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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. In our UKR twitter soldiers of "old" brigades just laughed at these statements of 47th specialists. Maybe this is not good to send ATGM operator as infantrumen to clear next tree-line, but what to do if you have a lack of personnel? Both UKR and RUS units, no matter is this VDV, old crack brigade, volunteer unit, mobik regiment or territorial units - all have HUGE lack of "line infantry" despite continuous mobilization. Russia monthly rise 20-22000 of personnel as contractors. I don't know number of mobilized in Ukraine by month, but this also not less several southands per month. And anyway this not enough to fill staffing table. So, "veterans" laughed at this and told, this is usual practice for all brigades in much or less degrees, just conditions of war forced us to act by a rule of US Marines, where each marine in first order is rifleman, anf only then has own speciality.
  2. I think, these numbers can be divided on 2, but even so this is huge losses Only one mobile group of "Omega" National Guard Special force brigade destroyed for yesterday 3 tanks, 3 IFV and armored car
  3. If so, Avdiivka should be captured so far, but... but... %)
  4. Avdiivka after next strike. Reportedly the city in fire and smoke, Russians try to hit all mulistorey buildings in the city Both UKR and RUS point out unprecedented level of artillery and MLRS strikes, a wall of fire, not seen since summer 2022. Russian milblogegrs with triumph shouting "Here where all our shells! Likely they were gathered here from all front sectors!" UKR soldiers told about just enormous number of Russian infantry, that's imagimation allegedly almost all reservers were thrown here. I even think maybe Russian offensive on Kupiansk and Lyman direction are bogus actions and real heavy strike Russians made on Avdiivka direction UKR sources refuted Russian claims that they captured Berdychi village and claimed we repelled five heavy attcks. Reportedly only for this day Russians lost 10 tanks. About hour ago was a claim about Russian jet was shot down, but no confirmation. Russian aviation today acted with completely impunity - alas, it's usual thing for Avdiivka direction. Backbone of Avdiivka defense is 110th mech.brigade and 129th TDF brigade of Kryvyi Rih city - they are on northern flank and the city itself; and 53rd mech.brigade on southern flank. Also one separate rifle battalion, 501st marines battalion of 36th marines brigade and mobile groups of "Omega" National Gurd special force brigade and groups of 3rd SOF regiment. Against them - multiple number of mobiks motor-rifle regiments and DPR units.
  5. UKR TG about situation around Avdiivka: Russians conduct dense work of artillery and aviation everywhere as they can. Pidars have launched next offensive on the city and flanks. In Opytne area [southern flank] we have been stopping pidars - they swarm as by armored groups as throw to meat assault different scum for attrition of our forces. We have quite dynamic situation here. Pidars failed own attack on Berdychi village, outflanking Stepove [northern flank], but at the same time have success in direction of other settlement. After fails on flanks pidars are assaulting now Avdiivka coke plant - already semi-destroyed. This plant is fortified place like and meat factory in Bakhmut
  6. Avdiivka сoke plant now. Reportedly situation very hard, especially on nothern flank, from there are reports about real zerg-rush. Several days ago Russians could seize our forward posituions west of Krasnohorivka village, now Russians try to advance west toward Stepove - Berdychi. Locals write about intensive artilelry bombardment since night and small return fire of UKR artillery. One of reason - most of artillery positions are deployed in Donetsk and response can hit residential areas. Situation on northerm flank of Avdiivka 5-6 days ago.
  7. Lucky UKR tank crew - Russian soldier hide in the house and shot RPG at the tank, when it faced the gun in other side. But the projectille ricoсheted from the pillar and then tank destroyed this house.
  8. Bakhmut direction - aftermath of direct hit of artillery shell in Russian BMD-2, caused it detonation. Big hole and metal wrecks.
