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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Ukrainian units of 35th marines brigade and 7th battalion "Arey" of Ukrainian Volunteer Arny (of Dmytro Yarosh) libereated Staromajorske village (V.Npvosilka salient) Yesterday situation map for this sector
  2. Estimated UKR progress for yesterday But price is high. It's example why idea of initial involvemnt of tough Bradleys was right. New brigade, which should develop success lost seven vehicles on battlefield abandoned and destroyed close to main enemy trenches. This is 2,6 km from eastern outskirt of Robotyne. BMP-1 detanated after ATGM or RPG hit in side hull
  3. Yellow mark on the map. And Russian close video with this BMP. Operator says there are 3 "200th" inside, but obviously BMP was directed in unmanned mode. Maybe UKR testing BMP vs.ditch (but I doubt), but maybe and Russian staged video "look at fool ukies" %)
  4. AA missile was launched at UKR helicopter, but it locked on flares of other chopper. UKR soldiers discuss episode on background
  5. Looks like yestreday Russian epic describing of hunderd armor, attacking their positions and more than 30 destroyed vehicles turned out usual PsyOps But in result Russian milblogger Pegov today issued this Saying more correctly, UKR troops now attacking not so Robotyne itself, like the section between Robotyne and Verbobe
  6. Situation in Klishchiivka - Russians organized heavy counter attack. Fighting in northern part of the village is going for each meter. Probably Russians threw in the battle units of 102nd MRR of 150th MRD, moved here from Maryinka direction.
  7. Khmelnitskiy military-civil administration claimed Kinzhals, which attacked their oblast and Starokostiantyniv airfield, were shot down. Fragments fell down, damaging private house and several cars. No photos, no AIr Force Commans confimations yet. If it will be confirmed, I will update shot down picture
  8. "Kraken" again on the warpath. I've read, this unit got own tank detachment. But in this time their drone targeted two Russian "Grads". Alas, either they transmitted not enough accurate coordinates, or HIMARS crew made some error, but both missiles hit enough far aside launchers. BTW both Grads at least got damages and one driver was wounded or killed.
  9. Today UKR General Staff categorically rejected information about significant Russian breakthrough on Borova direction. DeepState map in own turn "painted back" part of yesterday "occupied" territories, but remained Novoyehorivka and Serhiivka villages as occupied. Nadiya village marked as "grey zone" with a note "Russian couldn't gain a foothold in Nadiya" Some UKR videos from this direction (filmed not later 23rd of July) - Stugna-P team of 66th mech.brigade hit three tanks and BMP
  10. Became knowingly what top-officer was lost in yesterday shot down Ka-52. Russian "Aviation history journal" public claimed this was colonel Vitaliy Tabachnikov, commander of 112th helicopter regiment (Chita airfeild) of 11th AF/AD Army, Eastern military district.
  11. We had mass missile strike this evening. Looks like main efforts of Russians was Starokostiantyniv airfield in Khmelnitskyi oblast - the base of Su-24M, Storm Shadow carriers. Russian fleet, 8 Tu-95 and 4 MiG-31K were involved. Air Force Command noted, in this time some Russian missiles have flown with sophisticated trajectories, sometime turning on 180 degrees to confuse AD. Launched missiles: - 3 Kalibrs (3 intercepted) -36 Kh-101/555 (33 intercepted) - 4 Kinzhals (no interceptions) Kyiv wasn't under attack, though probably Kinzhal hit something in Kyiv oblast, but no info. There were reports about explosions in Zhytomyr, Khmelnitskyi oblast, Kirovohrad oblast. Also no information either all Kinzhals were launched on airfield or at different targets. Crusie missile, shot down near Dnipro city.
  12. Russian vehicle of "Borisoglebsk-2" EW complex was targeted by "Leleka-100" (eng. "Stork") UAV of 128th mountain-assault brigade on Vasylivka direction, Zaporizhzhia ob;last. This UAV like and "Furia" were adopted in UKR army service as far as in pre-war time. Leleka is good, but it camera stabilization still terrible. I wonder why designer team didn't any attempts to improve this for almost 7 years of production... So if you see the video with crazy shaky camera on zoom - this is 99 % "Leleka-100" ) "Borisoglebsk-2" is a large complex of nine diffeernt vehicles. By purpose it close to "Zhytel' ", but it more modern and has more wide capabilities.
