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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This night and day Crimea was under attack not only on Kerch bridge: Night attack of about 20 drones on Novovfedorivka airbase. The attack lasted more than hour. Russian authorities claimed all drones were shot down or supressed. Drone attacked ammo dump on military range in Feodosia. There were multiple detonations, part of "Tavrida" highway was closed
  2. The chief of my partner company has been travelling to Netherland each two months to his wife (she is Netherland citizen) and told me how he had a conversation on this theme with some citizens of Breda. On the question "if Russia invaded Netherland, what would you do?", most of them answered either "maybe nothing" or "we would be escape" "Small equipped" professional armies of many EU countries are good for peacmaking operations or for low-intensity border conflicts, not for full-scale war. General Zaluzhnyi has good quote: "In case of full-scale invasion, it's repelled initially by professionals, but then teachers and engineers continuing". If European NATO hopes only on own combined small professioanal armies and air superiority in case of war with Russia (or China) I have bad news for them. So I understand "great arming" of Poland an Baltic states.
  3. Both ways, depending on drone unit. Attack drones can be used not only be special drone teams or "shtat" UCAV companies in brigades, but even usual infantry platoon, where smart guys learned how to care with Mavics with grenade dropping system or with race drones with RPG projectile and then ordered these drones from fundrising. I can say maybe 80-90 % of such drones are "non-shtat" weapon, supplying through fundrising, charity funds, civil volunteers, "Army of drones"/NAFO/United24 initiatives.
  4. I would rather say "Russians tired to lost own vehicles and personnel, trying to attack a bridgehead along the road - single possible place for vehicles movement". So now they limited themeselves by artilelry and bomb strikes
  5. If somebody wants to search black cat in dark room, especially if realy no cat in this room, this is his right. For Eastern European countries, military aspect in their cultures always played important role in upbringing. I think, not a last role in "phenomenon" of fierce Ukrainian resistance played "military culture" memory with an attitude "I have an obligation to be defender of my land", different youth scout and paramilitary organisations, upbringing low-level leaders. Alas, contemporary western culture with it's negative aspects like "life for enjoying and consumption", globalization moods "Nations don't exist, I'm citizen of Universe", leftism, libertarianism etc significantly undermined nation readiness to fight. Now in Ukrainian society more and more we are hearing voices (and this is not only Russian PsyOps): "Why I have to go at the war! Only professionals must to go! I was born to enjoy a life, not to die on minefields! They havn't a right to force me to fight! This is violation of my human rights! If Russians come I will defend my family - we just relocate them to other country, but you closed borders for men, violating my basic human rights to choose a safe place for life!" When about week ago was published a photos of daughter of marine, fallen in 2020 - three years ago, where she was 10 y.o with a portray of his father and today's photo, where she is 13 y.o with sniper rifle as a cadete of military college, huge number of "snowflakes" and "human right defenders" started to faint "OMG! Little girl with a weapon! It's unacceptable!" Maybe this is a reason why in EU so low level of people, who ready to fight with a wepon for their countries. If education system try to upbrings kids as "snowflakes in rose unicorn kingdom", keeping them from "unwanted stresses, violence, militarism, hard situations" etc. then even usual mountain trip with a tent without a bed and toilet turned out for many of them in dangerous challenge, not speaking of to readiness to engage with a war reality. So, I'm for "golden mean clever militarism" in youth upbringing. This is a question of nation health and future stability of countries. https://brilliantmaps.com/europe-fight-war/
  6. Maybe incorrect translation. Means MON "claymors" or OZM and some other AP-mines, which have option of remote controlled activation by operator or activation via sensors. Most of pressure-type AP-mines Ukraine already utilized after signing of Ottawa convention. Already during ATO we used mostly MON-50 and booby-traps.
  7. Strictly speaking, Kinzhal is not a classical ballistic missile, though this is really air-launch version of Iskander-M. MiG-31K accelerates itself on altitude 12-15 km and launches the missile, and all way further Kinzhal flies on gradually descending trajectory. Russian Wiki writes, UKR Petriot operators claimed, the velocity of Kinzhal on final stage of trajectory before interception was 1240 m/s (about 3M) - this is in three times less, than claimed by RU MoD. But in today's attack, when missiles entered in our airspace, Kyiv wasn't their target, so their velocity had to be much higher.
