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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Result of Storm Shadow strikes on 744th Comm Center of Black Sea Fleet Command on 19th of September Photo of 22nd of August Photo of 21nd of September
  2. Looks like today these strikes already began. Reportedly several substations were damaged, so were temporary power cutt off in Rivne, Vinnytsia oblast and Kyiv oblast. On eve GUR reported Russia conducted recon on UKR power resources, their conditions, repairs, defense etc. All depends how much missiles Russians had time to produce and store. During about week this is third missile strike (but today there are no Shakheds) and most numerous - 43 missiles against about two dozens in previous two. But previous strikes weren't directed against power infrastructure. The missile, which caused fire in Kyiv was shot down not far from district thermal power plant.
  3. Loud morning was in Kyiv today. About 20 missiles were shot down over the city, suburbs and in Kyiv oblast. Fragments of one shot down missiles damaged some infrastructure object and set on fire car service. I have seen a smoke, but not heard specific sound of impact, maybe really parts of missiles have fell down. Reportedly seven citizens were wounded. Total 10 Tu-95 have launched 43 Kh-101/555 missiles in two waves, 37 of which were intercepted. There were hits in Cherkasy (a hotel), Drohobych, Khmelnyntskyi, Rivne. Also six S-300 missiles hit Kharkiv
  4. Yeaterday Russians struck the bridge through Oskol river in Kupiansk and destroyed it. 8 people, who have droven in own cars in moment of strike were killed. Today it was claimed Russians have used own new wepon - hybride bomb-missile Grom-E1. This is gliding 500 kg bomb, integrated in the hull of new Kh-38 missile. It has 120 km of range. This weapon was introduced in 2012, and first examples were adopted in 2015, but level of production still very low - no more several pieces for a month.
  5. Just a some pleasure moments of past day UKR drone hit this night fuel tank in storage in Adler airport near Sochi (Russia) Russian Su-34 bomber of 47th bomber aviation regment, airfield Baltimor, Voronezh crashed today in Voronezh oblast. Pilots ejected
  6. No. This is particular situation of one regiment. But such units on southern flank of Bakhmut much more than UKR forces. A guy from 3rd assault brigade told UKR advance in this area is unique because this was offensive, when UKR troops had MUCH less troops than defendeing side. He also told UKR forces are phisically and moral exhausted, they suffered lack of armor, but they and other assault units advance forward just on motivation and fury
  7. Concerning allegedle Ukrainian involvement in attacks on pro-Wagner RSF rebels. Today journalists asked Budanov about CNN article he said nothing about Sudan, but say "We will pursuit Wagners anywere" The moment of FPV drone under allegedle UKR team control hits at RSF jeep
  8. Interesting video with Russian mobiks of 1442nd motor-rifle regimenmt of territorial troops. They have been fighting near Klishchiivka already long time. The video has ENG subs, but in short: - they are remains of infantry, drivers, mortar crews, servicemen of logistic units, cooks of 1st battalion. Their regimement lost alsmost all "line infantry" in "meat attacks" and command now gethered them and ordered to give 10 men for assault group to attack Klishchiivka again, but these guys say they don't want go to assault, because this is 100 % death. No artillery support, no ammunition for mortars.
