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Everything posted by Jiggathebauce

  1. Really hope that engine updates to ensure CM doesn't become unplayable with current hardware happen, at a minimum. A new engine with more future compatibility would be great too.
  2. I'm seeing on the AMD forum that folks are still out of memory on big scenarios
  3. Seems to me that Ukraine could make a hole for Russians to retreat through- if they soften up the barrier troops enough to where they can't enforce compliance
  4. You're proposing that I figure out how to fix a problem that battlefront's tech support is either unable or unwilling to fix, and is technical to the point that no one else in the community has successfully done it or attempted to? This doesn't seem like something I can just edit a couple lines on- or someone would have by now and shared how they did it.
  5. Welllllll the flashing is back and now with 23.11.1 and, its even worse! I now get a good chunk of my bottom screen just plain white like this was a freeware in progress! if I select a unit, that chunk of white shifts to the right side. This is unacceptable. This is an issue with both Black Sea and Cold War, bet if I boot shockforce 2 I'll have it as well.
  6. This is definitely true in republican districts, but I hardly think this is the case in blue. With the exception of the Squad, the Dems primarily cater to a centrist constituency of wealthy 'Not In My Backyard" liberals, business and real estate interests. For Examples, see Kristen Synema, Eric Adams, Bloomberg etc. In senate races against Republicans, they run democratic candidates who can best be described as Bush senior/Reagan era conservatives to try to capture the vote of this unicorn 'reasonable moderate republican' who would be willing to back a conservative Dem over a Republican. With predictable results. The one exception where that has worked is Manchin. Anyone who identifies with the left can tell you that we are NOT the democratic base. Lol. The DNC and liberals basically tell us to shut up and vote for them because we have no other choice.
  7. Does this matter for the person with no plumbing, just because it could be worse economically, politically and military for the people that do have the toilets and aren't put in prison? You could argue that the Athenian slaves of rich, wise, kind men should have been grateful that they weren't spartan helots or the servants of worse men. You're right, but what a pitiful bar to judge by. There are better options, and I stand by that. A very convenient definition that takes for granted the way things are and the people who benefit. So political equality is impossible? How's that been working for our friends in Russia?
  8. I don't have to do the mental gymnastics that you do by simply taking the position that Hitlers regime was evil, and anyone who fought for it or aided it was complicit and criminal. A few scattered instances of kindness by individuals in service of the third Reich does not excuse the horror that they were unleashing on the world. And likewise, anything done to defeat it was justified, every bullet and every shell. 1. The hard times strong men meme is not from Socrates, it is not even ancient,much less mystically insightful . It was from a fiction book from 2016 by Michael G Hopf called Those Who Remain, and then morons like Joe Rogan and fans of Jordan Peterson have been taking it as gospel ever since. 2. I see from your response our difference in fundamental ideas. You seem to take it as a given that these strong elites are justified to exist and are the reason for good times. I completely disagree and do not think human history has justified them to anyone except Themselves, those in their circle, and their lackeys. To believe they have anyone's best interests in mind but themselves and trust them not to let us become statistics is naive and sad. Honestly confused by this entire segue. for one it reads like praise of Putin right up until 2014. This caveat of time frame in and of itself is an admission that these Strong Men(the oligarchs and crime bosses)who arose out of the Soviet collapse and shock therapy in the 90's(hard times), who created these (good times)-very questionable; good for very few and to the detriment of most- far from ending because of Weak Men, the Strong Men caused it and were really the weak ones all along! They have doomed their country to poverty, isolation, and reactionary authoritarianism, and humiliated their armed forces and any good reputation they had as a world power. Where I agree with you is that they have managed to coerce and manipulate their people into believing that things were great and will again be good under their leadership. So it goes with putting faith in elites and not ourselves
  9. Guess I'm a criminal then. My belief that people who work and create wealth deserve the fruits of their labor, and democratic say over what is done with surplus is truly the worst crime of all. Second in heinousness to the reasonable conclusion that the current system, like all preceding systems, is inherently doomed and will give way to new forms of organization and modes of production to resolve its contradictions. I'm in the trotskyist corner that actively supports Ukraine's self determination, and we regularly oppose stalinists who make no distinction between Putin 's war on "global homo" and the "woke west" and an imagined utopia under Stalin and his bureaucracy, and defend them both. Horrible men making hard times for the good, as I said before.
