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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russians have drown Tu-95 on planes parking on Engels airfield. They need a course of 3D-drawing %)
  2. UKR Mugeen-5 over Sochi, Krasnodar region ...And its impact. GUR claimed the drone hit helicopter parking in Adler airport.
  3. Crimean "authorities" claimed AD shot down UKR "Hrim-2" ballistic missile (laugh) over Dzhankoi. Through some time the number of shot down missiles increased to two (since some time likely it will turned out there were 5 or 10 %) ) Locals write they heared loud explosion and now see a smoke plume in area of grain elevator in Michurinovka village, suburb of Dzhankoi.
  4. UKR drone has struck aviation factory in Smolensk. This is minor factory, producing light aircraft (like a Cessna) and different spare parts for civil and military aviation as well as probably for missiles, because the factory is a part of "Tactical Missile Corporation"
  5. Strong people make good times. Good times born weak people. Weak people make hard times. Hard times born strong people.
  6. Alcohilic Medvedev threaten Germany that in case of Taurus will be handed over to Ukraine, German factories, producing these missiles "will be "legitimate target according to international law". Also Medvedev warns UK that their instructors, which they are going to send to Ukraine will be object of attacks. Recently Medvedev warns UK and France with the same concerning Storm Shadow/SCALP and added "these stupid bastards are pushing us to WWIII". Damned bluff, but it with big probability will work on westrn politician, who in own fear (if they not hidden influencers of Russia) of "escalation" in each next step of UKR support will interfere to military aid. Next reason to Sсholtz do not send Taurus to Ukraine.
  7. Russia significantly increased import and own production of Shakheds. Almost a week we can see stable level of attacks with 30-40 drones. This night central regions were under attack and of course Odesa oblast. Only 16 of 30 drones were destroyed. Air Forces command says in this time Russians targeted not only infrastructure objects, but some drones attacked AD objects. In Uman', Cherkasy oblast, drones hit grain storage. A fire embraced about 1000 sq.m Recent attack hit ammo dumps in Kalynivka, Vinnytsia oblast. No visual footage, but FIRMS showed four fire points on the territory of ammo dump and military unit nearby within 29-30th of September.
  8. Well, octocopters now can lift more and more HE. I wonder, what is a model... R18 can't lift three TM-62
  9. Destroyed, damaged/abandoned UKR vehicles on the way to Surovikin line toward Verbove. Price of our advance is very high
  10. This is yesterday strike on Zaporizhzia city eastern outskirts
  11. I afraid a quality of UKR license can be much worse than original - alas, for many our defense sector enterprises "quality" is unknown word. I recall KM-7.62 a PKM clone, soldiers were angry on this sh...t, only Bulgarian PKMs changed situation. Though, on other hand UKR "Maliuk" bullpup, based on AK got good feedback from SOF and recons
  12. Better to have some fat missile or horde of drones with 1500 m of range to destroy this factory and design bureau. Izhevsk is in about 1380 km from closest point of Ukraine.
  13. Second Russian attack with new long range drone on UKR airfields, which took place on 25th of September. If in previous time they damaged MiG-29 on Dolzhanske airfield near Kryvyi Rih, that now their attack of Kulbakine airfield near Mykolaiv was more resultative - MiG-29 was combletely burned down. Alas, two airfield technecians of 204th tactical aviation brigade (airbase Lutsk), maintaining the jet were killed in this strike, several were wounded. It's currently unknown what a model of this kamikadze drone was used in these attacks. Both airfields were located within 60-70 km from frontline. In September Russian AeroScan company (former ZALA Group), who developed Lancet, presented new generation of such class of drones with name "Italmas" ("flower" in Udmurtain language - the company located in Izhevsk city, administrative center of Udmurtia Republic). This drone as claimed developers can have a range up to 200 km, with real-time control like Lancet via optical-electronic station (though, unknown where it can be mounted on shown examples) And again about sanctions...
  14. If you mean Ivan Demianiuk is not proper example, because he was former POW of Red Army, who defected to German service like a "hivi". Many of "hivi" made own choice not because ideological reason, but only by a will to survive. But all who enlisted into division in first draft were volunteers and went there not because they were ready to do everything to save own life. Those, who negotiated with Germans about forning of Baltic and Ukrainian Waffen SS divisions, first of all demanded that these units have to be combat only, not guard - to fight with Bolsheviks. Of course they also were used in counter-partisan actions too (mostly organized by pro-commi forces in Slovakia and Yugoslavia)
  15. "White wolf" unit of SBU Alfa special forces has struck next AD radar on Russian territory. If in previous time they hit "Kasta" radar, now they hit 55Zh6U "Nebo-U" 3-coordinate meter range radar complex of air defense forces. Antenna, equipment cabin and radar remote control vehicle were struck by drones "Nebo-U" was adopted in 1995 and first serial radars went to service in 2011. Now this radar is on armament of AD units of Western and Central military districts. Radar allows to detect "fighter" type target on altitude 500 m - up to 70 km and on altitude 20 000 m on 400 km in 360 degrees zone
  16. In documental film Serhiy Melnyk, chief of Kharkiv garrison told that in Day 1 Russians managed to destroy 90 % of AD around the city. He told Russians of course knew deployment of AD command centers around the city, being built as far as in USSR times and struck them first of all. Melnyk asked commander of 302nd AD regiment why he doesn't work and comamder answered he has almost nothing to do this, because his regiment almost detsroyed. Only during next hours and several days, survived S-300PT launchers and other equipment was grouped and engaged the enemy. On first cadres of video destroyed AD command bunker is shown
  17. Russian Su-35, which was recently shot down by friendly fire near Tokmak in objective of UKR "Shark" drone As claimed Fighterbomber TG this night Russian AD again fired at own jets, but without result (alas). He says this incidents take place because of bad communication between aviation and AD units and becuse of identification friend-foe system often doesn't work. Alas, IFF often doesn't work and in UKR aviation and AD. I don't know why.
