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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. I've posted this above as illustration that HEAT, penetrating inside of vehicle doesn't cause injuries and burning alive to all, who are inside. This is not MRAP, but usual UAZ van.
  2. Two important Russian VDV commanders were killed within several days Colonel Vasiliy Popov, commander of 247th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assult division, Southern military district. Was killed on 10th of September near Verbove in missile strike. Together with him were killed other three servicemen, but unknown who exactly. His regiment was moved to Verbove - Novofedorivka area from V.Novosilka direction, so 7th air-assualt division operates now on right flank of own battle order in full composition 108th, 247th and 56th air-assault regiments Colonel Andrey Kondrashkin, commander of 31st air-assault brigade, Eastern military district. Was killed on 17th of September. Brigade was deployed on southern flank of Bakhmut.
  3. Sevastopol local chats report about loud explosions on Fiolent cape, where located 475th ELINT center of Black Sea Fleet and air defense unit, armed with S-400 (by other info S-300) SAM. Locals say explosion was so powerful, that windows were broken in some houses close to the cape. After explosion part of Sevastopol was coverd in acrid smoke. Reportedly many ambulances drive toward Fiolent. City authorities claims AD shot down two Ukrainian drones and smoke is special aerosol for masking of harbor, but in chats locals say with angry, that they heard obvious impacts, not shooting down of drones and distrust words about "masking aerosol" GUR made a statement they conducts next operation in cooperation with Naval Forces. On the photo probable places of attack on Fiolent cape
  4. "Back-and-alive" charity foundation jokes it would be easier to fundrise money and to buy all these vehicles without equipment and to equip it with all needed here in Ukraine. This would be much faster that wait 18 monts.
  5. Russian TG is alarming UKR troops on the northern flank of Bakhmut entered to Zalizhnians'ke village and Russian troops try to push them off.
  6. Now officially - Klishchiivka is liberated On the photo flags of 80th air-assault brigade, 5th assault brigade, "Lyut' " assault brigade of National Police. Also several days ago units of Belarusian volunteer Kalinovskiy regiment and 118th territorial defense brigade of Cherkasy oblast participated in mopping-up of the villge. But during all operation many of units participated in this, so it can take a whole page to write about each. PS. Name of the village is derived from "Klishch" ("tick"). It villge really sucked many our blood...
  7. Statistic of issued videos of Russian FPV strikes from June 2022 to September 2023 from LostArmor. UKR soldiers also say as Russian artillery is degrading, main threat now is becoming Russian FPV and Lancets. Particilarly UKR soldiers on souhern flank of Bakhmut pointed out Russian sharply increased using of FPV and months ago it was ratio approx 1:2 in UKR favor, but Russian are still increasing production of FPV drones, they have state program of producing and operators training. Initial training is planning to introduce in schools on the lessons of basic military. In Ukraine all this branch alas, was ignored by MoD, which thought small commercial drones (recon, droppers, klamikadze) as "for wedding purpose, which don't capable to change something significant of battlefield", so all combat drones, based on commercial models or self-designed still suppluing by charity funds, international organisations, fundrisers and volunteers. Only in last months several developments of military quadqopters were intoduced. But how much we can produce, it's a question. Many of volunteers afraid we can lost a racing with Russia in FPV-building. Russia still gets free all components not only for commercial-type drones, but also for Lancets, using US, Germany, Japan and Switzerland electronic, engines etc.
  8. In Robotyne area UKR FPV drone hit Russian UAZ "Bukhanka", carring wounded. Good example it's a myth that as if HEAT projectile penetrated armored vehicle caused injureies or burns alive all, who are inside. In this case unarmored van was hit, most unlucky turned out combat medic - he lost his arm. All other got shell shoks or light wounds. These small vans are one of priority targets for FPV drones, because these vehicles play the same role as jeeps, pick-ups and mini-buses in UKR army - supply of forward positions with ammo and food, evacuation of wounded and killed, fast deployment of small groups between positions. Tehere are no so many "Bukhakas" in the "shtat" of Russian units - its all a volunteer aid - the same like in UKR all these jeeps are supplying by fundrising.
