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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Caesar on Tatra 815-7 chassis, donated by Denmark in UKR service.
  2. One more examples of Bradleys toughness - this one got direct hit from the tank gun, but kept driving capabilities The guy Sergio from 47th brigade: "This is my company, there weren't dismounts inside, the crew is intact, the vehicle now under repairing "
  3. Of course, Slavic settelmnent names are like abrakadabra for western readers, especially if it has more that 15 letters ))), but yes each name of city, town and village can be roughly translated in English. Urozhayne is adjective, so it better to translate not like "harvest", but "fruitful" ) Though, of course geographical names aren't translated, even partilly like Velyka Novosilka can't be Large Novosilka ) - full rough translated name will be "Large Newcomerville" ) Typical Ukrainian village or rarely setlement/town name has ending -(il/in/ian/iv)ka. Then this in noun. It consists from some significant part and the ending. This "-ka" usually means founding /belonging/first settlers name/name originated from some charakter - so, for example Ivanivka - "Ivan's village", "originated from Ivan", "belonged to Ivan" or Dubivka - "originated from oaks". Nesterianka - "originated from Nestor" Some villages and towns rarely have only significant word, without ending. For example Kopani - old Ukrainian word "Kopan' ", means "the pit for keeping a water or the well without the frame", so it translated like "Waterpits", or Lyman - despite this word is equal to "liman, firth" for Donbas it has local means "the lake". Or Tokmak - name derived from name of the river Tokmak, which has turk origins means "poll/butt" Many villages have endings in the names "-le", "-ne", "-te", "-s'ke", "-ve", "-che" and then this is just adjectives. Verbove - from "verba" ("willow"). Sometime it has means of belongings like "-ka". If Ivanivka is "originated from Ivan", that "Ivanivs'ke" is "belonging to Ivan". Robotyne, btw, it more similar to the noun - it's from the word "work", so maybe "place of [field] work", but I think it likely was initially Russian name "Rabotino" more typical for Russian names, which was just translated on Ukrainian manner.
  4. Meanwhile UKR bridgehad on left bank of Dnipro near Kherson is expanding, due to RUS TG About last screen - one of our soldiers explained this is secrion of Konka river - important place, where Russians could opportunity to come in or rear with boats. Now they can't. Also Russians later told UKR moved to left bank on boats under artilelry cover two new groups of 124th TD brigade (of Kherson oblast), they now deployed in Antonivskyi bridge area.
  5. No more farms in close combat zone. All these objects suitable for personnel and vehciles deployment, positions establishing etc.
  6. He obviously meant GMLRS M30A1 with tungsten balls.
  7. Damn. It's very bad. Chief sergeant of 47h mech.brigade Valeriy Markus blamed command of brigade in incompetence and wrote a report to move him on lower duty of squad leader. This is real scandal, because Markus is a "face", "frontman" and "PR-manager" of this brigade, who was one of founders of this unit as far as it was 47th separate rifle battalion. He was in the list of Forbes Ukriane among most influent military of Ukraine, he is founder of charity fund "Markus Fundation" In order to you could understand why this is bad, I have to tell about Valeriy Markus and history of 47th mech. brigade "Magura". 29 y.o. Markus is very popular in Ukriane - he fought in ATO from 2014 to 2016, he passed a hell of Shakhtarsk battle with 25th airborne brigade. His popularity came to him via his Facebook - his posts were always true and wise. He got heavy shell-shock and was forced to retire from service. He fought with heavy PTSR via sport and travelling and became a classical "self-made man". He wrote a book about his life and war "The traces on the road" (as Valeriy Ananyev - later he changed his surname), which became bestseller and beat up circullations of all modern Ukrainian writers, causing sometime envy and hatred from their side to the "upstart" Markus is one of servicemen, who promoted a question of strong sergeant corps establishment in Ukrainian army as an earnest of effectiveness. Despite he was retired, his popularity allowed him to have aquintances with influent military and civill