SU-27? or the German "specialist" that had access to "compromising photographic evidence" that the gayropeans "deleted from the internet" (no joke an RT exclusive, well all of these were claimed at one point by Russian media but that was by far the best one, who knew you could find entertainment from propaganda), or the old guy that could see the BUK missle hit MH17 from ~50km away, or the time that they said that the BUK isn't in service with the Russian Federation when it clearly is. What's with Russian state-owned media not being able to get their story straight? After all, they are subordinate to papa Putin (arbiter of all that is true and just, certified cleanser of Eurofacism).
  20. He kept all people in line. Some of those people were extremists. I never said that was a good thing. Don't mistake me for a Trump supporter.
  21. Apologies. I get passionate about this sometimes. I too have Muslim classmates and don't want to call them something they are not. I'm not criticizing the people themselves but rather the scripture that can justify such atrocities. They are categorically sadistic people but can still be considered good Muslims that follow the Koran to every comma; higher calling trumps human instinct every time. Assad may be a monster but at the very least he kept the extremists in line, even if it was for the sake of control.
  22. Make sure to keep dismounts a good distance from the BMP-3M in case the vehicle suddenly decides to activate the tactical nuke feature.
  23. Muslims are going to kill, rape, enslave, and torture because that is what ideologues with 2000-year-old moral teachings do. Them's the breaks, yo. The problem is when a secular civilized nation (Russia) backs a government that murders people in the tens of thousands by gassing and bombing them for daring to question Assad's legitimate reign. Then Russia follows up by killing 4,000 civilians by systematically applying inaccurate weapons to neighborhoods. Though not intentional, it shows how much Putin cares about anyone that is standing between cluster bombs and Assad's political enemies. panzersaurkrautwerfer said it best:
  24. The problems you mention about the MTLB; poor optics and the hazards of being in a tin can are both problems of the BTR. They have the same turret and their armor won't stop anything more than 7.62mm ball (not even that at some angles). Still, the MTLB retains several advantages: 1) The BTR will often get stuck in river beds and struggles to traverse forests. The MTLB on the other hand, can go almost anywhere and will rarely if ever, get stuck. This has to do with the fact that its ground pressure amounts to like childrens' stuffed animal per inch squared. Not to mention the ability to duck and weave in alleys and tight choke points without the limitations of "wheels". 2) Sneaky beaky vehicle profile. You'd be surprised about how many times I've seen Mk. 19 gunners and Ukrainian RPG teams miss their first volley/rocket on the MTLB by either impacting the lower track or flying way over the vehicle (where BTR would still have it's fleshy bits) just because of how hard that thing hugs the ground. There is also the added benefit of increased stealthiness in tree lines and whatnot. 3) The MTLB is also a very inconspicuous vehicle that is highly underestimated. If spotted, the opponent will often treat it as less of a threat than it really is, thus diverting less assets to counter them and is less likely to pay attention to concentrations. It can have that psychological effect. They are usually regarded as lower quality vehicles so they can be used ferry FO's and various high value support teams quickly, stealthily, and inconspicuously. + still more seats + still cheaper + still wrecks face with light 30mm
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