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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Significant lose for the enemy, according their reports. Commander of 123rd motor-rifle brigade of 2nd Army Corps (former 2nd motor-rifle brigade of LNR) colonel Denis Ivanov was killed on 17th of July in own car by UKR FPV drone of 10th mountain-assault brigade. It's unclear when it became LNR brigade comamnder, to this time his name wasn't knoewn,even in Russian news and on Skabeeva TV-show he appeared only under own callsign "Tashkent". He had a reputation of "legendary commander", which could acomplish any task with minimal losses. Became knowingly, recently Ivanov was a commander of 138th motor-rifle brigade
  2. Governor-collaborator Saldo? A claim of the clown %) Saldo each time is "shooting down" dozens of HIMARS, SS, Hrim-2. According to Russian milblogger for all time of SS launches, AD could shot down one missile and one more is crashed. Original text with a picture of Syvash railroad bridge, next to west from Chonhar. According to reports of Russian citizens, driving to Crimea through Chonhar car bridge, it was closed after the strike. No photos of this bridge to this time
  3. Hm... I never heard about these units. I'm no clue what is MTR "Yug" and 38th detachment. Maybe they meant ELINT center "Pivden' " (rus. Yug, eng. South). 600th use only by SOF, as I know and they not often issue own work. By feedback 600th are exellent weapon, unlike 300th, which by words of operators had very poor TV picture quality, unstable control and weak explosion effect, because of "antiterror" feature of warhead, which created directed explosion to eliminate the target, reducing of collateral damage around. But terms of conventional warfare demanded exactly "collateral damage around". Alas, we had few 600th to make the same mass effect like Lancets. Though, even Russians say, depending on frontline conditions only about 30 % of Lancet launches finish themselves with attack at the target. All other launches are unsuccessful due to operator can't find a target and drone crashes after out of fuel or Ukrianians shot down it (more rarely, but it happens). Mashovets in own last post wrote Russian Lancet units (also from composition of Spetsnaz) try to support own Lancet stockpile in 20-25 drones, using 5-7 for a day (during intetse fighting this number can rise up to 15)
  4. Intelligence Directorate (GUR) claimed past night they conducted diversion in Kazachya Bay of Sevastopol, blowing up temporary field ammo dump of 810th naval infantry brigade. Crimean "authorrities" claims this was "night trainig shooting" Also there are rumors UKR again conducted a strike on Chonhar car bridge and now it closed. There is unknown it was hit or not.
  5. I don't know how it reliable, but this Polish source claimed over 100 Wagner merceneries were moved to Suwalki direction.
  6. This guy has confused National Guard and Territorial Defense. If he meant 7th battalion "Arey" as "national guard/TD", which raised only in Feb 2022, then he is wrong. "Arey" exists since 2015 and had enough combat experience and motivation. This battalion of Ukrainian Volunteer Army just was included to 129th Territorial Defense brigade, but by quality it was on a level better. And probably even equal to forces of 35th marines brigade. BTW term "elite" in current terms is conditional, except SOF troops. Yes, marines and air-assuult units have more strict selection of conscripts (but not always and you can meet 45+ man with health problems as air-assault rifleman), they have more better weapon (but also not always) and better training. But in average they often just slightly better than usual mech.unit. Under artillery fire all are equal.
  7. Again about toughness of western armor. MaxxPro survived RPG shot in rear hull and then after explosion by mine, crew could abandon vehicle to escape on own legs
  8. Russian vehicles, destroyed in Staromajorske
  9. MICLIC usage by UKR troops in Zaporizhzhia oblast through thermal camera
  10. I was reading not one time from soldiers, that Western training good in basic, but completely doesn't reflect reality of our war. Western armies didn't fight in such type convential war since Korea. Current western doctrine is "Jets&Tomahawks". Many Western experts now say "NATO would never make offensive like Ukrainain army". Germans say (it's Bild article, but...) UKR offensive if bogging, because Ukrianian army doesn't stick to their training and instead to attack with whole battalion, they divide own atatcks on atatcks of small assault groups (well, everydody could see, how finished "battalion column attack" of 47th brigade in June). You can remember interview of UKR tanker, when they asked German instructor what he have to do if a minefield in front of attack and instructor answered "You should bypass minefield" (the man just can't imagine, that minefield can be kilimeters in lenght and hunderd meters in depth) Western 5-weeks training also can't bring up good officer "from zero". So, western tarining for civilian conscripts is good "young soldier school", more effective, than most of our training centers, but you sholdn't exaggregate it capabilities.