volunteers, which promoted the same thoughts. In 2023 his open lection to sergeants of 47th brigade in Youtube got 1 million reviews. When the war began, Markus returned to army and some time served as recon in 30th mech.brigade. In April 2022 high command (Markus likely has good relationships with Zaluzhnyi) offered to him to participate in forming of 47th separate rifle battalion, where he got a duty chief sergeant of battalion. The unit fought, defending Svitlodarsk, after Russians brokethrough Popasna front. Ideas of Markus and some officers about creation of modern effective large unit, free from old Soviet s...t, found the response of High Command and in Autumn there was announced about forming of 47th assault regiment (since Novenber 2022 - brigade). According to idea of Markus and his like-minded people, the unit should have been free from сasual people. Only competitive selection, only volunteers with leadership, motivation, readiness to learn and fight. Enlistment points of regiment were gathering many people, many servicemen wanted to transfer to "Markus brigade". But... something go wrong as later wrote Markus himself. Either General Staff, or MoD decided by unknown reasons to finish this "experiment" and to brigade were directed enough officers and personnel, which didn't match to initial requirements. Yes, most command of brigade almost all was taken from famous 93rd mech.brigade. Brigade commander lt.colonel Oleksandr Sak "Staff" is a youngest brigade commander in UKR army - he is 28 y.o. He fought since 2015, has four injuries. Thanking to Markus PR the brigade became so popular like Azov or 3rd assault brigade. All expected a miracle from the unit, which have been training more that 8 months and got modern equipment. And now THIS. Translation of Markus report. Tweet: I categorically don't agree with decisions about usage and development of 47th brigade. We were not allowed to build a muilitary unit, according to our values, which we declared at the beginning of forming. I havn't more any opportunity to influence on situation or change it. I no longer consider my tenure of chief sergeant to be expedient. I can't abandon my people, so I go on lower duty by my own will in order to be closer to them on the battlefield. Report: Because of systematical humilitation of brigade's sergeant corps work, of misunderstanding by brigade command an importance of fighters moral spirit for effective tasks acomplishing, because of absence of punishment for <self-censored> and incompetence of persons of highest officer corps of brigade, rejection and sabotaging traditions and mythiology of brigade on all levels of officers chain, because of absence of the will of brigade's command to protect interests of brigade in front of higher command, I ask you to transfer me, chief sergeant of 47th brigade Valeriy Markus to lower duty of combat vehicle commander - the leader of mech.squad of mech.platoon of x mech.comapny of x mech.battalion. Also valid reporting, that by my opinion, the deputy commander of 47th brigade major Ivan Shalamaha is immorale degenerate, being with which in one team humilitates my honor and dignity. It's will be very interesting about reaction of Zaluzhnyi. Because in Ukrianian social network already holywar is setting on fire...
  8. New defense line of "dragon teeth" (dead Wagners gravestones) in Krasnodar region %)
  9. The third strike in Berdiansk for today. Also reportedly two explosions on outskirts of Skadovsk - seashore town of Kherson oblast.
  10. Mashovets writes, having a picture of 2-3 days ago. Situation is enough dynamic. Here is a statement of press-service of 3rd assault brigade for today: https://t.me/ab3army/2874 3rd assault brigade knoked out the unit of Russian 83rd air-assault brigade near Bakhmut. Our 2nd assault battalion liberated about 1 km of territory, destroying Russian platoon, one tank, and capturing 10 soldiers. Company strongpoing is captured I don't know either he wrote about Russian counter-attack near Berkhivka like about current development or that one, happened about week ago. Because yesterday there was issued a video, how Russian artillery fires on Berkhivka village, though UKR TGs told there are only small forward groups of UKR troops in the village. Most bad situation, obviously on Kreminna direction. The video issued today (but unknown when in was filmed) shows UKR MLRS shells Russians in northern part of Tors'ke village.