  9. UKR "Shark" drone targeted two Russian Buk-M3 vehicles - the launcher and charging vehicle for HIMARS in Svitlodarsk area. Also Russian crew abandoned radar of this complex. It caught some fire, but likely didn't get damages. After this UKR plane has struck Russian HQ or troops deployments in Svitlodarsk town with two JDAM-ER Russian soldier shows consequences of UKR strike in Svitlodarsk
  10. Servicemen of "Tsunami" regiment of "Lyut' " National Police assault brigade in the center of Klishchiivka 93rd mech.brigade also issued a video with remains of Russian soldiers sneaking in tree-line east of Klishchiivka clise to railways And on this video UKR arty shells with DPCIM Russians, who already retreated far beyond railways https://twitter.com/PStyle0ne1/status/1703370345380503826 Though despite claims of full contrl of UKR troops over Klishchiivka, UKR soldiers of "Lyut' " brigade don't confirm that. Russians still counter-attack northern part of village from own positions north from railroad.
  11. About losses of Russian 72nd brigade in Andriivka area. Two soldiers of 3rd assault brigade walk trough captured Russian position near Andriivka. 11 bodies of Russian soldiers are seen during the video (one of them in blindage, where the video starts, soldier says "Here is pidor lays, he already stinks") Ex-commander of Russian 72nd brigade wrote in TG he considers UKR claims of full elimitation of brigade is exaggregation, but he can't reach anybody of his familiars from this brigade by phone. Other Russian TG claims in conversation between allegedly survived soldier of 72nd brigade or somebody who had information, that "remained intact 2-3 men". It's unknown which level he meant platoon or company Commander of 72nd brigade reportedly also dead. Here other photo of UKR side, picking up bodies of Russian soldiers (Russians didn't evacuate them)
  12. According to most strict Orthodoxal behavior rules, women, especially married, strongly recommended to wear a scarf not only in church, but also out of the home in the street. Also not recommended to wear jeans or other trousers and not allowed to be present in this closes in the church. So, most religious Orthodoxal women in former USSR really similar to Muslim women in Sharia countries - they wear long dresses or skirts, closing legs almost to ankles. Also these dresses or jackets should cover whole arm or at least a half. And of course a scarf, covering hair One more of "Russian world" and "orthodoxal sharia" example. This banner with a citation of influent Russian orthodoxal priest Aleksiy Chaplin Main problem of modern Orthodoxia and as a matter of fact Russia - this is that we have forgotten to be slaves. Christianity is a religious of conscious and freewill slavery His full sentense is next: All modern society worships to the idol of rights and freedom, and only Russian Orthodox Church still stubbornly asserts that a human is a disenfranchised slave... Only Orthodoxal slaves are capable to great feat of self-sacrifice in time of war and peace. Even USSR could restore itself in limits of Russian Empire due to slavery psychology, keeping on subconscious level of Russian nation. For a slave a prestige of his master is his prestige. To commprehend the Truth we must stop "to turn on brain" and strat indeed to consider ourselves as nothing and to call ourselves as nobody. In a word, we must grow a slave inside ourselves. The way to God slavery lies through the slaveship for human: children for parents, wife for husband, christian to church hierarchy, citizen to state with all officials and "siloviki" ("force structures"), including President. So, how dare you can name yourself "slave of God" if you didn't learn how to be a slave for a human? Only by nurturing a slave inside ourdelves we can revive that Russia, which we didn't keep, but also come to Kingdom of God, where doors are closed for all "free", who not in Christ. Despite this is enough radical speech, but it mostly reflects Russian Orthodox Church doctrine as well as psychology of many Russians. So, if somebody on West to this time try to appeal to some ratio in Russian authorities - it's useless. And this is a reason why Ukrainian authorities at last started to push out Russian Church from Ukraine. And this is not about faith freedom, because Russian Church (or it branch in face of Ukrainian Orthodox Cherch of Moscow Patriarchy) is turning into some sort of "Russian ISIS", brainwashing a people to be a slaves and live in fear and humility in front of power of srongest.
