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Everything posted by Jiggathebauce

  1. Have a totally left field question about helicopters: have there been recorded instances where air assets were hit by ground based artillery, out of pure coincidence and serendipity? Accidental reverse anti air, if you will?
  2. I'm not very clear on what the differences in Responsibility are between Prigozhin and Utkin within the Wagner PMC. If Utkin founded it, is he running it day to day and using Prig as spokesman? Who is boss of who?
  3. I appreciate that you allowed for the possibility of misreading. as someone who travels in Trotskyist circles, I'm not implying that the USSR was the idyllic workers paradise being unfairly assailed- I'm implying that a large group of western leaders particularly during the early 1950s and 1960s were so lacking in political imagination that they saw no alternative to apocalyptic, civilization ending war and actively wanted to initiate it in their lifetime. Wether they waged it against an authoritarian, degenerated, state-capitalist bureaucracy or an exemplary workers state was entirely besides the point to people like McCarthy and General MacArthur. I am glad they didn't get their war.
  4. This sentiment that the west wasn't a threat to the USSR is only true if we conveniently ignore periods such as during the red scare of the 1950s, when a large bloc of politicians in the US was actively in favor of confrontation with the Soviets. The likes of Truman and JFK were castigated by this faction for being too soft on communism, the implication being that anything short of trying to start world war 3 was too soft. Highly recommend seasons 2 and 3 of the podcast Blowback for more detail.
  5. To add on to your point, it's worth noting that commentators including Vlad Vexler and the NCD subreddit are pointing out that many of the better known individuals participating in that raid have far right nationalist affiliations. To echo the thoughts of some commentators on NCD, far right anti putinists fighting the far right Putin government equals dead fascists, no matter who catches a bullet. That said, not a good optics move when so much of the Ukrainian optics war has been fought masterfully. Here is Vexler's video on the subject https://youtu.be/2W4TYVNVvjM
  6. That's probably my favorite quote now to sum up this war
  7. To try to add some comparison variety, Steve do you have much familiarity with Adorno and Horkheimer, and their analysis of the 'culture industry ' within the United States, particularly via hollywood and advertising? Dream factories, and so on? To sum up, the us has been socially engineering it's population for a long time to think of themselves as individuals, but only within a very narrow band that conforms to certain expectations. It's worth a browse in my opinion, I've only seen a few videos on the subject and can't expand much yet on it. https://youtu.be/Z6F7oIlA9TE
  8. A strike like that almost completely negated and only some slight damage to an entity or two of AD ? Still a hell of a good trade. They're getting more patriots right? even better!
  9. Alright so it's not an ideal solution, but i found that if I plotted all my orders on turn 1, hit save, the following day I was able to play 10 turns of action without crashing, and 2 more saves. Bite and hold, gentlemen. 2/3 of my FSE's rifle company vehicles are toast, 40% of the infantry but i still got my tank platoon in overwatch and...not seeing the enemies tow's. Lol
  10. I think you missed the joke, my comment was referencing the instrumental used in the Ukrainian video(Jay-z's 99 Problems)
  11. Ok folks, i played some cold war I just tried one of the Soviet training scenario 2's, the one of the MRB in meeting engagement. 5 turns in I ran out of memory and hadn't saved
  12. "Everyone's leaving my shiddy police state that's leaving everyone futureless and impoverished! Nobody loves dear leader?What ever will we do to fix it?" It would be funny if it wasn't tragic
  13. If I recall correctly, Saddams army tried using tanks as Self propelled artillery against Iran to fairly poor results....
  14. If anyone made them heroes it was the state,they targeted them for a crime they didn't commit and persecuted them for their beliefs and for being immigrants, in gross violation of the values of a free country.
