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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. If he is "evil-nazi-SSman", why he lives in Canada alredy more than 70 years? Maybe because after the war all former members of Division were verified and didn't found guilty? Like and division itself. Canada, USA and UK gave a shelter to members of "Halychyna" division and they never were given to USSR and under justice, despite several attempts of USSR to initiate pursuit. WWII in Eastern Europe wasn't so black&white like for Western. Here was a war all against all, with situative alliances, double games etc. Germans perfectly played on hatred of western Ukrainians and Baltic states to Stalin's USSR (and not only them), so local national movements used this idea of national Waffen-der-SS divisons as opportunity to establish own trained regular troops, which would be capable to fight directly with Red Army and not sneak in the forests. Most successful in this were Estonians. Their units fought so tough, that Russians to this time consider Estonians more "fascists", than Lithuania and Latvia, having also own Waffen-der-SS units. I think it's no need to expalain here that "true" SS-division is not the same that Waffen-der-SS division, which had common only structure, equipment and name ranks, but no one in latter wasn't member of SS, because only true "Aryans" could be a members, not untermenshs. In western Ukraine, when 14th division was established, about 40 000 of volunteers came to enlist "to fight with Bolsheviks". Whole student classes had been come to enlistment centers. Were all they nazists? Of course, no. Ukrainian wing of OUN (M), led by Melnyk supported idea of regular UKR army establishing under German protectorate, but the wing of OUN (B), led by Bandera was strictly agaisnt any co-operation with German authorities and had seen a way of liberation only in active partisan actions and total uprising. Also most part of western Ukarine was under power of General-Governorship, where regime was more "soft", than in Raichskommissariat Ukraina and was more similar on occupation regime in Western Europe, so for locals German power seemed more "civilized", than USSR, when dozen of southands were sent to Syberia or executed during 1939-1941 (about half of them were ethnic Poles). In Ukraine the question of "Halychyna" division (in 1945 they changed own name on 1st Ukrainian division) is disputable, but let historians study this. Officially they equalized in status with veterans of WWII, who fought in Red Army and UPA. These people lived in hard times and their choice was that. From the point of view of fighting for Ukrainian independence (= liberation from USSR) we can't blame them for their choice.
  2. Our tanker told Leo2 has strange thing with a center of mass and in couple with overweight design and insufficient engine power for this weight, the normal fast driving with forward facing of the gun can lead to such effect as on the photo with teared off turret and other mess.
  3. Yes, this is Vadym Voroshylov (Karaya) - on the jacket a badge with his name is placed. He is 29 y.o, major.On service as a pilot since 2016. Became a best young pilot of Air Force Command "South" in 2017 and best crew of Air Forces in 2020. But in 2021 when his contract finished he has resigned. After 2016-2017 many pilots didn't want to renew contarcts and had been leaving the service. Main problems - too small payment and enormous paper work, Soviet-style army idiotism etc. But after Day 1 he immediately turned back. Interesting, his callsign Karaya is the same, which had German WWII ace Eric Hartmann %)
  4. Looks like hidden anti-Wagner front in Africa is expanding (Budanov activity?) Reportedly tuareg tribes of Mali, who suffered because of Wagner's violence, came to war with them And today IL-76, allegedly used by Wagner was crashed or shot down in airport of Mali Goa
  5. UKR PzH2000 hit Russian 2S3 in Novoprokopivka area
  6. Russian train turns back from the front about 20 of damaged BMDs. Many of them havn't tracks - wheels and easy losing tracks it's most weak point of this vehicle, some vehicles hadn't guns
  7. Russian TG rumors. Allegedly number of victims of missile strike on BSF HQ is 34 about half of them were officers. Now it's impossible to say a complete number, because most of bodies are fragmented.
  8. Some combat videos UKR Marder of 82nd air-assault brigade got two ATGMs in front projection near Verbove. First hit didn't cause an ignition, about second one hard to say, we can see white smoke, but video ends. Russian counter-attack attempt somewhere near Novoprokopivka. Likely close hits of IFV gun and several FPV strikes forced them to retreat along the trench Next two videos are enough brutal Russians got hell in the trench Despite popularity of FPV, 30th brigade on northern flank of Bakhmut successfully uses grenade dropping too On what I want to pay attantion - it's enough high level of survavibility of infantry under fire. Looks like body armor gives enough chances to survive and get mostly light injuries from close grenades or HEAT charges explosions. To take out a soldier you should to hit it with light explosive directly or at least in a step near his legs
  9. Crimean ATESH resistanse writes today's the strike would be impossible without work of usual pro-UKR citizens of Sevastopol and ATESH agents. It's also claimed because of Russian MoD delays payment of officers, it's more easy to induce cooperation with BSF staff officers. I think, last statement is a sort of PsyOps, like a statement of Budanov, that GUR now prepares desertion of several other pilots with own aircrafts. This should to cause the wave of untrusting, total verifications and suspicious inside Russian command staff.
