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Everything posted by Reiter

  1. ^ Ah, your mod, waclaw. Using it already. Maybe the new backround sound distracted me.
  2. ^ Husker, What soundmod are you using? Link please, if any.
  3. Finnish, yes. This guy who writes news in it, is very pro-separatist/russian guy. There is much information in his site, but you are right if you say that the information there is not 100% objective. Thats why I started to question his info about new russian mega-übertank.
  4. ^ Yeah, and then we can read news like this: Venäjän armeijan uusi taisteluvaunu Armata T-14 kestää sen suunnittelijoiden mukaan kaikkien modernien taisteluvaunujen tykkien, panssaritorjunnan ohjusten ja kranaatinheittimien ammusten osumat. "Panssarointi Armatassa takaa suojauksen kaikista moderneista ja luvassa olevilta panssariammuksilta 120 mm kaliiberilla," sanoi Armatan suunnittelusta vastaavan instituutin tiedottaja TASS-uutisille lisäten, että panssarointi suojaa torjuntaohjuksilta ja kranaatinheittimiltä 120-150 mm kaliibereissa. Suojaus koskee myös ylhäältä tulevia osumia, joihin kohdistetaan mm. taisteluhelikopterien ammukset. Toim. huom.Suunnittelusta vastaava instituutti ei paljastanut TASS:n uutisen perusteella mitään siitä salaisuudesta, joka on voimistanut Armatan ja samalla mahdollisesti koko Venäjän panssaroinnit uudelle tasolle. Vuonna 2013 Venäjän armeija ilmoitti, että uudet boorijauheesta valmistetut nanopanssarit on kehitetty ja lupasi "mullistuksen vuonna 2015". Saksassa on julkaistu raportti, jonka mukaan modernisoituihin Venäjän tankkeihin ei enää riitä Leopard 2-taisteluvaunujen iskukyky ja kestää ainakin vuoteen 2017 ennen kuin uusiin ammusvaatimusten haasteisiin kyetään vastaamaan vaunuvalmistajan toimesta. Venäjä on vastikään keskittänyt ensimmäisen testiosastonsa Armata-vaunuja Arktiselle prikaatille Kuolan niemimaalla. Taisteluosaston voidaan odottaa olevan jo parhaillaan pohjoisella alueella. ---------------------------------------------------------- Russian army in the new battleground carriage Armata T-14 takes its designers, according to all the modern battle wagons cannons, anti-tank missiles and mortar projectiles hits. "Armor Armatassa to guarantee protection of all the modern and the like olevilta armor-piercing 120 mm caliber," said the Design Armatan Institute spokesman TASS news, adding that the armor protection of missiles and mortars from 120-150 mm caliber. Security is also a top future hits, which are subject to mm. combat helicopters ammunition. Ed. points. Planning Institute of failure to disclose TASS's news on the basis of any of the mystery, which has intensified Armatan and at the same time possibly in the whole of the Russian armor to a new level. In 2013, the Russian military announced that the new nano-armor made of boron have been developed and promised "revolution in 2015". Germany has published a report according to which no longer enough modernized Russian tanks Leopard 2 battle wagons in good shape and will last at least until 2017 before the new projectile requirements to meet present challenges by the wagon manufacturer. Russia has recently focused its first test department Armata-wagons Arctic brigade in the Kola Peninsula. Battle Group can be expected to already be in the northern region. http://www.verkkomedia.org/news.asp?mode=10&id=13536
  5. I think this is the link for his statement: http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article140083741/Bundeswehr-Kampfpanzern-fehlt-wirksame-Munition.html Google translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=fi&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.welt.de%2Fpolitik%2Fdeutschland%2Farticle140083741%2FBundeswehr-Kampfpanzern-fehlt-wirksame-Munition.html&edit-text=&act=url And http://tass.ru/en/russia/799241
  6. As title says, what you gys think, how best Leopard model manages to penetrate Armata´s armor? One guy said, that Leo can´t penetrate it. I am little sceptical for that statement. What you guys think?
  7. Claymores really are effective.
  8. You guys have to see this. Then, hear this.
  9. ^ I think absurdity. And I am not a nazi.
  10. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118631-any-modules-coming/ http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118890-when-will-the-next-module-arrive/
  11. Lyrics: Field Marshal, the advance will be in the defensive fire, the enemy has long been on the latest types of tanks. Only one thing can help us again power to winners, we need finally companies with new heavy tigers. Let the cat go ... In Kursk first major attack in hawsers, enemy tanks have been shot at three thousand feet. Eight-eight cannons firing highly accelerated grenades, their rumbling startled many enemy tank crew. Let go of the cat ... the ruler of the battle field, the kings of the battle. Let go of the cats ... eighty-eight millimeter superior firepower. Let go of the cat ... The enemy crews nightmare and her sheer terror. Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Also superior in Normandy the opponent, no matter how strong the enemy Association, no raises at him like. Are rarely voluntarily started fighting with him and even small Tiger crews bypassed rather widely. Let go of the cat ... the ruler of the battle field, the kings of the battle. Let go of the cats ... eighty-eight millimeter superior firepower. Let go of the cat ... The enemy crews nightmare and her sheer terror. Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... A handful of soldiers - enemy attacks - are totally inferior, but they grin contemptuously, rather than surrender without a fight. The attacker amaze why the men laugh, one hears a sudden squeak chains, splintering wood, trees crashing! And out of the undergrowth breaks - the sight you will never forget, a battle group of tigers with aufgesessner infantry! Let go of the cat ... the ruler of the battle field, the kings of the battle. Let go of the cats ... eighty-eight millimeter superior firepower. Let go of the cat ... The enemy crews nightmare and her sheer terror. Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Lest by the ratio of its launch numbers, read to, in what desperation they threw the enemy. Read the names of those who were aces on them, healing Wittmann, Carius and the others ... Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Let the cat go ... Iron rusts in the steppe, in the earth are bones of those who faithful to the end never broke their oath. Still, the forest, silent pipes, nothing testifies to what once happened in silence mourns only the child who never saw his father.
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