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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Robotyne area. Soldiers of 78th Special purpose regiment "Hertz' " of Air-assault Command dismount from own Oshkosh M-ATV to advance to treeline. Two Bradleys of 47th mech.brigade covers them and shoot at the enemy Reportedly Russians yesterday conducted several counter-attack at our flanks and forced our troops slightly withdraw from outskirts of Robotyne.
  2. Next month GUR will issue next estimation ) It's just ineteresting to compare level of stockpiles with pre-war number (last digits after "/") About production of missiles and other - it's ridiculous, but in present time the biggest supplier of electronic componemts for Russia became... Maldives. Several Maldivian companies, registered in UK bypassing sanctions and supply US electronics to Russia. According to investigation of missiles and UAV fragments, about 80 % of electronic components were produced in USA. Other main manufacturers - Switzerland, France, Germany
  3. Russian vehicles dig defense lines north from Mariupol
  4. Russians have deployed own Orion UCAV complex of 3 planes on Taganrof airfield. Orions had been using on in first several months, but later they sudenly disappered. Orix has 5 visually confirmed shot down Orions in own database. Before the war Russia had about 30 Orions. Probably they encoutered with a prob;ems in manufacturing of guided weponn for it
  5. GUR Assesment of curernt Russian missile stocks
  6. The map of visually geolocated destroyed artillery/MLRS/air defense assets since starting of UKR offensive from 9th of May. Russians, commenting this, complain that Russian industry is unable to replenish quickly such losses in artillery, when UKR will give replenishments for destroyed armor and soon can achieve 1:10 rate of losses in artillery and this threaten to catastrofical consequences for motorized troops
  7. UKR SOF show strikes on Russian targets, which were spotted by them There is rare and valuable equipmnent on the video: 1. EW Triada-2S (satellite communication channels jamming) 2. MLRS Grad 3. Early warning surviellance radar P-18 4. Four Russian BMPs, being hit by one shell 5. D-30 howitzer 6. Survielance optical system on the mast 7. EW/ELINT Leer-2 (tactical level, ELINT+supression/hijacking)
  8. Russian sources claimed two maritime drones tried to attack patrol corvette "Sergey Kotov" (pr.22160, comissioned in July 2022) in south-western part of Black Sea. Reportedly both were detsroyed on approach. On the photo "Sergey Kotov" ship
  9. Russian northern sub-group of northern groupment was activated too, I will redraw the map today after work.
  10. Ammo dump in Makiivka city, Donetsk oblast was destroyed yesterday evening
  11. They concentrated six artillery brigades (army and corps level unit), including 45th high-power arty brigade (203 mm 2S7) of Western military district in this sector, not counting divisional level artillery regments.
  12. Probably Russian soldiers of 83rd air-assault brigade in bad situation near Klishchiivka
  13. I just put most of Mashovets writings on this map. According to him Russian group on Kupiansk direction divided on two groupments - northern, which will advance on Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi and southern, which already started own offensive to Borova town. Each groupment in own turn has per two subgroups. The border of responsibility of both groups is probably along the road Svatove - Borova Main goal of southern group - to reach Borova and in this way to cutt off northern group of UKR forces and then to smash them with nortehrn group attack from east and southern group attack from south to north along Oskil river. Their objectives - not only capture Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi (and maybe Kupiansk on right bank of Oskil), but completely eliminate UKR troops on left bank of Oskil. Now southern group is trying to acomplish nearest task - to come on the line Pershotravneve - Iziumske (vertical red dotted line) Southern group approx since 17th of July could push off UKR forces of 66th mech.brigade from Zherebets river oppose to Kovalivka - Karmazynivka villages line and established there bridgehead. Using huge advantage in artillery and especially in MLRS, they for three last days significantly expanded this bridgehead up to 5 x 4 km area. Soldiers say, Russian MLRS fire even at small size units like half-squad. To stop this breakthrough, UKR command was forced to send rerverves. Now situation there is unknown. Against us here are 423rd MRR of 4th GTD and elements of 15th MRBr and 30th MRBr Also in interests of southern group two battalions of 21st motor-rifle brigade of Lyman groupment are operating. They try to attack on Makiivka, but without success. Between groups "borderline" Russians threw into the battle two units of reserves, keeping near Miluvatka (my bug on map) - 12th and 13th tank regiments of 4th GTD are in the battle on Dzherelne - Raihorodka line, but without significant gains. Norhern groupment makes probe actions in Novoselivske area. All their success for now - they pushed off UKR troops about on 1 km and again captured railway stattion between Novoselivske and Kuzemivka. Mashovets also put intersting question - why Russians HQ have started this offensive now? Either they are trying to force UKR command move reserves from south here or they are already confident that UKR offensive on the south ALREADY failed. And from answer will be depend many things.