  9. One more daring operation of GUR, conducted on 18th of September. Their agents could sneak on well(?)-guarded Chkalovskiy airfield in Moscow oblast, where deployed 8th aviation special purpose division directly subordinated to Air-space forces HQ. GUR claims particularly its 354th special purpose aviation regiment was struck by their agents. Division has transport aviation and 354th regiment has passenger "a*s-carriers" for military top-brass. Reportedly were damaged An-148 and IL-18D (it was mistakingly passed by IL-20 flying transmitter in GUR report), also one An-148 got minor damages. More - one Mi-28N helicopter, which was deployed on this airfield to fight with UKR drones got tail part damages by explosion https://gur.gov.ua/en/content/nevidomi-dyversanty-pidirvaly-dva-litaky-ta-helikopter-u-pidmoskov-i.html - official report of GUR (English)
  10. Unofficial twitter of Air Forces commented this "inside" with Russian prowerb "The fear has big eyes" (means someone, who fears exaggregates the danger) Also interesting Rybar at least recognized three missiles "fell down" (hmm... new-language "hit") "former military unit". Crimean authorities claimed "fragments of UAV fell into vineyards and set fire the grass" You can see "burning grass" with black smoke and locals could this watch many hours - there are many photos, despite Russian authorities warned about punishments for this. Also locals wrote about many ambulances driving toward smoke area - maybe some "winegrovers" got burns from "burning grass"? %) Reportedly territory of 744th Comm Center of Black Sea Fleet Command was hit in 2 km north from Verhnyesadove village (northern suburb of Sevastopol). According to local chat rumors barrack and HQ building were hit. No final information about losses, but allegedly there are only wounded 109 alone. Among servicemen were many young conscripts (they formally don't participate in war until sign contract after 6 months of service). I note, when UKR strike ammo dump near Oktyabrskoye airfield about two months ago, local authorities also "shot down" all UAVs/missiles and "extinguished a burned grass". But since this time parents of more than dozen of conscripts try to find any info about their boys, who served on this base. They even openly established a group in local TG. Their children likely just evaporized, when ammo, which they unloaded, detonated after strike. But command of military unit doesn't say anything. "Storm Shadow" on route over Crimea, Simferopol district
  11. Exellent 3D projection of southern Bakhmut flank from Poulet Volant. Obviously seen next objectives of UKR forces - to seize ridges and reach the road. After this lowlands will be on direct LOS. In present time Russians are conducting desperate "meat attacks" on "useless ruines". Obviously "big HQ bosses" were very angry by lost of two villages and new mobs of mobiks and Shtorm Z were directed to die. Though, they reportedly achieved some local successes yesterday. Their manpower advantage forced UKR troops to abandon two positions south from Andriivka and one in Kurdiumivka area. All attacks on Klishchiivka were repelled. One Russian TG complains that reaction of Russian command on the loss of villages is "hysterical" and this caused next waves of unprepared "meat assaults" with bad coordination, with poor artillery support, which again will grind reserves, so through some time a moment will come, when nobody will left to defend the road and this can cause crash of the front.
  12. Russian TG claims HQ of 7th air-assault division was struck during planning. Reportedly many officers were killed and wounded. As if this confirmed Yevgeniy Khanin - chief of veteran organization of 7th division. But Russian source says it happened on "left bank of Dnepr in Kherson oblast". It's strange, because division operates in more than 200 km from this place. UKR sources today reported about missile strike on Melitopol, so maybe it was there.
  13. You can remember articles in US media how GUR had secret negotiations with one of Syrian fractions to attack Russian and Wagner bases and how this concerned US, so after talks between US and Ukraine representatives this intentions were canceled. So no any impossible. Budanov is very dare guy How it said "Deeper and deeper" Not only Sudan, by the way - you can find in news how Wagner troops suffered heavy losses in Mali several days ago. Who knows?..
  14. Completely mysterious video - Russian drone attacks UKR Dolhintseve airfield (5 km east from Kryvyi Rih) and damaged MiG-29 (or it decoy). This airfield located just in 67 km from closest Russian-held territory. You can read active discussion in comments with wide spectre of opinions from this is cool CGI to this was real attack. First of all, we have to throw out arguments about satellite maps show abandoned airfield. This is 2018 year, later Dolhintese was reсonstructed But quality of picture really looks like 3D render, though it can be just compression artifacts. What more questionable - a difference of angles of attack from drone "eyes" and from controling UAV Maybe later some UKR unofficial source will tell more what was it, but no matter was this real MiG-29 or decoy (I doubt Air Force command kept value combat planes on airfield in range of Smerch or Tornado-S salvo). now we can suppose next: 1. Russians now have Lancet-type drone, capable to fly over 70 km 2. Or this was some experimental aerial Lancet-carrier (Orion for example) 3. Or this was diversion group sneaked on UKR territory (90 % fantastic, but...) 4. Or this is old video of 2022, when Russian really were very close to Kryvyi Rih (about 40 km), but then anyway it would be suicidal to keep aircraft on this airfield.
  15. It's claimed 1A5DK. The same tank from previous photo, but in camo net. I've read today Ukriane rejected to take 10 Leo 1A5 from Germany, becausae they were in very bad technical conditins. Also reportedly several Leo 1A5, which came to service already have broken down.