  13. The banner somewhere in occupied Kherson oblast like a good example of "Russian world" values. Writing: Kinder, Kuche, Kirсhe! The sence and greatness of russian woman I'm traditionalist, but this is fu...g "Russian orthodoxal sharia"
  14. Some news from Zaporizhzhia front - Hanna Maliar claimed "partial success" near Novoprokpivka and Verbove. I can't say how is her words reliable, because her statements often were objects of criticism, but some OSINT observations show UKR troops have taken enemy position NW of Verbove ... and west from Robotyne toward Kopani Unofficial TG of 46th air-assault brigade claims: - UKR troops captured part of strongpoint north from Novoprokopivka. Russian sources also partially confirmed this - that UKR forces siezed eastern part of this strongpoint and now there are clashes for it western part on otehr side of road to Tokmak. - Russians brought too many infantry to places, where UKR troops broke their first position of main line. Also Russians are withdrawing from minor positions (but fiercely fighting for important strongpoints), when they see they can't stand against UKR assault or arty strtikes, but UKR troops mostly can't take foothold on these positions because of intensive mortar, artillery, airstrikes and FPV/Lancet strikes. - despite on some success near Novoprokopivka and Verbove, heights near theses villages still under enemy control, so until they are taken, it will be too hard to capture these villages. Video of fight from 47th mech.brigade According to infromation from 47th brigade, thier commander lt.colonel Oleksandr Sak, youngest brigade comamnder in UKR army was removed from duty colonel Oleksandr Pavliy was appointed to command. Recently he commanded by 112nd Territorial Defence brigade of Kyiv. In social networks some people say Sak was removed because he turned out not enough ready to complete so hard tasks, he made several mistakes and lost too many soldiers and value equipment. Other say all is other way round - Sak just was rejecting to acomplish endless "Go-go-go!" from "Tavria" Operative Grouping HQ (or maybe and higher) and didn't want to send soldiers in "meat attacks", so top-brass decided to remove obstinate comamnder. Maybe will be more information soon. Recently chief sergeant of brigade Valeriy Markus sharply criticize brigade command for their vision of brigade usage and was forced to leave the unit.
  15. Sharks more likely ) In Black Sea we have small sharks - katrans )
  16. UKR side claimed operation was successfull thanks to coordination of GUR agents and satellite info, SBU, SOF and aviation Today an SOF Command made a statement, their small group (I suppose these were guys of 73rd Maritime Special Operations Center) sailed close to Sevastopol on RHIBs and infiltrated to the harbor under the water. They ajusted the fire and conducted visual control of strike results. Here is an article in English: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/09/16/7420056/ I don't know how they could ajust Storm Shadows, but these guys uploaded short video how they look on fire from ther sea More about partisan actions - today ATESH resistance claimed their agent, serviceman of Russian army (likely Crimean) could put 10 kg IED near deployment of Russian troops on Henichesk outskirt. When two Russian trucks arrived and personnel disembarked, he activated IED - as result both trucks were damaged, Russian suffered losses among personnel On the photo place of explosion marked by red circle
  17. It's claimed damaged missile corvette "Samum" (Bora-class), being hit by UKR naval drone or damaged by close explosion. As was reported resently she really has visible stern trim. Using of two tugboats is not a sign of damage, this is usual thing, when a ship enters to the harbor. Some people say this is normal for these class of ships, but I can't say anymore about this. Here is a photo of her sistership "Bora". It also has stern trim. "Bora" and "Samum" are both hovercraft catamarans, so damaging of one of two hulls is not so critical as for usual ship Also here a satellite photo of Russian frigate "Admiral Makarov", being towed by two tugs in Sevastopol harbor. Some rumors it was also damaged in open sea on 14th of September, but no confirmation.