  14. Many voices both on the West and among Ukrianian politics and some part of society demanded to stop bloodshed in Bakhmut and withdraw troops to avoid big losses. And as if even Zaluzhnyi adviced to General Staff to withdraw (but all this only rumors). We had real dilemma - to continue fighting with the enemy with his "smart meat-waves" and artillery advantage and suffer a losses or to withdraw and soon to get the same on Kostianntynivka - Druzhkivla line with very possible Siversk section falling and then - huge punch to moral of society. Ukrainian society has very nervous reaction even on little failures on frontline, so this is also important factor. I try do not read most comments in twitter now - after strikes on Odesa, slow offensive and Russian advance on Kupiansk direction we have many posts "we are losing the war, negotiations will be soon, Zelenskiy is a traitor bla-bla-bla". And not all these comments come from Russisan PsyOps centers.
  15. Result of today's long-range strike on Crimea. Russian milblogger Rybar claimed Russian AD/EW destroyed/supressed 11 kamikadze-drones, but all four Storm Shadows hit own targets. Three missiles hit ammo dump on Vesele (rus. Vesyoloye) airfield - this is another inactive Black Sea Fleet airfield in 15 km SW from Dzhankoy. One missile hit repair base in Novostepove (rus. Novostepnoye) village in 4 km south from Dzankoy Video of explosion probably on Vesele airfield. ATESh resistans claimed a stockpile of Onix missiles were destroyed, but this of course can't be verified. Also result of strike on Moscow. Reportedly office center in use of some cyber center of GU GSh (former GRU), small building belongs to MoD music band. UKR "Bober" kamikadze-drone over Moscow. Interesting that in 300 m is MoD building situates with Pantsyr S1 on the roof, but it couldn't intercept UKR drone, probably the crew just slept. Also in this area there are elite appartaments of many Russian top-officials and Duma deputies.
  16. According to Mashovets, Bakhmut - Chasiv Yar - Kostianntynivka -Druzhkivka area falling was a neccesary term for Russian offensive on Siversk - Bilohorivka direction in order to secure the area before general offensive to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk - main cities of Ukraine-controlled Donbas. Russian winter offensive on Vuhledar was a piece of this operation. In case of success, Russians would be advance to Pokrovsk, threatening the southern flank and even rear of Sloviansk-Kramatorsk group. So, Bakhmut as a city itself hadn't enough strategic sense, but in complex all Bakmhut direction was a gate to unocuppied Donbas.
  17. In original text used a word "copters". In Russian and Ukrainian military slang this word is reduced form of "quadcopter, hexacopter, octocopter" - and means a drone with helicopter-type engine. Helicopter in our slang will be "vertushka" (from Russian word "vertoliot" = "helicopter"), means "pinwheel"
  18. UKR TG. UKR troops fight inside Robotyne. But this is RUMINT for now. Robotyne. We are beating up rusnya now. There is advancing to the settlement. Clashes around UKRPost office area (grey mark on the map)
  19. Ammo dump on Oktiabrskoye airfield in Crimea before and after yesterday UKR strike Before 2014 this airfield was formally belonged to Russian Black Sea Fleet, but it wasn't in use since 1995.