  13. Numerous Russian EW assets have own purposes and own spheres of usage. EW is not = "drone supressing" R-330Zh "Zhytel' " doesn't have tasks and capabilities to fight with drones. This is system for SIGINT analizing, supressing of radioequipment, portable satellite comms receivers and GPS devices. It was targeted with special developed UAV "Shark", having other spectre of working frequencies, than commercial Mavic with 2,4/5,8 GHz (though Russians already wrote UKR engineers already can slightly change working frequencies of commercial drones, which reducing effectiveness of anti-drone EW assets and anti-drone rifles)
  14. Next Russian milblogger was killed. "Carlson", the author of Carlson-News TG. He was commander of UAV company of special rapid reaction detachment "Akhmat" of Rosgvardiya (also known as Special force "Akhmat", the unit, opened for all citizens of Russia, not only Chechens, like other "Akhmat" units). Was killed during the battle for Klishchiivka.
  15. UKR SOF fighters of 3rd SOF regiment take POWs from 247th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division during fighting in Staromajorske village (V.Novosilka salient). According to General Staff report, UKR troops has success here. Unofficial sources say Russians withdrew on southern part of village, UKR troops control northern part and partially central.
  16. Another part of video "how it started" - Russian armor was ambushed, though first AT projectille missed. Interesting, that now it's claimed troopers of "Tsunami" assault regiment of United assault brigade "Liut' " (eng. Fury, Rage) of National Police of "Offensive Guard' participated in this action.
  17. Russian "Pion" (eng. "peony") has faded %). Roty village - 16 km SE from Bakhmut and 21 km from frontline
  18. I think no need to redraw Kupiansk map, because here is exellent map (its can be zoomed): Kupiansk direction subgroup: Borova direction subgroups. For yesterday Russian rush with two tank regiments from Dzherel'ne - Raihorodka section got results - Russians pushed off UKR troops west along the road Svatove-Borova and occupied villages Nadiya and Serhiivka on westren bank of Zherebets river. Groupment of 423rd MRR and 15th MRBr developed own success and gained more ground, taking Novoyehorivka village. More fresh DeepState map shows this more worse situation. Red dotted lines - changes issued today (likely this happened 1-2 days ago). Mashovets will write about Kupiansk tomorrow. Red solid line - frontline before Russian offwnsive.
  19. Examples of "Shark" UAV work for artillery targeting. These UKR-developed systems got very excited feedback of drone pilots. First version of Shark had enough problems, but second revision got very good device. It has 80 km of range and very good optic with 30x optical superzoom, also it more stable against EW. Depending on missions it can be equipped with thermal camera. Though it price still large for such type of equipment. Alas, these drones have been ordering only by charity funds. Next Russian Buk turned out to firework, after "Shark" detected it position. Husarka village is in 18 km SE from Polohy town and about in 30 kn from frontline Russian EW asset R-330 Zhytel' was hit, though with second shell
  20. Episode, when Russian tank has destroyed UKR Kirpi in Makarivka (V.Novosilka salient) at the end of June. Likely HE shell was used https://twitter.com/BarracudaVol1/status/1673263959602765825 And aftermath in close view, filmed some later. The second Kirpi was damaged with explosion of destroyed vehicle. There were killed and wounded in this episode. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1683888227453743117
  21. Due to quality of the video and zoom, they have not usual Mavic as "average drone operator"
  22. This morning two Storm Shadow missiles hit old abandoned farms near Krasna Poliana village in Crimea. This is near previous strikes. Locals told they heard explosions and have seen ambulances, driving to place of explosions each 20 minutes. No videos and detailed information. Probably next vehicles stand or repair base was hit.
  23. Full yesterday video of elimination of two Russian squads of 83rd air-assault brigade in southern part of Klishchhivka. First squad at the beginning of video already almost wiped out, BMD-2 as "taxi" disembarks next group and runs away. Next probably UKR mortars shell Russians from the heights near the village and since some time the second squad already dead. Today Russian bloggers told about Klishchiivka has been fallen since mobics abandoned own positions. But UKR sources didn't confirm that. Later one Russians TG wrote, Russian troops organized counter attacks with VDV and BARS, so battle is continuing. UKR TG says trooppers of 80th air-assault brigade mop up the village, but havn't full control over it yet. He also wrote Russians troops in the village are in desperate situation, they suffered terrible losses, but still fiercely fight and reject to surrender. UKR troops also had success near Andriivka village next to south from Klishchiivka, seizing large strongpoint west of it.
  24. Russian Ka-52 was shot down today by marines of 38th brigade on Donbas. Russian TG Fighterbomber confirmed the loss of helicopter along with the crew. Interesting he and TG Helicopterpilot rejected all Ukrainaian claims about six Ka-52, which allegedly were shot down on the southern front, since offensive is started. UPD. According Russian sources, Ka-52 was shot down with three missiles, launched from Stormer (probably this exaggregation as Stormer hit the target with three kinetic "darts"). In composition of the crew was very competent and skilled commander in enough high rank. I think, we will know soon who it was.
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