  18. In these days in Mariupol Russia is condicting show trial of 22 Mariupol defenders, mostly of "Azov" regiment. They are accused in "attempt of power violent takower in DPR, involvement in terrorist organization". Reportedly from these 22 people, almost no real "Azov" fighters - three women, who served in rear unit of regiment on kitchen, all retired in 2021, 9 servicemen also retired themselves from "Azov" in 2018-2021 - in their number former commander of 3rd company and one of the deputies of regiment comamnder, who retired in 2018 by age. All they just lived in Mariupol and around in Donetsk oblast and were detained during filtration. Among of accused also two crewmen of Mi-8 helicopter, downed near Mariupol, during their desperate raid to Azovstal. Photo of captives more similar to photos of Nazi or GULAG concentration camp As a contarst - on the left photo - Russian POW
  19. Next power substation was struck by UKR drone in Bryansk oblast near Pogar settlement
  20. 40 Shakheds were launched this night mainly on Vinnytsia and Odesa oblasts. 30 were intercepted. There was a hit of infrastructure object in Vinnytsia oblast, causing delay of ralroad shedule of 2-3 hours. Reportedly one Shakhed crossed Romanian border, turned back and hit some object in Reni port on Danube from the side of Romanian territory. Russians also have struck Kramatorsk with two Iskanders, today was two Iskanders on Zaporizhzhia city outskirts
  21. Suffering from lack of armored vehicles for huge number of new-formed brigades, Ukrainian industry have started in 2023 serial production of BMP-1LB - as claimed IFV (but indeed just tracked APC), based on MT-LBu hull MT-LB and larger variant MT-LBu in own time were producing in Kharkiv - it's still unknown how much of MT-LBu still in appropriate conditions for remaking. MT-LBu is a paltform for wide number of special military vehicles like artillery control vehicles (1V12 complex: 1V13/14/15), air defense command posts, EW vehicles etc. Likely sharp change of artillery spotting and fire control methods, using of lighter vehicles for this - even in comparison with ATO times allowed to release many of 1V12 complex vehicles to remake it into APCs (but maybe it still in service at least formally, I can't say, but I didn't see them already long time, using by own purpose). Also maybe some number of vehicles were taken from storages. But what we receieve it is really "сheap and cheerful" What main changes were done: - special equipment and other things inside were removed to furnish a compartment for infantry. Now vehicle instead 5-6 men can accomodate 10-11 men (driver, gunner, squad leader/vehicle commander and 7-8 soldiers) - RWS with 14,5 mm KPVT HMG was set in rear part. RWS equipped with day optic and thermal sight. The place of gunner is in infantry compartment - From the back side enough wide door is made. It's not apparel, but soldiers say disembarking through it quite normal. - 14 mm front- and 7-mm side hull armor of original vehicle was too weak, so additional spaced armor plates were mounted But these changes have own "back side of medal", which significantly reduced combat value of this vehcile - KPVT is very sensitive to contamination. Because HMG in RWS is open, the dirt easily gets on the weapon. The system of bullet feeding is also badly designed, so HMG has a big chance to jam both because of dirt and feeding. Because of no more coax MG, in case of jamming/damaging by enemy fire of RWS, this vehicle turned out unarmed. - Russian YaMZ engines of these vehicles already too old. After refurbishing they have 50 hours of test, but this insufficiently - during the movement engines often fail as well as gearbox - Increaces weight because of additional armor, RWS and more people inside much more reduced capabilities of old engines. On the paved road BMP-1LB still can give 50 km/h, but on the ground it speed sometime is about speed of infantryman walk. Overheating of engine and increased weight makes maneuvers on this vehicle very hard (tracks also have problems) The cost of this behemoth is 380 000 $, and about half of this cost is RWS, assemling abroad, possibly by foreign manufacturer (but maybe and Ukrainian). It quality leaves much to be desired. In comparison, the cost of M113, which much better than this ersatz is about 300 000$ Looks like these armored headache got several 6x th brigades, which counted as "mechanized", but mostly on the paper. One of visually confirmed loss of BMP-1LB was spotted in Kreminna area in June - vehcle was damaged and abandoned because of close hit of likely 500 kg bomb
  22. In Russian TG a problem is discussing - because of lack (relative lack!) of 152 mm ammunitions, Russian industry remakes OF98 lighting shells to HE. But these shells, filled with HE are significantly different by own behavior in comparison with usual HE shells, so firing of these ammo became a "Russian roulette". Author writes, he knows already three accidents, when these shells have exploding in howitzer barrels, destroying guns and causing losses ot personnel, so now crews fire this shells only with a rope with safe distance
  23. Russian resources claimed VDV advance to Vesele village north from Soledar, as if they could enter to the village, but couldn't gain foothold there and were forced to return back. No information about this from UKR side.
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