  10. The same answer from me they should have all been tried and punished accordingly. Also, the much quoted ridiculous "Hard times make strong men" thing is a meaningless mystical fantasy. If hard times made strong men made good times, Russia would have been a much better place at some point in the last 600 years. Seems to me they've had nothing but hard times and horrible men, and maybe a lot of dead good men who didn't get to make a difference as a result.
  11. Are you being ****ing serious? Lots of war criminals got away with it, particularly if they had useful skills that governments could employ in missiles and rockets. Frankly I thinks every single person who fought on that side of the war should have been behind bars or shot. For you as a Ukrainian, are you aware that the goal of the fascists was to exterminate your country and it's people completely? If they got you to fight for them before finishing, it was just a bonus for them.
  12. Maybe it's time finally for the unmanned battlemechs to emerge and replace the tank, just need the artificial muscles that can carry the loads lol. Carry on, I'm playing a lot of battletech lately.
  13. It's worse than that, he's basically treating the problem of displacement of entire populations of people as an inconvenience on the level of spaying and neutering an infestation of animals. No interest or acknowledgement of the root problems that would solve the issue, just resignation to it and irritation about all these 'dirty foreigners coming in and mucking up the place', is what I got from that comment. Disgusting.
  14. It doesn't follow that English would dominate operations and permeate this war at all, given that the majority of people involved are not English speakers. It has been pointed out in many ways by many people here that this is Ukraines war. As to your second point:For decades anglophone militaries have been sending people to fight and die in places that don't speak English without bothering to teach them basic phrases used in country to communicate with locals, and you don't see that as a historic and endemic problem? Countries "putting language barriers to foreign people who want to fight " you mean the simple fact that Ukraine is not an English speaking country? No one is saying people should be fluent Ukrainian speakers either, but this isn't Cincinnati and there isn't a mcdonalds at every highway exit.
  15. Another tip as I continue dealing with memory issues- deleting most of my save's seems to help me get less crashes.
  16. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-tank-armata-t-14-1814899 Newsweek with a nothing burger article about t-14 armata supposedly having inched towards the front last year, but with no real evidence of it's employment in combat
  17. Then perhaps it would be a good idea for western powers and their capital owners to RESTRAIN some of their worst impulses in the event of disruption. I'm told constantly that it's all about the decisions of individuals exercising personal responsibility,after all. Make a few less dollars off a humanitarian crisis, and live off the hype of the free world for once. Just sayin
  18. I've come to find that certain users just default to "HRW and UN not saying anything about Russia", and that everytime they do this is it is an emotional response with no basis in fact. We get it, but people looking at the forum may not do the research themselves and come away with false impressions.
  19. I reject your broad stroke characterization of the "far left" ,as if it has a coherent and unified set of opinions on the war and on states such as Russia and Syria. You haven't listened to very many leftists, because if you do you would know we have incredibly personal and bitter arguments with people who appropriate the aesthetic of revolutionary ideas and ultimately embrace reactionary movements and ideas, and indeed imperialism.
  20. In addition to out of memory, is anyone else hitting save or next turn and the game just closing itself? No crash notification, just closes.
  21. Of course, but I find it interesting that Luka would choose to portray Putin as this out of ideas, failing strongman who can't get his caterer to answer a phone call...
  22. So Prig was upset that Putin wasn't talking to him for months, but Putin couldn't get Prig to talk to him this past weekend? Someone's lying.
  23. Gonna float a theory here, the arrangement as we understand it between Putin, Luka and Prig fits all parties and fits their belief that it's a lose situation for the others. Please shoot this to pieces if I'm misreading. Mostly this hinges on one key assumption about Luka so I will start there. Luka wanted to have the preeminence that Putin has had and that he has not. He has been in the shadows as the junior partner and the events of the last few days were his best chance. Putin looks weak and is much weaker than anyone thought, and brokering peace between Wagner and Putin puts him back in the game, revitalizes his career, so to speak. And with Prig onside, maybe he uses them to shield himself against Putin. For Prig, the deal is a chance for him to save his skin because he bit off more than he can chew, but now he can play Luka and Putin against each other. For Putin, sending Prig to Belarus allows him to rebuild his authority and credibility, while offloading his rebellious boyar to another Liege. Is this in any way a valid read? It's the one I would make if this was a game of thrones/house of cards thriller.
  24. What the hell is the Russian forces on the front going to do? Point guns west and wait for word from east? Leave their posts and participate in the Event? Who's in charge now?
  25. I don't know if it's awesome or sad that I feel like mainstream press is always 3-4 days late on developments that are being caught in real time on telegram/Twitter and filtered through this forum.
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