  10. Except BSF HQ in Cremea also was hit some repair unit in 7 km NE from Bakhchisarai Local chats of Sevastopol about four hours ago reported about new explosion, there was opinion thermal plant was hit, but it wasn't condirmed. There is no information yet what it was. Sevastopol authorities say firemen localized fire in HQ building (it has been burning more than 6 hours). Still no information about losses Likely as a revenge Russians launched two missiles at hospital in Kremenchuk, Poltava oblast. Reportedly it was civil hospital, but now it also treats wounded soldiers. AD shot down one missile, but other hit building, as result one killed, 31 wounded (including three children). Also there are reports about explosions in Zaporizhzhia
  11. Airfields. Berdiansk, for example and Crimean of course
  12. Some more Russian "insides" how it reliable it's a question About strike on 744th Comm center of BSF Command. It's turned out this is not only comm center, but also reserve command center (RCS) of BSF. Allegedly it was built in underground bunkers under the rocks. But here Russian TG "Naval power of state" say: Concerning RCS sort of also bad news. Its can't be posted here, so we have nothing to refer except ukies. We can сome to harm [if will post it]. And so, we have sh...tload of bad news, which while in a shade. About crash of Su-34 in Voronezh oblast on 20th of September TG "BRIEF" claims it was 34th non-combat loss of Russian aviation since SMO have been starting. Very questionable inside, but let it be... Germany will give Ukriane first batch of 45 Taurus missiles in nearest time. The second batch in 50 missiles will be of 50 missiles and will be handed over up to 10th of November Pentagon will deliver 30 ATACAMS missiles and three transport-loading vehicles to them up to October. Tanks M1A1 already in Rzesov. Transferring on Ukrianian territory will begin from night of Saturday. UKR sources, refering to US sources claims ATACAMS will be only with cluster warheads.
  13. Some about Russian reaction on this strike. Multiple questions about "red lines", impotence of military command (but no one risk to say this about Putin) and demands to nuke British Naval HQ (because this was UK missile) Some Russian TGs claimed the missile, which hit HQ the building was ATACAMS, but on the stop-cadre it's seen Storm Shadow During strike operation Poseidon P-8A was on mission over Romania. One Russian military or milblogger in milityary uniform demands in RIA Novosti reportage that any NATO plane, conducting recon mission have to shoot down with warning. Ex-BSF commanader Vladimir Komoyedov demands immediate strikes on buildings of General Staff, MoD and President Administration in Kyiv (I more that sure they will attempt with ballistic missiles, so we can have "fun nights" again, like in May, when Russians tried to destroy Patriots around Kyiv) But what with current BSF commander? There is no confirmed information, Russians officially say about one missed, but RUMINT says the strike was in time of meeting of BSF staff and allegedly dozen servicemen were kileld, among them four officers, and about dozen were wounded. As if BSF commander admiral Viktor Sokolov was killed, but this is not confirmed.
  14. Last photo named "explosions in Sevastopol Bay area" indeed smoke screen - Russians already several times during UKR attacks set smoke (aerosole) screen over the bays. How it help against GPS guided weapon, I don't know
  15. BSF HQ from other point of view. For citizens of Sevastopol, who known with own boast and snobbery that they are live in the place of Russian glory and legendary BSF, who from the cradle know the city anthem "Legendary Sevastopol impregnable for foes", for them this HQ building is almost sacral center. So, the strike on it is almost the same if White House in Washington would be hit
  16. Rare video how Russian Shturm-S tank destroyer got hit with ATGM
  17. Explosion in Russian city Tula (330 km from nearest Ukrainian territory point). One district without electricity.
  18. Russian TG claims UKR forces advanced 1 km to south between Novoprokopivka and Verbove and cut off rocade dirt road between these villages. Of course, author added, enemy attack potential had been weakened by artillery and his losses - 5 vehicles and about company.
  19. Video of 47th mech.brigade. Russian counter-attack on SW outskirt of Robotyne. Russian tank cought all mines on own way, next two light armor disembarked infantry, which ran to the trench, but suddenly Russian TOS-1A hit the same place
  20. During operation in Nagornyi Karabakh Azerbaijanian army hit a jeep with Russian "peacemakers" chiefs. As result were killed captain, two lt.colonels and deputy commander of "peacemaking contingent" 1st rank captain (=colonel) Ivan Kovgan. Interesting, that Kovgan was appointed to N.Karabakh from the duty... deputy commander of submarine forces of Northern Fleet. On the photo jeep, where 5 Russian servicemen were shot out with small arms. Among other incidents - Azerbaijanian forces have struck N.Karabakh radar post, where Russian soldiers were deployed there, also was shelled Russian observation post and shot out KAMAZ - driver was killed, other solsier was wounded. President of Azerbaijan Geidar Aliyev apologized to president Putin. This caused wave of angriness among Russian milbloggers: "if the country is not ready to start a war with anybody and anywere, who killed our soldiers, than we have fu..g nothing to do at all "
  21. Ukraine conducted a strike on cell comm node in Olenivka of Volnovakha district, Donetsk oblast. As result all equipment were destroyed. As result part of south-eastern area of so-called DNR now without cellphone communication And by strange coincidence, MTS cellphone operator network was downed in southern regions of Russia - Rostov-on-Don and Kuban'. Reportedly optofiber cable was damaged.
  22. Locals in Sevastopol posted a photo of big explosion in Kazachya Bay. Though Russian milblogger claims this was launch of Onix missile. In Crimean chats also multiple reports about loud explosion sounds on Fiolent cape, but it also could be Onix launches. Several missiles reportedly hit recreation object in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district of Odesa oblast.
  23. Aftermath of yesterday strike on Russian base in Melitopol. It's claimed Russian HQ was hit and allegedly commander and chief of the staff of 58th CAA were wounded along with other officers.
  24. It's inetersting, Russian milbloggers claim how DPICM inflict big losses, especially wounded, but I already not a single time read opinions of UKR soldiers, that DPICM is too weak and have too large circle of covering, when the center of impact almost free from explosions. DPICM of course, nice thing against large formation in one place, but both sides try to avoid concentration of infantry One more video of weak effect of DPICM - one submunition hit the truck, but fire extinguished itself as truck drove away
  25. Slovenian Valuk APC (local version of Pandur I) in 44th mech.brigade. 20 APCs were handed over.
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