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Alexey K

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Posts posted by Alexey K

  1. Actually, I've got reverse effect: my BRDMs are proved to be suspiciously resistant to 12.7 MG fire. I've got several "turret front penetrations" whithout any fatal damage or crew injuries. 


    EDIT: Actually, there is explanation. I've just discovered that BRDM-2M uses unmanned turret "BPU-1"

  2. No.  Think about what else could be happening here.  


    The Humvee isnt immune at all.  Its being horrifically overmatched and skewered.  Tons of holes, but not in any vital areas.


    Hmmm... and what else possibly could be happening?

  3. I've had BRDM engaged HMMWV Mk19 frontally at 600m. BDRM had put dozen of bursts of it's 14.5mm into humvee. There were multiple hits in weapon mount, but no damage at alll: all state were green. It suprsies me a lot, I've never though that HMMWV offers that level of protection. 


    I've googled a bit but failed to find actual protection levels for it.

    So, can HMMWV armour make it rock steady and invulnerable to rains of 14.5mm fire at 600 meters?

  4. Actually, T-80 and T-72 were byproduct of failed attempts to mass produce T-64. T-64 was all new design which proved to be plagued with problems and hard to manufacture. Generally speaking, it has too innovative. But USSR needed new tanks urgently so they decided to pursue quick and dirty solution - produce three lines of tanks each tailored to specific factory. It was short term achievement that has cost of long term problems.

  5. USSR had three major types of MBT in service simultaneously: T-64, T-72 and T-80 all sharing basicly same characteristics. It was expensive mistake.


    The reason why T-72/90 line has won is IMO the same why Sukhoi has won over MiG. UVZ (developer and manufacturer of T-90) has better adapted chaotic crisis ("Russian democracy", you know :) ) and better sold their equipment to foreign customers. Development and modernization of T-90 series were largely funded by Indians who wanted their "Bishma" tank.

    These contracts helped UVZ to keep afloat in virtual absense of goverment orders. 

  6. Numbersare often disputed. A typical example of national bias. Russia might downplay the numbers, ukraine might inflate them. If we were to pick a figure between the two claimsthat might be more accurae.


    That's the point.

    Ukranians are expected to inflate them, but they say 3.9 millions, not 25 :)

  7. Maybe it does for the Ukranians ad maybe they do see it as an act of genocide. There is also the matter of the Ukranian-Sovet War, the 1950s insurgency. We nee try t undersand everybody's views and history here, try to overcome our national and personal biases and try t see the full picture here. Every state concerned has a legacy of fear and distrust. resulted in il judged actions and responses. That goes for NATO, Ukraine and Russia as well.. Aportioning blamwe as Alexey says is counter productive.


    They can call it whatever they want :)


    Actually I was suprised by the numbers.

    25 millions sounds like nonsense :)

  8. Yeah... i've seen a similar arguments with census data from Holocaust deniers.


    And the bit about being inherently suspicious/afraid of "the West" due to some historical invasions, well that is just a convenient excuse, by that logic i suppose i should fear the Germans, Poles, Swedes, Danish, Russians... But interestingly only one of those countries gives cause for concern.


    1. I don't deny USSR famine of 1932-1933 years and "Holodomor" that was part of it.

    2. Ukranian court has labelled that famine as "act of genicide", but prvided wildly different figures - 3.9 millions. Where "25 millons" came from?

    3. I have nothing to do with "inherent fears" and other blame games here :)

  9. Is the famine to which you refer the "Bitter Harvest" when Stalin forced the Ukranian farmers to become collectives by causing 25 million Ukranians to starve to death?


    25 millions? o_O


    Census data on Ukranian SSR population: 

    1926 - 23 millions

    1937 - 29 millions.


    But between 1926 and 1937.... somehow.... 25 millions were dead due to starvation.

  10. However, Russia, perhaps due to historical reasons (previous invasions eg by Germany, Napoleleonic France and Swedan) was fearful and paranoid about these developmens. A fear of being surrounded and in the future being attacked in some kind of Barbarrossa II. Given the history and the great price paid by Russia one can understand such fears but we also knowhat those who invade Russia don' tend to fare too well. And it is most unlikely that the democratic nations of NATO would attack Russia as Hitler did. Certainly not without some very great provocation. Something like the plot of Eric L Harry's novel Arc Light.


    For you it might be unlikely, for Russians it is not. Military campaigns in Yugoslavia, Iraq 2.0, Afghanistan and Libya are viewed in Russia as unlawful military agression by US and/or NATO against weaker independent countries. These wars have actually reinforced traditional Russian fears of foreign agression. If they can invade Iraq, what can stop them from invading Russia apart from it's military power and WMD deterrent? 

  11. Infantry out and up front, follow the BMP-3M behind by 50 meters. Infantry can spot better (dont know why as they dont have a whapping big thermal sight on their heads), let them see first. Then maneouever your vehicle to engage from either the flank, or when the M2 is firing at the infantry.

    As it stands, BMP-3M is more fragile than BMP-2M. Probably because BF surmised that the ammunition inside likes to go bang, as it often does catastrophically when a BMP-3M takes 25mm fire. It is meant to be protected from the front up to 30mm, but it isnt ingame at this time. BMP-2M however doesnt, so I am picking these in favour at the moment.


    I would go for BMP-2M instead, but the tactics remains the same. Infantry out and upfront, vehicle close behind. Spot then maneouever to engage if possible.

    Another armouring bug?


    Thanks for advice :)

  12. Smoke screens. BMP mounted smokes were designed for offensive use giving you 50-80m of breathing space with 3D6M/3D17 smoke grenades protecting form thermal and visual detection. 


    I've thought about it. BMP has 2 rounds of smoke and it can''t be reloaded. Smoke grenades are thrown 125, forward so I can move safe up to 250 meters. Not enought for my case.


    Engieers can deploy somke to, aren't they?

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