  18. UKR maritime drones were active during last three days: - attack on Russian pr. 22160 patrol ships "Vasiliy Bykov" and "Sergey Kotov". Allegedly one of them got minor damages (according to one Russian TG) - attack on fast hovercraft missile corvette "Samum" (pr.1239, Bora-class) near Sevastopol. Russians claimed yesterday the ship has destroyed a drone, UKR side claims the drone of "Sea kid" type damaged the ship and she is being towed to Sevastopol having trim stern and starboard roll. "Samum" has only P-270 "Moskit" (SS-N-22) anti-ship missiles on armament, so it doesn't strike on UKR territory, but this is value target, because by strenghts of own missile salvo this corvette is equal to old soviet destroyers pr.956 "Sarych" (NATO code Sovremenny-calss) - attack on small missile ship (small missile corvette) "Askold" (pr.22800 "Karakurt"). Reportedly the ship has destroyed a drone. "Askold" is one of newest ships of Black Sea Fleet. It was built in occupied Kerch shipyard and comissioned in 2023. It's a carrier of Kalibr missiles.
  19. Since Russians brought reserves (76th air-assault division, 2 regiments of 7th air-assault division and 1152th motor-rifle regiment) and turned to counter-attacks, UKR troops now got some pause to regroup and repel Russian attempts. This much easy to do in defense, than in meeting engagements. Some people say this pause will last approx up to 25th of September. But even in this pause, UKR troops still try to advance if it possible.
  20. Russian brigade was defeated during more than a month or maybe two of fight from the canal to the village
  21. When 3rd brigade says they destroyed 72nd MRBr it doesn't mean they encircled whole brigade in this tiny village of two streets. They meant Russian brigade was wiped out during all this time of battlle, likely 3rd brigade cleaned territory west from canal and crossed it. As final accord Andriivla was taken by two outflank maneuvers from north and south. But, of course not a brigade was at their last stand Here is an acomplishing of operation. 3rd brigade took off a drone with dynamic and put the enemy ultimatum - surrender or die. UKR commande of 2nd battalion says to last Russians, who hide in basemants of two houses to surrender, because all their comrades already either killed or ran away, two their battalion commanders with callsigns Medved and Shaitan also killed. And here the whole Andriivka. As a fighter of 3rd brigade said - here is no more place to put a flag And here is a moment of FPV drone hit a jeep with officer of 72nd MRBr, when he tried to escape from Andriivka (second video) https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1702697923983675462
  22. I think, "total annihilation of whole brigade" is some exaggregation, but obviously 72nd MRR lost most of combat capabilities. Some Russian sources say 72nd already has the third line-up since autumn 2022. It's hard to say about mechanized maneuver, because 3rd assault brigade mostly uses own not numerous armor as combat taxi and their opponents also had a problems with amount of available armor
  23. Battle for Andriivka is much more than final fight for this 500 x 500 m area. There was hard way through entrenched tree-lines and fierce Russian counter-attacks on far approaches to the village. The same about Klishciivka and Kurdiumivka.
  24. 3rd assault brigade had confirmed liberation of Andriivka. Yesterday the brigade refuted claims of MoD deputy Hanna Maliar, that the village under UKR control. UKR troops really were in the village, but premature statement has interfered to accomplish the operation. It's knowingly, on tactical level, information about changes on the ground comes to higher HQs with delay, because company/battalion commanders if they lost a ground try to restore situation and only after several failed attempts reported on higher level about troubles - they just fear they will be fu...d out by higher chief. But, when Russian higher HQs get information first about ground loosing from social networks or premature official persons statements, they fu.k out lower HQs at all, but have a time to conduct some counter-actions, if information confirmed. Yesterday Russians after Maliar statement launched fierce "last hope" counter-attack with intensive arty support and the could prevent our troops to take foothold in the village completely. Only during next 24 hours 3rd brigade completely liberated Andriivka and held on positions. Brigade press-service claims during long battle for Andriivka they completely wiped out enemy 72nd motor-rifle brigade. Russian suffered heavy looses in personnel and command staff. It's claimed brigade recon chief and three battalion commanders were killed. At the final phase UKR troops encircled Russians in the village and completely eliminated them. Details, videos etc will be soon
  25. They weren't our workers, they already were fired,while missiles have been flying %)
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