  9. 78th special purpose air-assault reginent "Herts' " fights for one of endless treelines somewhere between Novoprokopivka and Verbove
  10. Ramzan Kadyrov made a statement in which he called international communuty to find fair solution about Palestine, he also called Arab countries to establish coalition to influence on West that it forced Israel to stop bombing of Gaza Strip. Kadyrov offered to send his troops to Gaza strip as "peacemakers" https://t.me/RKadyrov_95/3985 Recently Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called both sides to stop conflict and that peace settlement is possible only on the base of internationally recognized agreements about borders (they hint about Israel in 1967 borders?): https://lenta.ru/news/2023/10/07/rossiya-prizvala-izrail-i-palestinu-k-prekrascheniyu-ognya/ Today Lavrov almost repeated this MFA statement and added that "position of West about this conflict raises a lot of questions": https://lenta.ru/news/2023/10/07/rossiya-prizvala-izrail-i-palestinu-k-prekrascheniyu-ognya/
  11. Israeli consul of western Ukraine region Oleh Vishniakov told a story of last stand of a family of Israeli officers, who obviously had Ukrainian roots - Adar and Itay Berdychevsky (Berdychiv is Ukrainian city in Zhytomyr oblast, one of biggest places of Jews settle in Ukraine in 17-20th centuries). When they had seen Hamas terrorists approach to their house, they hide own children to special shelter room and engaged enemy with own weapon. They could eliminate seven attackers, but both were killed in fight too. Hamas fighters didn't find children and since 13 hours they were taken by grandpa and grandma. https://www.facebook.com/il.consul.israel/posts/pfbid0cxbqDRHqsU27jcS6hap6p6j3uDbeYjyr5AHGRNn9ztCstjUDzfWuwKN133HfWV71l In present time knowingly about two killed Ukrainan citizens in Hamas attack.
  12. Stealth +2 ) Turn back this ability to CM!
  13. Russians claim they hit with Iskander-M ballistic missile "accumulation of armored vehicles" in Slavhorod town, Dnipropetrovsk oblast. Slavorod has railway station and on administrativce border of Dnipropetrpovsk and Zaporizhzhia oblast, 72 km from frontline. I will not wonder if again AD passed Russian Orlan and next military train was hit. Let's see about furher information
  14. Several examples, how Russian battalion-level commanders are forced to participate in combat personally to keep proper morale and motivavation of own subordinates, but.... Battalion commander of 83rd air-assault brigade major Vladimir Miroshnichenko led trench attack somewhere on southern flank of Bakhmut and was shot dead on knife range (see the video) Lt.colonel Igor Meshkov, commander of "Shtorm" assault detachment of new-formed 26th MRR of 60th MRD or 18th CAA was killed near Kozachi Laheri in Kherson oblast (on the video in comments UKR soldiers investigate his body - graphic!). In past Meshkov commanded BARS-12 battalion. 3rd assault brigade captured wounded major Timur Abdurakhmanov "Shaitan" commander of volunteer battalion "Alga" of Tatarstan Republic. Reportedly after battalion was decimated near Vuhledar in February, after replenishing it was subordinated to 72nd motor-rifle brigade. Russian officer says he was on position with 120 men, but after shelling and approaching of UKR stormrs, his men just fled and he was wounded and hide in the basement.
