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Everything posted by KGBoy

  1. You want guns! Next is a pic of some beautiful shotguns.
  2. From a weird sort of unmanned Museo Arma de Fuego in Havana. Russian but...? Bonus for the flintlock!
  3. FYI Wikipedia has a segment about the Sea Fury in Cuba. Bay of Pigs.
  4. Thanks @Vergeltungswaffe Now how about that tail of a jet to the left of the tank? U2 maybe?
  5. Poor, hurting Cuba! Maybe a new revolution has begun? Havana Cuba Museo de la Revolucion Soviet but...
  6. You remembered right! His real name was Kurt Erich Suckert and Malparte was a play on Bonaparte. He was a friend and was also imprisoned (island exile - how Roman!) of/by Mussolini. One of the very strange scenes (there are so many) was summer salmon fishing with Himmler above the Arctic circle in Finland. I should also add he wrote about the American occupation of Naples in The Skin. Not quite as compelling a book but of interest certainly.
  7. Anybody read this curious piece of WWII German/Itlaian reportage? Many, many memorable scenes but a nice touch was what the average German soldier called Barbarossa -- 1000 jahr blitzkrieg.
  8. You led this horse to water and it drank. Thanks Flock!
  9. Begging the question. AI doesn’t play favourites. It just works with the points. It seems to attempt balance too. Lots of axis panzershreck. You just won’t get there very quickly.
  10. Here is the AI selection for medium plus 100% Allies 27 vehicles Axis 5 vehicles. In an ME who gets where first is fundamental. Which side would you choose?
  11. That's just me. It doesn't seem to gain much traction here. Not based on experience but by observing the AI make selections for QB MEs. The Allies always get way more materiel and look to be hands down winner in who I would prefer to play if the game were played with said selections. Allies always seem to have 50% (at least) in vehicles. On cheaper selection Axis often gets no vehicles and Allies 4 or so. Just seems as QB is ahistorical it is an unnecessary gaming of the system.
  12. You are the leftovers.

  13. Yes. War aims were different between Axis and Allies. If pricing is to reflect RL then war aims should also. Otherwise just make things even and be damned to RL. In QB ME particularly. And thanks to everyone. Learning a lot about the purchase versus value with Axis.
  14. You would think this would extend to battle parameters also. Axis in RL was looking for a standoff by this point whereas Allies were still looking to win entirely. That is not modelled in QB.
  15. How would that be structured?Agreed upon battle groups? So asks the confused one. Is there ever been a poll to see what type of game QB most play? ME I would assume.
  16. I am leaning this way. I am trying to work out game rules I can live with. The whole purchase game is a big headache. 1.Let the AI select everything. Run a couple each and pick 1 with your opponent. 2. Maybe 2 games played together and each takes the other side in the 2nd. And thanks for the link @Vanir Ausf B
  17. Thanks @Vanir Ausf B Where is the blitz ladder BTW? Ignorant sot that I am...
  18. I remember that AI very well! And it had a dead eye line up and very hard to beat. CM2 AI is downright dopey by comparison.
  19. Perhaps I am mistaken but the AI seems more like a cat's attention. It can only focus on one thing at a time. Distraction seems like the best idea before opening fire.
  20. I think pricing favours the Allies at all levels. I would be curious to know what the ratios of QB wins are for Axis vs. Allies? Or even with more detail Commonwealth versus Axis or US versus Axis? Whoever wins playing Axis has done a great job. Whereas a tactical win from the Allies is a meh.
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