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Everything posted by Jiggathebauce

  1. New driver dropped today, and nothing in the release notes about OpenGL fixes. The decision to just switch to Nvidia at some point is being made for me with each update that doesn't fix this.
  2. I hope battlefront company will push AMD to fix this because a good chunk of the steam users who will play the current and soon to release titles are AMD users- when they leave mostly mixed or negative reviews this will turn people off from trying the game and reduce sales. AMD's lack of promptness and attention on this will affect BFC's bottom line.
  3. Yeesh, how much did Exxon and Chevron pay for this imperialist drivel?
  4. You're not gonna use some of those billions to give us CM with unreal 5 level graphics and a full sized AAA dev team? Womp womp
  5. Is there a nonzero chance that Wagner gets disbanded by Russian MOD by force, and then they claim the Ukrainians defeated them in detail after the fact?
  6. Re:Steve's comment about Jeans and propaganda backfires maybe they should have shown people living in shacks in the segregated south during Jim Crow. Meanwhile nowadays On the west coast where I live, a lot of tent cities near the highways and under bridges, often facing police violence that takes out what meager shelter and belongings they do have. Masses of people being priced out of their neighborhoods by tax valuation on their property and rent increases, on top of stagnant wages and price gouging at grocery stores and the pump. But hey, our homeless got jeans so it's all good. I am FOR sending Ukraine what they need to defend themselves, and so is the party I'm in. But it is undeniable that billions go to a bloated defense industrial complex and for what? They had to increase shell production sixfold? Hasn't the US DOD failed 5 years in a row of audits? It's a boon for the pro Russia side that corpos and real estate moguls are making windfall profits off people's declining standard of living in the US, the MIC is adorned in bigger budgets every year that somehow still can't sustain ammo on the shelf for a real war, and SOMEHOW there just isn't money to spread around to help normal people. For some reason, shareholders need bigger returns no matter who else that harms and how it will ruin the firms long term. Jack Welch is alive and well in corporate culture. The answer isn't to cut aid to Ukraine obviously, it's to quit pretending we can't afford giving everyone else a piece of the pie, and living in denial about how many people are struggling to afford to live right now, even with their Levi's on.
  7. He was in Right Sector as well, as said in your previous post. Was this guy a believer in far right ideology?
  8. They really leaned into the whole Gopnik thing. I'm really doubtful adidas signed in for the three stripe garments
  9. One way to interpret this is that the MOD and Wagner both don't have shells. LOL
  10. Response from someone in the AMD forum: "Probably missing some specific ogl code extensions that game devs used. Send a bug report, or maybe getting the game dev to contact AMD and let them know what coding they used?" Anyone opened a ticket with Battlefront?
  11. Exactly. An nlaw is cheap, but so are bullets to take out the operator. Trench war with only infantry and precision artillery? Might be worse than WW1 with so few enablers
  12. "This is stopping the IMF from coming to Sri Lanka’s aid" LOL. This is the reason right here. The amount of projection is amazing.
  13. Hmm ... I'm not thrilled that for half a year at least, AMD card owners have been unable to play CM2 titles except as flashbang to the face simulator. Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to signal boost on AMDs forum, another user has already posted there, but i think another thread specifically calling out CM and multiple driver updates screwing it up is warranted. Also, I have a steamdeck, bought CMCW on bf website and i believe we have access to steam key correct? If so, I will see if steam deck doesn't have this issue I will add that this solution is highly impractical, it's basically a console and it will be extremely weird to play CM with a gamepad setup and potentially on my television screen. I am not pleased at the moment with AMD.
  14. https://youtu.be/aYuUOifr6Mk Independent journalist that i get a lot of my news from, he also had experience as a contractor. His updates on Ukraine are roughly in line with what this forum brings up; I tend to notice that this forum is the most ahead of the curb on the war, followed by this guy's YouTube, then eventually big mainstream outlets regurgitate what we already talked about for weeks. Now the unique refrain that this guy brings up that i want to discuss is this - He argues every time he brings up Ukraine, that Russia is not at the hard part yet. Wether Russia won tomorrow, a year from now, or had won in February 2022, they fundamentally will get defeated trying to occupy the whole country. Does the forum agree? How much potential does Ukraine have to make a Russian occupation an absolute quagmire for the invader? Given that UA conventional army is still kicking ***, I agree they can.