  15. 79th air-assault brigade destroyed Russian armored group, tried to attack their positions near Novomykhailivla village (10 km south from Maryinka). Two tanks and two BMPs were knoked out/ abandoned
  16. @The_Capt @Harmon Rabb Russian TG of "Russia Today" media made disapointed post that Israel military representative rejected to confirm Russian claims about "Ukraine-supply weapon for Hamas" Speaker of Israeli army rejected to comment using by Hamas a western weapon, being supplied to Ukraine. Our hostess several times repeated a question live with referenses on different sources, but Avikhai Edrai stood his ground: "I don't comment such fabrications and lies" Russian milblogger Rudenko in own TG yesterday passed Russian T-90M, which made wonderful BOOM as Israeli Merkava, being hit by Hamas with UKR-suplied ATGM %) Meanwhile "best" tanks in the world Hamas is burning out one by one. And they do this with Ukrainian weapon, which banderites sold them. Not even GUR made a statement about Russian origins of western weapon in Hamas hands - UKR representative in UN Serhiy Kyslytsia officially said about this on USNC meeting. He warned Russian can use UKR defector Ruslan Syrovyi from State Border Guard - he turned out Russian agent. Also he told Russia on meeting of USNC in Friday can show staged video, how Ukraine handed over a weapon to Hamas https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3771911-russia-gave-weapons-to-hamas-to-spread-false-accusations-against-ukraine-kyslytsya.html (In English)
  17. In today's interview with GUR "Artan" unit fighter "Shaman" and C.Budanov, chief of GUR they in first time confirmed that GUR special forces tried three times to recapture Enerhodar nuclear plant, but all attempts failed. In first time only several dozens of GUR fighters landed on oppose bank of Dnipro, but after half day of fight they were forced to reterat In second and third time already several hundreds of GUR forces tried to establish bridgehead to expand it and give opportunity to move there mechanized units to liberate the plant and city. In last attempt fighters of Foreign Legion participated, particularly New Zelanders, who had training to be in the water long time. During the third attempt Russians brought tanks directly to the river and UKR troops were forced to withdraw again. C.Budanov pointed out all operations failed because of lack of experiense and fast interaction in such operations, also lack of artillery support and lack of proper control. But even these failed operations thwarted intentions of Russia to plug nuclear plant in Russian power grid. Also these landings give experience, which later was used during seizing of gas rigs in Black Sea and landing on Tarhankut cape.
  18. 71st jager air-assault brigade hit Russian infantry with DPCIM, mortar fire and FPV drone. Likely Verbove area.
  19. In last week or more Ukrianian troops on Tokmak direction try to expand own right flank toward Kopani village. If in previous days they tried to advance west from Ronotyne, repelling Russian 76th air-assault division attacks, that now accents were shifted to attacks almost from the strart line of offensive in June. For last two days UKR troops could advance N - NE from Kopani Unofficial TG of 46th air-assault brigade: Nesterianka - Kopani area is orc stronghold located along heights from one village to other. Very suitable defense area for them and very inconvenient for us. In Kopani area orcs established two strongpoints - one NE from the village, other - SE and this made useless any atempts to assault these directions. But we unvealed weak points in enemy defense points north from Kopani and we conducted heavy fights for them since the night on 6th of October. We could seize small locations between these villages, but no one side can't push off each other completely, so clashes continuing.
  20. Yes. Like it was during Russian offensive from Popasna to Bakhmut. "Our troops today repelled attacks near villages A and B", then since some days "our troops today repelled attacks near villages C and D" (and these villages already in some km to west) During last days Russians had advance in Makiivka area (Lyman direction), Marfopil' (Polohy direction) and Krasnohorivka (northern flank of Avdiivka direction)
  21. Except Tatars we have communities of Chechens (who esacped in 90th) and Azerbajanians
  22. No. Ironically, but now we have a Jew as a president and Muslim as minister of defense. I can't find this photo - the Jew and Muslim, who serve in one platoon celebrates Orthodox Easter %) When you under death each day and fight for own common land, all differences have gone to background.
  23. Russians so far more than two weeks have been conducting massive bomb strikes on right bank from Kherson and southward. Now this already not single jets, but groups of 2-3 planes, which throw gliding bombs somewhere over Chaplynka. I can't imagine a mass landing in such conditions, when crossings will be elimintaed almost after their laying.
  24. I said your position is not killing enough Russians, but weakening and punishing Russia to restore an world order and to get a profit after all - for example to force Russia after peace agreement to hand over a part in Gazprom or Rosneft, why not? But defeat of "ethernal enemy" with your situative support is O U R position. Maybe I express wrong if you attribute to me say that I didn't say.
  25. Yesterday strike near Dzhankoy in Crimea. Russians claimed they shot down missile(s) - in different TGs their numbers are from 1 to "more than 10" $|%) Later became knowingly from local chats (but still rumors) UKR S-200 missile hit deployment and training camp of Russian Spetsnaz, which was masked as usual agricultural facility. Reportedly Russian soldiers complied OpSec measures, but in some way their deployment became knowingly to UKR intelligence. As result 21 KIA, 16 WIA. The missile hit their camp, when soldiers gathered to supper. As if a soldier, who told this left the group for some time and got only shell-shock.
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