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Chibot Mk IX

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Posts posted by Chibot Mk IX

  1. 14 hours ago, nik mond said:

    There is one detriment I experienced occasionally using blind area fire. That is the unit firing getting sniped by an AT gun. I'm not sure if that is because the unit conducting the recce is viewed as a sound contact or visually obscured then suddenly lights itself up as it starts firing. But I find blind area fire a risky endeavor at times.

    The muzzle flash will reveal the shooter so it is always a risk. But play it smart it could benefit the player


    I remember there is a user made scenario in CMRT (probably it's AD Farmyard Skirmish ) , a German Straggler co. attack a village.   The weather is Heavy rain, visibility is very low. Soviet defender scatter in the village however you could run into a deadly SMG gunfire trap because effective spotting range is less than 80m (but muzzle flash can draw return fire 300m away). So here is the trick to break Soviet's defense. Make the whole Co. get into a fire support position 150-200m away from the village, send a two men scout team forward, then area fire any suspicious position. it will trigger Soviet's return fire and it is very likely they won't survive very long under the firepower of your whole company.        

  2. 17 hours ago, domfluff said:

    It definitely isn't - spotted targets are aimed at the centre of mass of the spotted model (and deviates from there), whereas area fire hits all over the square. Obviously with stuff like HE or suppressive MG fire that may not matter too much.

    I hear ya 

    Yes, you are right.  Targeting on the spotted units aim at the target so it is supposed to be more accurate. But it doesn't matter to large caliber HE round.  So I hope the Dev team can consider my suggestion, make the shooter randomly target 1 or 2 square away from intended area fire aim point.

  3. A little bit OT. I think blind area fire is a little bit OP as it is as accurate as fire on spotted target. 

    Image you are a CO, you asked your sergeants to keep firing at the center part of the woods. In CM, everyone will fire at the same spot (grid) . IRL that's not possible, because different people have a different point of view, that will cause a different definition of  "center part". 

    I am wondering if the future CM engine can give some penalty to blind area fire: For example , unit may aim at 1 or 2 grid away from intended target area. 

  4. On 6/19/2021 at 2:43 PM, Codreanu said:

     I think trying to hit the SU-76s with "target area" HE was a bad idea too, instead of stunning them like I hoped it would, the muzzle flash just made it easier for them to see me.

    Yes, as George MC  mentioned below the weather is tricky in this scenario.  The effective spotting distance is less than 300m for AFV, but the muzzle flash will expose the shooter's position, make the shooter a light bulb in a dark room.  

    You can still area fire but it is better to let the shooter hide in a good cover position, let couple more AFV to overwatch the same direction.  


  5. On 5/17/2021 at 6:51 AM, George MC said:

    This mission is based on the one in the von Schroif campaign BUT the map has been extensively reworked, the Soviet AI plan has had a total overhaul, slightly different objectives scoring, different OOBs. So whilst it appears similar it is very, very different.

    Good to know, actually I am still at Schroif Campaign mission 3, but I have finished reading the campaign briefing PDF File so I remember the conversation between Oberstleutant Voss and Hauptmann Hans von Schroif.  

    Glad to know those are two different missions.


    I have finished my PBEM game . I was playing German side, a minor defeat but I still consider a big win for me because

    1,  most important , I have fun. This is a fantastic scenario . I play this scenario blind and I believe my opponent also play it blind 

    2, I saved the trapped KG, they lost 1 Pz IIL, 1 Sdkfz 251 and couple infantrymen but in the end , they still have good combat effectiveness. :) 



  6. On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2021 at 10:29 AM, chuckdyke said:

    Their weakness is lack of range, and they need armored support. 

    Guess that is part of reason why Soviets SMG teams are so formidable in CM.  They always have enough armored support. Most of CM scenario have high density AFV,  puts German player in a dilemma position.  

    Try to stop SMG team cold in open ground at long distance will not work, most of time your HMG and LMG team will be eliminated by a salvo of 76mm HE.

    try to setup an ambush in keyhole position at close range may backfire for obvious reason. 


  7. On 5/31/2021 at 4:08 PM, Falaise said:Yes @Chibot Mk IX I saw your post, your vehicle passed?

    here is my solution!


    That looks great Falaise!  

    Yes, my vehicle passed thanks to my luck, only two infantrymen were pushed off bridge .

    But later when I sent one Sdkfz 251 back , try to pickup more infantry , I experienced the bridge crossing problem. The SPW pushed whole Volkssturm platoon into the river , then stuck in the middle of bridge.   I S/L and sent all the rest of infantry cross the bridge on foot. 

  8. Yes, experienced the same problem.


    Make sure save before crossing the bridge.   Only send one vehicle pass through bridge each turn. Don't send on foot infantry and vehicle pass the bridge at the same time, otherwise the infantry will be pushed off the bridge by vehicle just like the screenshot below.  



  9. I am in the beginning of a PBEM game, so I will skip pervious discussion to avoid spoiler .


    Glad to know that Hauptmann Von Stransky got into trouble again. (Maybe he has a different name in "Kampfgruppe von Schroif" ?)


