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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. So, it's how Leo could survive 4 ATGM hits, espesicllay its were old Fagots %)
  2. Looks like UKR is gradually activating new direction on Zaporizhzhia front: Huliaypole - Polohy Russian company of 177th naval infantry regiment (of Caspian flotilia) abandoned positions near Dorozhnianka village after three day of artillery shelling, losing more than half of personnel Brief translation of message in VK social network: Our company (mostly mobilized) was deployed on positions near Dorozhnianka on 17th of June. As an armament we had only small arms, one ATGM "Fagot" and BRDM [interesting that BRDM-2 isn't "shtat" vehicle for Russian naval infantry, 177th regiment had BTR-82A]. We were told, just stand here - there are two kilometers of minefields in front of you, so the enemy will attack in other place - everything is under control. In the night on 26th of June the enemy has started to dismantle our positions with veru accurate artillery fire. Three days we couldn't rise up heads. We called for support, but our artilelry kept silence, onсe Su has flew in, but... it struck positions of our neighbours. We almost hadn't communication with command all this time. We received onlt an order to stand. Day before yesterday we knew from our recons the enemy is preparing to assault. Also we knew there are no any minefields in front of us. Communication in this moment was completely down, so we made decision to withdraw to second defense line, because we can't hold here already nothing and with no one - less than half of personnel remained intact. After withdrawing we were disarmed by MP and we are threatened with tribunal. I want you know all - we are not cowards and deserters, we are ready to fight further, but under adequate command! The map of this direction
  3. The map of southern flank of Kreminna sector, according to recent post of Mashovets. According to him, Russians intensified attacks here, likely having main objective to push off UKR troops to the line Serebrianka - Verkhniokamyans'ke in order to eliminate at last potentialy dangerous Bilohorivka salient, which UKR troops can use as bridgehead of advansing to Rubizhne, Lysychansk and Siverodonetsk. In recent weeks Russians have been conducting many probes and attack in this area, espesially from Dibrova - Kuzmyne line and they could push UKR behind main forestal cut-through, passing from west to east. It happened again during rotation, when 100th TD brigade substituted previous troops. But since this local success Russians couldn't advance anymore. Now is next attempt. On the video 54th TD battalion of 100th TD brigade (of Volyn' oblast) repels Russian attack
  4. You can imagine how is Soviet light armor vulnerable, if UKR soldiers say that M113 and especially YPR-765 have better protection %)
  5. Some words about survivability of modern western armor. Other words of soldier of 47th mech.brigade: "If we didn't have it [western armor], our brigade would no longer exist" 47th brigade has most unpleasant and hard work - to gnaw through most dense defense lines, attracting the enemy on itself. Yes, they lost destroyed and damaged already many vehicles, but this brigade moves steady tree-liine for tree-line through totally mined fields and enemy artillery fire. Any other brigade on Soviet BMPs or even on M113 already would be lost own offensive capabilities.
  6. Pair of tanks of 3rd assault brigade shot out Russian positions in tree-line. Dead bodies at the end
  7. Looks like next tank-SVBIED (T-54/62) was destroyed by drone after immobilization. I doubt, usual HE ammo could detonate so fast and bright after impact
  8. Mashovets wrote, Russians moved to Bakhmut area 11th and 31st air-assault brigades, which for now deployed in close rear to eastern and southern outskirts of the city and 1428th TF MRR, deployed on NE outskirts. Obviously, Russians are going to counter-attack, especially on the south, where their situation already close to critical - reportedly UKR troops already fights on outskirts of Klishchiivka. On the north flank Russians during 28th-29th June, using heavy artillery pressure and assaults could push back UKR troops (likely elements of 57th mot.inf.brigade) on Berkhivka - Yahidne section about on 1 km.
  9. Something heavy and probably guided hit the ground near M777 position. Artillerist says the gun still intact (though the crew will have headache to clean the mechanisms of dirt)
  10. I don't understand about what AP mines told HRW. Ukraine utilized most of own AP mines arsenal except mines, which have controled activation (MON, OZM and some other) In recent days we could see several starnge statements of UN, for example about "human rights violation" of Russian collaborators and informators detaining by SBU. We could see assesment of Venice Commision about UKR law about language, where they recommended to restore "prveleged status of Russian language" after "current emergency sitaution" (1000 and 1st method don't call this "war" and "aggression"), because "this temporary situation shouldn't affect Russian language usage". Also they recommended to postpone tranfer of education on Ukrianian language. Looks like UKR employees of UN, which barely began unrest after "day of Russian language" after deadly missile strike, were right, when told UN turned to completely ineffective organisation, where leftism is strong and personnel is hired not due to their professionalism and competence, but mostly by quotes of "diversity"
  11. Mashovets writes Russia threw into the battle there PMC "Potok" ("Stream") and "Fakel" ("Torch") of Gazprom. On the northern flank already was invoilved PMC "Veterany" of Shoigu. All these PMCs are just cosplay of Wagner, having poor effectiveness. "Potok" already appeared on Bakhmut direction several months ago, but after first clashes and artillery hits abandoned positions. Russian milbloggers wrote, that as commander of this PMC was appointed employee of Gazprom, retired police officer, who had some security duties in this company. He had no skills in military like and most of commanders of lower levels, personnel had poor training, so first fight they failed in several days, reveiving scorn from Wagners