  20. Ukr troops likely reached eastern outskirts of Robotyne. The video with Russian FPV drone hit Bradley was geolocated there Column of Bradleys and Leo2 of 47th brigade advances under artilery fire
  21. Russians again conducted heavy strike on Odesa. Likely they targeted port facilities, but missiles hit also historical center of the city, which is secured by UNESCO. Types of missiles, being launched: - 4 Kalibr cruise missiles from submarine (all intercepted) - 5 Iskander-K cruise missiles from Crimea (all intercepted) - 3 Kh-22 cruise missiles from Tu-22M3, launched over Black Sea (not intercepted) - 5 Onix cruise missiles from Bastion AS launchers (not intercepted) - 2 Iskander-M ballistic missiles (not intercepted) Russian P-800 Onix (SS-N-26) missiles turned out dangerous weapon. There were reports of their usage in 2022 on Odesa, and some missiles were claimed to be downed (or their active homing was supressed by EW). But probably Russians upgraded this missile, or use Onix-M (they claimed it has 800 km of range instead 300 km of Onix). This is supersonic AS missile, which can be fired at ships or coastal facilities at their coordinates or it can lock the target with active homing system. The missile flies on 5-7 m of altitute, so low-altitude radar of S-300 can detect it only on the distance of 21 km. This range the missele passes for 30 seconds, so crews of SAMs hasn't enough time to reaction. Also unknown, why command don't move SAMP/T to protect Odesa after attack on bridge. It was obviously clear, Russians will revenge striking on ports infrastructure. There weren't any reports about SAMP/T work or even it service. When Patriot was adopted for sevice, there were several reportages abot in, but nothing about Mamba. Looks like single PAC-3 now covers Kyiv and Mamba can be used for covering some important military logistic hub in westren Ukraine (or also covers Kyiv). PAC-2, handed over by Germany is unable to shot down balistic missiles. During this strike one citizen was killed, 19 were wounded. There were badly damaged several historical buildings. Also Transfiguration Cathedral was damaged (by irony it belonged to Ukrainian Orthodox Cherch of Moscow Patriarсhy) . Despite this a copy of original temple of 19th century, which was disassembled by Bolsheviks in 1936 and then was re-build in 2005, this Cathedral was a pearl of Odesa. Russian MoD claimed they hit "facilities with foreign merceneries, where maritime drones had been assembling for terrorist attacks against Russia" Cathedral before: ... And after Damaged buildings
  22. Interesting document - the warning order of 12th July for units, defending positions in 4km north from Robotyne. Now these positions already under control of UKR forces. On the piece of map you can see minefields marking and fire sectors Commander of 1429th motor-rifle regiment colonel Chernyshov orders: 1. <Covered>... enemy activated offensive actions, inflicts fire effect, ..... main efforts concentrates on.... 2 <Covered> .... defense sustainability, reinforcing of discipline, ...., denying of unauthrized withdrawing from combat....[positions]. 3. Up to 20:00 of 12th of July 2023 with a forces of 4th motor-rifle company (without 2nd platoon) of 2nd motor-rifle battlaion of 1429th MRR, with a group of medical company in interaction with commander of 429th MRR of 19th MRD to substitute 6th motor-rifle company of 2nd motor-rifle battalion of 1429th MRR in occupied area of defense. 4. To reinforce the 6th motor-rifle company of 2nd motor-rifle battalion of 1429th MRR with three crews of AGS-17, 3 crews of ATGM, 3 servicemen of sniper company, 3 servicemen of recon company and to the end of day to put at disposal of commander of 70th MRR of 42nd MRD. The area of transferring 6th MRCoy of 2nd MRBn of 1429th MRR is western outskirt of Verbove. 5. Area of defense of 5th MRCoy of 2nd MRBn of 1429th MRR to leave unchaged. 6. The moving of personnel to conduct in the dark by small groups with in compliance of blackout. 7. To enter into interaction with units of Rosgvardiya in areas of responsibility of specified units, provide full assistance in functioning of barrier detachments of Rosgvardiya 8. The readiness to executing of tasks from 7:00 of 13th of July 2023 1429th regiment is Territorial Troops unit. Looks like 70th regiment of 42nd division suffered losses or UKR pressure in their section too strong, so Operative Groupment HQ (or even HQ of 42nd division ) ordered comamner of 1429th regiment to send own company at disposal of 70th regiment.
  23. Sometime I think that with help of Ukraine some countries also search a ways to get rid of own junk to burn it in flame of war and not waste money for utilization I think, these 100 BTR-60 can be moved to rear TD brigades on Belarusian border. Or better to use them as SVBIEDs... Or remote-controlled minefield breachers %) The video of this weird acrobatic dismounting way from this APC must be modelled in CMCW )))
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