  16. Enough accurate, though he skipped details of street clashes before pro-UKR forces came to Trade Union House. He also didn't tell pro-Russians not only threw Molotovs from the roof of House, but shot with firearms (pistol or hunting rifle), killing and wounding several pro-UKR activsts. Odesa, Zaporizhzia, Mykolaiv, Kherson oblasts were saved from Donbas/Crimea scenario due to active resistanse of more organized pro-Ukrainian citizens, when police either withdrew itself from own duties under the pretext "do not escalate" or secretly or directrly like in Odesa took pro-Russian side. Though, only in Odesa all was so violent, in other cities the level of pro-Russian uprising was very minor and all ended maximum with facebeating. Most originally separatism was suffocated in Zaporizhzhia. A handful of vatniks who dared to came on meeting for "Zaporizhzhia People Republic" under cover of police just was surrounded by pro-UKR people and they were pelted with eggs and flours. This humilitation of "Russian world" lasted several hours, if pro-UKR activists would have also feathers, that pro-Rusian participants would became look like Guybrush Tripwood from Monkey Island 3 "Do you have a.... MADRE DE DIOS! El Polo Diablo!!!" This action got the name "Egg Sunday"
  17. Usual hype and unverified info. This ship was attacked as far as on 14th of September, but was just damaged. Allegedly damaged. Author of this tweet wrote this in later comment, but too late- a "sensation" already flies around internet
  18. Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection ordered 230 000 certificates for family members "of killed (died) war invalids, Great Patriotic War participants or combat actions participants". Obviously most of new certificates relates to latter category. Also since June these certificates also will be issued not only for members of killed regular army soldiers, but also for those, who were lost in different volunteer units (PMCs and Shtorm Z are questinable). Ministry of Defense will get 200 000 certificates and 30 000 Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. Last ordering of these certificates was in May - for 23716 persons. But this 200 000 is not equal to 200 000 killed in Ukraine! Certificates can receive father and mother of soldier, his wife and children under 23. So, this number you have to divide on four or five. Total from beginning of war Ministry of Labour and Social Protection already ordered 936052 certificates of combatants. 600 000 of them for MoD, 60 000 - Ministry of Internal Affairs, 10 000 - Rosgvardiya, Ministry of Social Protection - 85 000, Ministry of Building - 500. Article in Russian: https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2023/09/18/pravitelstvo-zakazalo-230-tisyach-udostoverenii-dlya-semei-pogibshih-na-voine-a107249
  19. Athmospherical drone video over Klishchiivka in morning fog and smoke from 5th assault brigade
  20. Evacuation of wounded soldier of 3rd assault brigade. M113/YPR with back ramp and roomy infantry compartment is a treasure. It would be impossible to evacuate this soldier on Soviet BTR and much harder to put him into narrow BMP back door.
  21. It's turned out Kondrashkin was a commander of 85th motor-rifle brigade of LNR. As I wrote recently, origins of this brigade is 54th motor-rifle regiment of 6th motor-rifle division of 3rd Army Corps. The Corps was established in autumn 2022. By unknown reason 54th regiment was disbanded likely in February-March of 2023 and on its place was formed 85th MRBr, which was transferred to 2nd Army Corps (LNR forces). 85th MRBr holds positions on northern flank of Bakmut in Berkhivka - Yahidne area
  22. Leopard 1A5 in UKR service. Alas, Florks will be dissapointed - it's turned out engine of Leo1 can't carry additional weight of ERA so far.
  23. This is new one ) Here is two older - BTR and KRAZ
  24. This was in Saturday. 4 Iskander-K at the morning and S-300 close to midnight. Local administration just reported about fire on object in NE part of the city Russians conducted two missile/Shakhed strikes for weekend. First was mostly directed against Odesa oblast. AD shot down 6 missiles of 10 and 6 of 6 Shakheds. Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour. This night Russians likely targeted Starokostiantyniv airfield again and probably some objects in Dnipro city. Shakeds were directed to Mykilaiv and Odesa oblasts. AD shot down 17 of 17 missiles and 18 of 24 Shakheds
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