  8. Official information about today's Kinzhal strike. It was directed not against Kyiv, but to strike Kolomyya airfield in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, western Ukraine. Since 2004 this airfield was inactive and only during 2014-2016 it was restored as reserve airfield. It has tough conrete bunkers for aircraft. Four Kinzhals were launched, probably at least two of them entered in Ukrainain airspace from north of Kyiv oblast and turned out in range of Patriot. Real laucnhes were accompanied with active EW imitations of false launches. One missile was shot down, I heard four explosions (2 missile at each Kinzhal), so likely we couldn't hit the second missile and it could broke through. Press-secreter of Air Forces Command made a statement, three missiles hit the area of Kolomyya airfield, according to his words "enemy targeted our young pilots, who prepare themselves for tarining on F-16". One of theese missiles impacted near the private house and killed 8 y.o. boy. Nearest yards are in 1 km from airfield (it's about "precision"). Here on the photo a Volodymyr Balabanyk, the boy, killed in this strike
  9. Ukr troops near the entrance to Robotyne. Unknown it's northern or southern entrance. Russian milblogger Pegov wrote Ukr troops expanded zone of control between Robotyne and Verbove on 6 km along frontline and slightly in the depth. Russian troops were forced "to align frontline"
  10. Reportedly about ten explosions in Starikostiantyniv airfield area. Likely 2-4 Patriots per Kinzhal
  11. Kinzhal strike on Kyiv. I heard four explosions, looks like all out of the city. There were reports about four MiG-31K taking off, probably on Kyiv were launched two missiles, allegedly two more have flown to Khmelnytskyi oblast - I tnink, Starokostiantyniv airfield again
  12. Yes. Bridges, which were hit on past week for example
  13. This night Moscow again was under attack of UKR drones. Despite all where intercepted, two Moscow airports Domodedovo and Vnukovo were closed for a long time. One explosion was in Domodedovo district, but city authorities claimed this was explosion of gas baloon in car-service faciity. Because of this Il-76 from Rostov-on-Don with wounded, who have to be moved to Moscow was delayed and almost all day stood on local airfield. Wounded soldiers lay in the sun many hours without food and water. Also, reportedly UKR Mugin-5 PRO drones attacked Crimea, but Russians claimed all were shot down or supressed by EW. Though, strange smoke was filmed after this is the area of Novofedorivka airfield. Local authorities claimed this is just "grass burning"
  14. Damaged by UKR drone SIG tanker. You can see a hole in the hull
  15. No, this is recent action, I posted other FPV video of this action with withrawing of boats under fire Here is videos from Kozachi Laheri: Russian soldiers flee in panic to the village from own positions on western outskirts. The long building is vegetable storage on western outskirt of Kozachi Laheri. Other two videos: 1. Ukrainian MLRS RM-70 "Vampire" works at Russion positions likely before landing 2. Presumably the place of ambush of major Tomov recons in 4 km west from the village - knocked out BTR-82A Yesterday Russian TV staged a reportage about "no Ukrainian troops in Kozachi Laheri, all is calm" - the journalist makes own stand-up on background of village's House of culture and on next day this building already damaged. According to Russian milblogger "13th" during yestreday clashes and ambush, Russian troops lost 25 KIA and MIA. UKR account 777UA, close to SOF, claimed our troops had only several wounded. IN present time still unknown either UKR troops abandoned Kozachi Laheri area or not, because today next Ru TG message appeared: The battle is continuing, reportedly AFU already came to the road Chelburda - Kozachi Laheri. At the same time they bypassing Kozachi Laheri from south and seriously threaten with encirclement our forces, which deployed in this village. This can be: 1. True 2. Hysteria and hype of Russian milblloggers 3. UKR PsyOps 4. Russian Psy Ops (old trick with fiction UKR advances, which heroically have been repelling by brave Russian troops)
  16. One of memes after explosion on factory in Sergiev Posad ) The writing "Budangamer" )
  17. In Ukraine State Emergency Service is actually paramilitary structure, subordinating to Ministry of internal affairs,like police and State Border Guard Service. Since 24th of Feb 78 servicemen of SES were lost
  18. Assault of company strongpoint by 3rd assault brigade "Azov" in Klishchiivka area. FPV video about week ago (ENG subs can be switched on). 1st part. To be continued. Author of video says their enemies were elements of 72nd motor-rifle brigade and "Shtorm-Z".