  15. I'll be honest I've never dipped my toes into multiplayer, wouldn't have thought troubleshooting would be my in lol
  16. For those who follow the misadventures of Z propagandists, Gonzalo Lira got himself in Ukrainian custody, good riddance
  17. Maybe it's symbolic? Like hey, we can get ya if we want
  18. As something of a companion piece to the article I shared last week that constructively criticized Ukr diplomacy in the global south, here is another that offers a rebuttal to pro Russian, so called 'anti imperialist' narratives regarding the positions taken by global south countries. Content warning that Commons expresses an explicitly left Ukrainian politics politics. https://commons.com.ua/en/rosijsko-ukrayinska-vijna-imperski-ambiciyi/
  19. Some interesting constructive criticism of Ukraine's diplomatic approaches outside of it's efforts to the west. Just started reading it. https://commons.com.ua/en/ukrayinska-diplomatiya-na-globalnomu-pivdni/
  20. Have you heard about what's going on with cop city in Atlanta, how they murdered an activist and filed terrorism charges at others? How the CIA and FBI undermine activist movements and assassinate leaders like Fred Hampton, and more than likely MLK and Malcom X? Do you really think the largest prison population on the world is just criminals, and has nothing to do with being able to use free prison labor and destroy communities? The government drugging people without their consent in twisted brainwashing experiments in the MK Ultra project? Do you not factor hundred of lynchings in the last 100 years of blacks, Italians and other minorities, the forced sterilization and experimentation on people by eugenics advocates? Do you recall the red scare, when socialists by and large were terrorized into silence in the US? I could go on, you can get thrown in jail just for trying to sleep in a tent or eat food from the garbage in this country. It is truly mind boggling how much injustice is directed at some people, while others will never run afoul of the system. For them, it's like a different country. Not sure I understand. If someone kills my family and takes my house, am I an oppressor for taking it back? Am I an oppressor for killing the one responsible? Is the court that sentences then for their crime oppressive? I've never understood how one group of people can continually do horrible things and keep getting soft treatment for it, and the people who try to put them to account are accused of being as bad or worse. Particularly confederates and their modern day supporters. Lot of peepaws who never went to jail for lynchings, for instance. collective leadership can still make collective bad decisions. It's still preferable to decisions taken by autocrats. Whether you think some of those folks exercised collective power or were dictators, bad calls can be recognized as bad calls. Also, I'd also be skeptical about any body count tolls that include Axis war dead in their counts of 'Victims of Communism' particularly when those victims count toward a contrived figure of 100 million. Ask yourself what kind of agenda is being pushed by organizations that would take such liberties with numbers. Easy to guess what it could be I feel we are getting off topic so I'm done after your next response if that's alright.
  21. I'm still not sure we are talking about the same thing or if we disagree fundamentally, so let me try to argue that 1. EVERY state of every type uses the same methods of control, we all just happen to have different opinions on how justified they are to use them and to what extent. That's what all the police and soldiers and lawyers are there to enforce. Even in what you would probably consider a balanced middle democracy, these methods are used. 2.the repression of the slaveholder is not morally equivalent to the repression of the liberated. 3. The extremes cannot meet in all philosophies and all issues. A system that practices and emphasizes collective leadership, is not the same as one that emphasizes individual authority and private exercises of power. Fair points Beleg. And I hope the marginal folks continue to cause smoking accidents all over the federation.
  22. Fascists have always when convenient, appropriated socialist imagery and slogans. Doing so does not make them socialists or leftists, multiple orgs and tendencies repudiate them. Russia has always had a far right nationalist problem. It should always be called out for what it is.
  23. And when you consider the ways that could be done practically, all involve mass assault on the autonomy and bodies of women, coated in traditional religious and chauvinistic language. No immigration but probably the trafficking of women captured in war. Disgusting.
  24. To quote a summary of the speech given by a user who shared this to me originally: "It appears a Russian Naval officers mutiny is being announced, with the intent of restoring a true Tsar to succeed Putin. An assembly of Russian officers said that if their leader comes to power, there will be fundamental changes. The points: "personnel revolution"; lustration of the enemies of the people; "degreasing" the oligarchs; severing diplomatic relations with all hostile countries; an end to all immigration the abolition of the free circulation of the dollar and the euro; growth of the population of the Russian Federation to one billion. While this may not lead to internal war or conflict right away, it is certainly seditious. The new Supreme Ruler of Russia and future candidate for President of Russia 2024 has been nominated from within the Officers' Assembly: Captain Ivan Otrakovsky. Otrakovsky has a long history of membership in far right nationalist groups and associations with breakaway sect of the Orthodox Church. If he doesn't find a window big enough in the coming months, with the help of what looks to be significant military backing, this could very well be the new Tsar of the most horrifyingly dystopian country on the planet. Brace for impact." Sounds far right to me
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