    One question about soviets spotting score: Does sound contact count as spotting ?   

    I killed a Soviets ATR gunner, and his assistant gunner flee into the deep woods. But he could hide in a place that can hear my panzers. I don't know if I should spare extra scout team to hunt him down. 

  10. I thought Soviets requires assistant Plt leader stay on one of the BMP's commander seat while the Plt leader dismount? So there should be one BMP in the Plt has 3 crew members? 


    Anyway, Here is a gamey method to improve BMP's spotting ability while keep the majority personal fighting dismount later. Split a scout team from the squad. Make sure the scout team board the BMP first. the one who occupy the commander seat will change description to "Leader".  Please note the squad will combine again when you board the rest of the squad on the BMP. To avoid that you can put the 1st squad/A team on 2nd BMP, 2nd squad/A team on 3rd BMP. Or you can make the scout teams belongs to 1st Plt board the BMPs belongs to 2nd Plt .


  11. Just finish this scenario. This is a great scenario, fun to play with. A sense of Götterdämmerung, reminds me the CMBB scenario "Once a King".  Street fight is intense, and you got make a quick decision based on limit information. In one min you are attacking Soviets position , the next min you have to rapidly change into a defense position and fight for your survival.




    but the Weidendammer Bridge is buggy. The AFV could trap and then bounce on the bridge  ( guess this is the old CM crossing bridge bug) I have to S/L once to avoid my AFV trapped on the bridge. And one of my pixeltruppen fall off the bridge . That is a great place to take cover from incoming fire 😁


  12. 1 hour ago, akd said:

    TOW / ITOW had a xenon near-infrared beacon in the tail.  Consequently, the missile could not be tracked through obscurants by the optical tracker even if the AN/TAS-4 thermal night sight was used in conjunction with the optical tracker.  This was only rectified with AN/TAS-4A, which was an active tracking unit, and the TOW-2 missile, which had a thermal beacon in the tail in addition to xenon near-IR beacon.

    Thank you for the explanation. That makes sense . 


    48 minutes ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    I just tested the M2 and M3 Bradleys. The 25mm cannon will fire through smoke. In the reported example you can see the gunner is trying to fire a TOW missile.

    I was using T-64A as the target , so the Bradleys gunner was trying to use ATGM to engage.  Good to know they will use cannon to engage soft skin target through smoke. 


  13. Not sure if this is a bug or WAD:


    Smoke screen is generated by Artillery 

    I noticed that the TOW, M47 , M901 and M2 can identify the target behind the smoke barrages but could not engage it.   

    On the other hand. M1 and M60A3 TTS can engage these targets. 


    M60A3 TTS, the LOS/LOF changed to grey but can engage the Soviet Tanks behind the smoke




    TOW team seems to have the best spotting ability, but do not have a valid LOF




    M2 has the most weird behavior . it turns the gun to the target, gunner's action changes to "aiming" but do not fire.  LOF is blocked by smoke 




  14. 1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

    and infra-red lights for night fighting. it depends what your definition of thermal is. 

    most of the IR lights and optics work at near-infrared to Short-wavelength infrared spectrometer .

    Thermal sights capture the  Long-wavelength infrared.


    That's  two sub-division under infrared spectrum, but they have a significant difference on wavelength 

  15. I found some discussion in my collection about how to fight PPSH Soviets in woods



     Hope they help


    2 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    You often can't really do that though, because of the way the game strictly limits the places you can put a target order.

    And because you can't shoot straight into the forest but have to shoot at a specific square, which at close range means mostly shooting into the ground.

    While forest fighting is also a pain in real life, the attacker is even more constrained in the game.

    I could be wrong, but

    1, the area fire will cause suppression effect in adjacent tiles 

    2, in one of the link above, there is one post  saying " This doesn't mean you need LOS to the target either. If a target is 100 to 120m away and your LOS is well short of this you still have excellent results simply shooting in that direction even if you are 70m short of your actual target. Your hail of bullets travel a lot further than you eyes can see."       I concur that. 

  16. Yes, LGM team Area Fire should help if you have to take those woods. But in my humble opinion, the west side forest can be bypassed . no need to occupy it. 

    3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Forest fighting against Soviet PPSh squads, the nightmare of every CM gamer. Can't wait to see how the MP44 equipped Sturmgrenadiere will do against them.

    it depends on who is the attacker who is the defender, and who has the favors of fortune.   I was in the campaign "Regaining The Initiative (Rokossovkys_Impasse)" , in one of the engagement I know there is a German SMG team /  Fusilier team in front of me. So I sent a full Soviet rifle plt to hunt them. Their MP40s took out 13 soviets before be put down by a brave Mosin-Nagant rifleman  





  17. 11 hours ago, Ryujin said:

    However it feels like there's some reasonable improvements they could make within existing tech. It seems worth it to try some new orders considering how awkward the time based work arounds are and how frequently needing to fire and reverse comes up. 

    I've used the pause based approach a lot, but it's really not user friendly depending on guessing the right timing to spot and engage.

    indeed,  couldn't agree more.

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