  19. Several days ago Russians have trown into the battle probably in Robotyne - Verbove area 56th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division. Recently this unit was deployed either on Vasylivka direction in reserve or belonged to Troops Groupment "Dnepr", guarding Kherson oblast. Locals say after several days of fightning to Feodosia in Cremea were delivered bodies of three officers - major Dmitriy Degtyariov, chief of staff of air-assault battalion and two company commanders - captains Vladimir Guryanov and Andrey Lefterov 56th air-assault regiment before a war was deployed in Kamyshyn, Volgograd oblast as 56th air-assault brigade (it was experimental brigade, having UAZ Patriot as a transport), but was moved to Feodosia, re-formed to regiment and included in composition of 7th air-assau;t division (mountain) as regiment. Probably by the forces of 56th regiment Russians tried to push off in fierce counter -attacks UKR troops between Robotyne and Verbove and partially they could achive some results near Verbove.
  20. It will be known tomorrow. Several hours ago Russians reported UKR still present near Kozachi Laheri and have a fire contact with Russian troops in the village. If this just a raid, UKR troops have to withdraw soon. In first message Romanov92 told UKR troops advanced on 800 m deep. So, seizing of positions near Kozachi Laheri is either support action to attract Russian troops until SOF will busy on other place or... maybe this attempt of next bridgehead.
  21. Russian milblogger "13th" claimed recon group of 16 men, led by major Tomov, disappeared approx in 4km west from UKR landing point near Kozachi Laheri village (presumable point of missing of group is a white point on the map). "13th" criticized TG channel RuVesna, which refuted his disaapearing and issued video, filmed by this major, where he says his unut has engaged the enemy and conducts close fighting. "13th" says he knows, indeed neither major, nor anybody of his group didn't get in touch at the stipulated time, so he thinks, the phone of major was captured (maybe with major himself) and this video is old, probably of late spring. So, this is a trick of UKR SOF to lure out and ambush one more recon group. Probably UKR raid on Kozachi Laheri is not for bridgehead establishing, but for important POWs capturing and C&C disruption. Because there were rumors so far, not only major Tomov missed, but somebody other hi-ranked.
  22. Aftermath of yesterday Russian missile strike on Pokrovsk town, Donetsk oblast. Iskander-M hit residential building, when police and emergency services arrived, trough 30 minutes Russians hit nearby with other Iskander-M. As result of strike were killed 7 and wounded 88 of people, among them were wounded 31 policemen and was killed deputy chief of Emergency Service of Donetsk oblast. Russians as always claimed they have struck "command center"
  23. Several Russian milbloggers reported Ukrainian forces landed near Kozachi Laheri (means "Cossack's Сamps") village on left bank of Dnipro (more exactly, beyond Konka river). As they claimed after Russian command moved VDV troops, guarding this area to Zaporizhzhia front, only mobik unit remained there (Poulet Volant marked 205th motor-rifle brigade of 49th CAA in this area). They missed UKR approach (one Russian TG claims they were drunken) and engaged them only when Ukrainians already landed with support of artillery. As result Russian troops withdrew west. Who controls Kozachi Laheri is unknown - initially Romanov92 claimed UKR control it, but this is a large village, which had more 2500 of population before the war. Ukrainians landed from seven boats, this is about two platoons with ammunition and some heavy infantry weapon, so it's hard to seize such large village with so small forces. Later Russian milbloggers reported, four boats evacuated some of personnel back, but Ukrainians still present west from the village, occupying watching position and trenches. Other milblogger later added Kozachi Lahery are under Russians, but there are fierce fight on outskirt Later Ukrainian military officillay confirmed "success on Tavrian direction" (means Kherson oblast) Yellow spot - Russian positions west of village, captured by UKR landing group, according to Romanov92
  24. Russians partially restored movement on Henichesk bridge, but for civil cars only and in reverse mode. In Novoozerne area were spotted PMP pontoons, driving to east, likely to Chonhar and Henichesl. Russians prepare for possible complete destroying of bridges
  25. 47th mech.brigade shot down Russian Ka-52 with MANPAD near Robotyne. Russian TG Helicopterpilot confirmed this - the crew is lost. Since offensive beginning UKR side claimed at least 8 Ka-52 were shot down, Russian TGs confirmed 2.
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