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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by user1000

  1. Next challenge. Now you have to hunt some heavy tank engine blocks with the .50 cal shoot and scoot on an m20 or greyhound. I don't think it can be down on the tiger but most tank rear armor is so thin .50 cal would go through engine block and into crew area. You should be able to do it on everything from Panther down through though.
  2. Battlefront, you should REALLY add at least the impact HE mk2 grenades since they were used...
  3. ^ I'm using html5 instead of flash html5 wont do it just yet.
  4. Nice video what did the impacts say couldn't read it. The stuart has a high velocity 37mm just like the 37mm anti-tank gun. The penetration values are similar to the m4 shermans weak low velocity 75mm believe it or not.It could fire canister for anti-troop purposes as well but I doubt battelefront added that as ammo? The inner city is not a place for Tigers to be.. The Tiger tanks turret speed and general track speed is slow. It would probably be quicker for a tiger to track turn instead of a turret turn. The closer the stuart gets to an enemy tank the more deadly it is. Since the M8 greyhound also has the 37mm, It could probably do the same. If a .50cal could not out a tanks engine from behind, the 37 would have no problem knocking out any tanks engine from behind. Shermans and Stuarts reign in inner city battles.. Up close is where the 75mm WORKS as well.
  5. Are you aware that weather and time of day may play into this? Atleast on CMBO I notice that even though there is a clear view to buildings looking down from a hill, being night, rain, fog, snow or other factors all make my tanks and troops see halfway to the buildings and not full.
  6. The video said the allies had some casualties from the gliders. The resistance was spotty, did they REALLY need glider landings...
  7. windows 7 here, I wonder if you can trick it somehow into activating? what I was aiming for http://web.archive.org/web/20020225035458/http://www.combatmission.com/POTD/geforce.JPG http://web.archive.org/web/20020604172359/http://combatmission.com/POTD/hetzershot.jpg
  8. Anyone else running the no fog problem? I can't get the in game fog to show up was in cancelled in a patch? I have version 1.12
  9. Nope Wiki says it was near Colmar. Although he did see action in Montélimar. also found this
  10. Agreed. It was the Free France so there may have been a lot of French resistance as well more than anything the All French Assault Force with US equipment .
  11. Looking at a map I'm guessing there couldn't have been much German armor or infantry involved to flee. They would end up in Switzerland or Northern Italy if they went east..
  12. How come there is virtually nothing out there about the US landing in the Southern France area? Were there not many battles?? How come no one mentions this in any documentaries? Were German forces just in the north and central area? Baffled.
  13. Thanks for the info this is getting interesting
  14. @ silent Use Infantry to move ahead in the hedgerows, armor has to stay back until a clearing is reached. Troops are the ones that protect the tank form AT teams. A lone tank going ahead will be knocked out fast, they had to learn this the hard way in first years of normandy. The shermans just cannot get a good view of their surroundings through the small slits, even if they could they are hiding in the hedges. Use regular troops to skirmish and pick out fights with enemy also scouting routes for tanks. If the infantry has cleared the way or didn't meet any resistance move the armor up to a walking pace under cover of course. Use Half-Tracks after the Infantry has moved up to provide fire support. US HTs are tin cans (only 6-12 mm armor in places) so you better have them moving along with tree / shadow cover as well. Us HT on a high ground to go hull down on an open field. (M20s or M8s would be better in my opinion) Shoot into the hedgerows before moving there to challenge enemy, and see if you get return fire. Also use smoke before moving armor or troops past an open area where an MG team or AT gun may be overlooking. If the enemy can't see you the enemy has to rely on indirect fire. Let MG teams stay behind and cover troop movement across open areas roads or fields, that way if your troops do come under fire the MG can open up If your troops spot armor close by it shoudln't be a problem for a bazooka team to take care of.
  15. If you are experiencing a problem with your screen or get an error that says needs higher resolution than 640 and exits? Just go to the game right clicking on properties select windows xp sp3 for compatibility mode and press apply, That should make the setup video work properly. Now you can either play it in xp sp3 or untick it and save and should be saved from now on. If you wanted a different resolution just delete the prefs file in game directory to setup a new video mode the game will then walk you through a new one. As far as even crisper detailed better graphics in the old CM games? YES it can be done! Go into your video control panel and see what works the best for that games profile.
  16. Kingdom Of Italy troops try to take on a Matilda II in North Africa in vain. The troops weapons foreground weapons are a Breda MG, and a Finnish 20mm Lahti AT gun. Matilda II takes out 2 of their tanks, 5 ACs, 2 cannons. All shots from 40mm cannon and lahti bounced off the tank with no effect at all. They could not advance.
  17. I'm still having an absolute blast with the CM:BO Quick mission generator and randomizer
  18. Really? In CM:BO the spotters will radio in a strike with no LOS..
  19. Spotters with LOS vs none.. NO LOS.. Do they guesstimate the coordinates of said target area via map and radio it in, if they can't see the target to the artillery and mortar barrage teams? This may have been answered in the past.
  20. why use a 76 when you can knock a panthers block off with the 57mm AT gun?
  21. The Germans had the more sniper like stand off weapons I see it in their tanks and rifles. They would excel on high ground or in a wide barren field with no cover but Normandy being so close of a locked in hedgerow fight semi-autos, autos and shermans would rule. @c3k I would agree to a point that it would even out and long ranges, but the axis would still have to keep their heads down more often so rule still stands. Now take the Germans standoff long range weapons to the Russian barren steppes and that's where they would do the most damage. Not to say they didn't have close range weapons that were good in Normandy.
  22. It made it easier for riflemen to do close assaults with the Garand.
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