  11. The strike at building of so-called "Ministry of Internal Afafirs of DPR" in Donetsk. Artillery shell or missile, hard to say...
  12. Not learned, alas. Those, who participated in Kherson operation, say the battle for Davydiv Brod were the same bloody and commanders just were throwing one unit after another under Russian artillery and counter-attacks, even not trying to change something in the plan. Ambitions and crown on the head hinder to some sort of officers to recognize, their plan was sh...y bad and somebody lower in the rank had more appopriate solution. "I'm chief - you are fooll!"
  13. One more video of Taganrog strike. Claims of Russians they intercepted the misile turned out slightly exaggregated.... Revenge of Russia in this evening - two Iskander-M on residental area of Dnipro. Two buildings hit. Number of victims currently unknown, It happend about 10 minutes ago Upd. The second building with partilally collapsed wall is SBU Directorate of Dnipropetrovsk oblast. Reportedly this building was empty since beginning of the war as potential target. Currently knowingly about three wounded.
  14. Yes, but we not Russia, we havn't hordes of slaves for conscription. And a Russian slogan "don't feel sorry for soldiers, broads will give birth more" is not match for us. We havn' t suffer such type of losses, caused by stupid orders.
  15. Looks like all happened too fast and there was only one decision - to drop everything and run. You can see on one video, how dismonted squads retreat back. Alas, we have enough Ukrainian commanders, who order own subodrinates "shut up and go-go-go!" From brigade to platoon level. Subordinated commanders, having such chief often afraid to contradict stupid orders and in own turn doom own soldiers for "mission impossible". Many in army and among civil volunteers say that it was passed a law about responsibility of soldiers for unathorized abandoning of positions, rejecting to acomplish orders etc, but still no responsibuilit for officers, who directed own personnel to inevitale death, who don't maintain recon, supply and other before the combat. All invesyigations provides a command of that military unit, which officers did something wrong and mostly a circullar guarantee works. Even more in "better traditions" of Soviet army some officers consider that "if you have too few losses, you fought bad". Good example is Russian propaganda, claiming Soviet contributin in WWII victory was decisive, because USSR lost more people in this war. Not because USSR defeated more Axis divisions, which would be more logical! I remember as in 2014 commander of one BTG was convicted in evading of order execution, because his losses turned out... less of calculated in General Staff, so despite he acomplished his task, generals decided he fought not enough hard and officer was removed from command.
  16. Novopetrykivka is in 18 km SE from Staromajorske, liberated yesterday. In comments also meant, on 14th of June very close to this location - in nearby tree-line were destroyed two other 2S19
  17. Two videos from different angles with wiping out of UKR armored company probably of 118th mech.brigade on BMP-1 2-3 days ago. I think, survived sodiers have to make something bad with their battalion commander, who gave this stupid order for suicidal attack without recon. Videos from pro-Russian account, likely Serbian.
  18. Ukraine has launched two S-200 missiles converted for ground strikes. Both were intercepted in Rostov oblast: - one over Azov town - other one was intercepted over Taganrog city in 5 km from airport, where also deployed A-50 and several Tu-95 bombers (probably for maintenance), this is not their home base. Reportedly fragments of missile hit the area near city tax office, 17 citizens were wounded, 9 of them are hospitalized. Well... Why you shooting down missiles so unprofessionally directly over the city? If you don't touch it, the missile would peacefully hit military target... This is can be the game for both %)
  19. Soldier of 7th battalion "Arey" of Volunteer Ukrainain Army (VUC has several units, subordinated to different branches, "Arey" is a part of 129th TD brigade of Kryvyi Rih city) in liberated Staromajorske
  20. These are just rumors from one milblogger TG. Maybe they will withdraw from Urozhaine, but Robotyne area still fill itself enough strong despite UKR outflanking.
  21. 43rd high-power artillery brigade still use 2S7 guns as well as PzH2000 (and potentially Archer). Brigade operates separately by own battalions and even batteries on different front sectors
  22. Russian Mi-26 heavy helicopter is out of service likely for long time. Yakutia Repuplic.
  23. Yes. I wonder what source of his map layer. Though, his location of units often too conditional, but useful enough.
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