  15. Important to be able to find and study footage of the non favorites to see what's going wrong with the preferred side in engagements.
  16. As pointed out in that recent video by Kraut, the political and economic conditions in Russia created by shock therapy in the 90s, are a window into what will happen in the west if governments are allowed to continue to allow oligarchs and concentrated money/powerblocs to grow and dominate everyone else. Can the west defeat Russia? It won't matter if it virtually becomes Russia. NamEndedAllen offered one highly specific scenario, there are many others though. Also as an aside I work as an engineer on the west coast with no debt, and I can't afford a house.
  17. I'm reminded of a scenario I played of CMCW where I sent a squad of Soviet infantry hunting for 2 bailed out crewmen from a destroyed vehicle. Little bastard with his (grease gun?) dropped most of my infantrymen and the remainder in that squad didn't want to take orders. Had to send another batch to clean up!
  18. Omg yes! I loaded a saved game in under a minute, usually takes up to 5, long enough for the landing screen song to play multiple times. I'd have time to make food during loads usually. Scrolling and input lag virtually gone too, and it was REALLY bad in CMCW. I think maybe i need to upload a video of how bad the white flashing is, if stuff is dying during an artillery strike the game is practically unplayable. I may as well be throwing flashbangs at myself in a COD game.
  19. Gonna just say that while I disagree with your definitions and premise and would expound more on it, it's not relevant to the thread at this juncture. Back to the war....
  20. Ok, so while performance in general seems to have improved A LOT with 23.2.1, Explosions near camera are still flashing the screen white and making play unenjoyable. Reporting it again to AMD
  21. New driver? Looking forward to see how it works when i get home...
  22. I'm not in disagreement with you that he did the wrong thing. I won't defend his actions there. That does not detract from my agreement with what he WROTE
  23. Outside of wanting democratic control of the workplace, I like that Lenin endorsed the right of self determination of the nations in the Russian sphere( which Putin has criticized him for more than once, particularly in regards to Ukraine). He opposed imperialist conflict and favored working class resistance to it from all countries(Putin also criticized him for this) I particularly think 'Imperialism' has been a prescient work. 'State and Revolution" continues to be a great introduction to ML theory and continues to have cutting insights, and it's worthy of critique(many anarchists do). Another poster mentioned that despite the revolution, the USSR as a state continued to have an elite dominating the rest? Well, Lenin made the observation that this is what states do, and why the ultimate goal was to get rid of them. For folks like myself in the contemporary churn of leftwing discourse and infighting, works like What is To be Done and 'left wing communism: an infantile disorder ' continue to surprise me because we continue to have the same debates regarding reform versus revolution, etc. And to just generally address a few things brought up, just real quick. Past 'failures' should not prevent progressive projects from continuing to be pursued. If you try to improve conditions and it doesn't work, we shouldn't settle for existing inadequacies right? If I am trying to be a good person and am imperfect, I do not simply give up on the endeavor and give in to my basest desires based on mistakes. Early attempts to overthrow feudalism had mixed results but no one wants to go back to lords and peasants. Capitalism was an improvement on that system, and leftists going back to Marx acknowledge that. As far as death counts I think it's ultimately a counterproductive and exhausting conversation because there is blood to go around, and much of it on one side is minimized, normalized and ignored, such as workers killed in labor struggles, the Bengal and Irish Potato famines, land enclosure, genocides against indigenous populations, etc. Additionally, it concerns me that many sources with anti left bias like to count German military casualties in WW2 in the same pile as other 'victims of communism'. I think Mark Twain had a quote that still very much applies to this discourse and I will leave it at that
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