  11. Soldiers of 47th brigade check conditions of damaged and abandoned equipmnet in the start point of offensive. Now this is relatively safe rear. Russian TG is angry, why nobody cares to strike again at this immobilized vehicles in order to the enemy can't repair anything. According to Orix UKR already lost 32 M2A2 (15 of them destroyed completely) and 8 Leo2 (3 destroyed)
  12. Tsokov had a duty of deputy commander of Southern Military District
  13. Reportedly new Storm Shadow strikes took place this morning: Berdiansk spit - the hotel "Dune" was hit. In local TG chats writes about helicoipter activity and many ambulance cars, driving to Berdiansk Second strike was on grain elevator in Novooleksiivka, near Henichesk, Kherson oblast. Reportedly huge detotation and fire. Collaborators administration called locals to evacuate from the town. Russian TGs confirmed the strike on ammo dump On the photo - the fire in Novooleksiivka
  14. I just add other Russian TG confirmation with interest details about Storm Shadow Tsokov has died really. It's Storm Shadow strike. Except one failed and self-destroyed missile our AD is not capable to shot down its in present time. No matter what milbloggers and Konashenkov come up with
  15. Name "Akhmat" (name of Ramzan Kadyrov father) have several Kadyrov's units with different subordination - MoD, Rosgvardiya, Chechen Special Police: Akhmat-West/South/Central etc. Also there is Special forces unit "Akhmat", which is a unofficial PMC - when all other "Akhmats" have almost only Chechens among personnel, that this "SOF" has mostly Chechen comamnders, but a personnel from different regions of Russia.
  16. Russian S-400 launcher, 92N6E radar and KAMAZ supply truck were destroyed with HIMARS strike. It's claimed exactly this launcher hit pizzeria in Kramatorsk. Russian sources tell about 3 KIA.
  17. Geolocation - about 1 km NE from Robotyne. Presumably video of 2-3 days ago, when there were Russian TG messages that UKR forces outflank Robotyne and seized several positions of 70th or 71st regiments. At the same time they reported about destroyed western armor. Today press-service of 47th mech.brigade claimed UKR troops captured some "command heights"
  18. Search groups now work on liberated territories near Bakhmut. They have found 85 remains and bodies, which left there as far as since spring and after current clashes. 82 of bodies belonged to Russians, 3 to Ukrainians. From 82 Russians many corpses of Wagner convicts - they have color wristbands to warn own medics, which could work with them, that they have dangerous disease - AIDS, tuberculosis, hepaptitis and some other - the typical "set" of jail diseases. Even after own death Russians like a zombie turned out into bio-weapon.
  19. Yesterday there were claims that UKR troops expanded own zone of control on the left bank of Dnipro - to railway bridge and almost to northern outskirt of Oleshky. It's hard to say how caorect this man and such claims... ... But here is indirect confirmation. UKR soldier, which now in the hospital, writes: One more fighter from left bank of Antonivskyi bridge was admited to our hospital room. Four days they have been smashing with all calibers, but they hold positions. Hard. But they cleaning ground meter-by meter from pidors. On the question about losses: You wouldn't like total number of KIA and WIA for all time of operation on left bank, but the spirit of our wounded is still combative despite on injurring.
  20. Today Ukraine launched at least three S-200 SAM missiles, converted into ersatz-ballistic. One was intercepted on approach to Kerch and fell into the sea, so Russians even closed a bridge for some time, the second missile was intercepted over Rostov-on-Don city, the third wasn't intercepted, but fell in Briansk oblast. Local authorities claimed the missiele destroyed a sawmill, no casualties City camera filmed the falling of the missile. https://twitter.com/i/status/1678088478792220674 Screenshot: Russian TG already calimed UKR tried to hit Smolensk nuclear plant. Medvedev made a statement if Ukraine shells Smolensk NP, Russian will strike on all Ukrianian and several European nuclear plants.
  21. UKR soldier: We got three [Roshels]. In comments: They likely will go three battalions of our brigade as command&staff vehicles as substitution of R-145 [old Soviet C&SV based on BTR-60] UKR battalions now try to equip own HQ communication vehicles on the base of armored cars instead of old Soviet vehicles (R-145, R-142, BMP-1KSh), which just upgraded with modern radio. Roshel Senator is popular model for these purposes
  22. I think, this video of destroying of T-90MS with SMART munitions by artilelry of 47th mech.brigade already was posted here, just interesting remark of UKR artilleryman - this is good weapon, but it requires many factors for successful usage - most critical is the shell have to blow up in small area over the target in order to submunition could be correctly targeted the armor. If the shell explodes even slightly furtehr - both submunitions will miss. Also on accuracy of SMART shells influences the humidity of powder and weather, so this is not 100%-uber-weapon
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