  12. Russian TG: Now contact line near Rabotino [ukr. Robotyne] is along this white line. UKR need to overcome just one field to reach northern part of the village
  13. The soldier, who dug up his comrade says him at the end: "Now you will have callsign "Mole" %)
  14. As pressure-type AP mines Russians widely uses PFM "petal" mines, which set remotely and can have time of life before self-destruction in 1-40 hours (PFM-1S) or w/o self-destruction (PFM-1). This mine has 40 g of HE with pressure reaction in 5-25 kg. Explosion of this mine usually caused hevay inguries of the feet, often with tearimg off whole feet or it part. But that what we could see on video it were likely PMN types (PMN-1/2/3/4). Unlike PFMs, which lays on surface, PMN can be set manually under surface. It has plastic case, so usual metal detector is useless. PMN-1 has 200 g of HE and 8-25 kg of reaction, PMN-2 - 100 g and 15-25 kg (increasing resilience against explosive demining), PMN -3 is later modification of PMN-2 with self-destruction up to 8 days and electronic detonator, which makes this mine much more stable to explosive demaining. Newest PMN-4 has 50 g of HE. PMN-2 mine PMN4 mine PMN mines, especially PMN-1 causes tearing off the leg or both legs up to knees, what we could see on video. PMN mines also have a name "black widow" and black humor PMN abbriveation decoding "Bring My Legs"
  15. No, we can't repair bridge now, because need heavy vehicles on the bridge and personnel, which will be potential targets. The bridgehead supplies by boats Here is probably next landing party prepares itself to crossing Next info is a summary from Russian TG for three days. UKR sources keep tough OpSec. - UKR troops landed on dachas near Antonivskyi bridge, when unit, which guarded this area was completely unprepared. Russian troops just returned recently here after the flooding - during evacuation when the dam was blown up, they lost almost all NV equipment, so they didn't spot approaching of the assault group in the night. UKR forces attacked from the flank and wiped out a company - only 24 men survived and could retreat. - next attempts to throw UKR group in 50 men into Dnipro by attacks of Shtorm-Z units were failed. - Attempts of units of 7th air-assault division to attack also were unsuccessful. UKR side from more tall right bank has total LOS and fire control over single road to bridgehead, which goes through Konka river bridge (indeed it's a part of Antonivskyi bridge). UKR use artilelry, mortars and ATGMS from right bank. Russians lost at least 4 BMD and one BTR-80, several paratroopers were captured. Russian artillery forced to change positions comtinuously due to UKR counter-battery fire, so it have too few time to fire at UKR bridgehead. Here is a height profile of bridge area - UKR forrces supply bridgehead with boats, which sailing under bridge constructions and this makes difficult to hit them with artillery. Also boats are enough speedy and they can't be spoted timely. - Russian aviation was busy in other areas, so first strike on bridgehead with gliding bombs took place only yesterday. Russian troops asked to hit bridge supports on left bank, remained bridge decks and the hotel near the bridge, held by Ukrainians. But UKR had a time to move to Pravdyne (39 km W from bridghead) and to Sadove (9 km NE from bridgehead) areas S-300 batteries and closed the sky. So Russian pilots likely were nervous and badly missed. Guided bombs had 4 km of undershot and hit Oleshky outskirts. S-300 heavy covered with EW assets, MANPADS, AA-guns, so all attempts to spot their positions and hit with Lancets hadn't success. - in present time UKR trops increased the number of personnel on bridgehead to 120 men, but they still no have heavy weapon. As if their single AGS and 82 mm mortar were destroyed. - Dachas on the left bank near the bridge now similar to "layer cake" - UKR positions interspersed with Russians. UKR dont't gathered in one pile, they are disperced. - As if UKR troops are preparing several other crossing points, 93rd mech.brigade arrives to Kherson (it's true, yesterday there was a report about death of recon of this brigade, who fought as far as 2014)
  16. Russian Su-25 was hit by Igla MANPAD of 10th mountain-assault brigade, but likely just damaged
  17. Andriy Biletskyi, first commander of "Azov" and now one of commanders of 3rd assault brigade claimed today 1st mech.battalion of his brigade wiped out leftovers of 3rd motor-rifle battalion of 57th motor-rifle brigade and eliminated enemy bridgehead on western bank of canal on south from Bakhmut near Kurdiumivka village. Enemy losses about 30 KIA, 50 WIA, 10 POWs, rest of battalion actually was completely disorganized and no more present as capable military force.
  18. Locals of Kherson and on the left bank of Dnipro in Antonivskyi bridge area don't confirm any active actions and river crossing and intensive UKR arty work as this claimed Russian sources, they say today is even more quiet, then in previous day.
  19. Other version of agreements - Wagner and Prigozhyn will be deployed in Belarus under guarantees of Lukashenko to guard Ukrainian and Polish borders. "Kiev began to rejoice early - now they will get 50 000 groupment on own northern borders" - Shoigu will be removed, more likely he will be presidental plenipotentiary in Syberian Federal District - Governor of Tula oblast Aleksei Diumin was a main negotiatior and exactly he stopped advance of Wagners. He will be minister of defense.
  20. I posted some details above, but this is all from Russian sources. UKR sources don't write anything
  21. A mess in Berdiansk - Russian security forces chase multiple deserters, which abandoned own units to join Wagners in Rostov. Gunfire is often heard all over the city
  22. According to unconfirmed information negotiations brought this: - Shoigu and Gerasimov will be removed from duty - guarantees for all Wagner fighters - Prigozhyn will concentrate on business and protection of Russian influence in Africa
  23. Identified as "72 yellow" RF-13418. 15th army aviation brigade, 6th AF/AD Army, Western military district
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