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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Bradleys as combat taxi likely delivered next "shift" of infantry to the thrench
  2. Some info from Kupiansk direction Russians gained some tree-lines between Orlianka and Ivanivka villages But here a part of price they paid Russian attempts to capture key village Syn'kivka led to... Russians lost some own positions near Lyman Pershyi
  3. Maybe Budanov will tell about this more detailed through 30 years %)
  4. At 0:47 a writing "He shoots with a pistol"
  5. Avdiivka. Despite claims of some Russian bloggers, assaults didn't stop. Some milbloggers consider now command will pass from huge armored assaults tactic to Bakhmut-style grindering and slow adavance, but looks like Russian command will try again. Reportedly Russian regroup own forces on norhern flank to further attacks. Today are continous rains in Avdiivka, so intensity of attacks and shelling reduced, but Russians anyway conducted several attempts on both flanks. Both sides have a problems with civil quadcopters and mostly fixed-wing drones usage in this weather, so small number of "eyes in the sky" reduced number of artillery fire. Though, Russian fighter complains in own TG, UKR arty anyway periodicllay shells them with DPICMs.
  6. They discovered convenience of M113, but had MTLBs only %)
  7. Significant gains for last days on southern flank of Bakhmut. UKR troops firmly gained foothold beyond ralroad from Klishchiivka to Andriivka and pushed Russian positions further east. UKR assault units, repelling enemy counter-attacks step by step move to Odradivka - the village on the road Horlivka - Bakhmut. Also UKR troops crossed railways north from Zelenopillia, making a threat to Kurdiumivka garrison Russian milbloggers write situation in southern flank of Bakhmut as close to critical, because command continue to send infantry in senseless assaults with very weak and mostly ineffective artillery supoprt, in hope to turn back lost positions, but they have been finishing with big losses. They write Russian command forces to go in attacks even light wounded soldiers from field hospitals, because of critical lack of personnel Just for illustration, new video of "Liut' " National Police assault brigade, likely recent fights in northern part of Klishchiivka. At the beginning of the video UKR fighters walk along several bodies of Russians
  8. New video of 79th air-assault brigade from Novomykhailivka direction. First part of video with "doghoused" MTLBs already known, but added other episodes. Despite losses Russian troops of 39th motor-rifle brigade could advance in this direction in last two days. Russians attack here, trying push UKR troops off from Volnovakha, where will be future railway node, when Russians will complete Rostov - Mariupol railroad as reserve to Crimean bridge.
  9. Drone unit "Rarog" of 24th mech.brigade destroyed two Russian 2S19 SP-howitzers in night bombing with R18 drone, Verkhniotoretske villlage. In comments several servicemen thank to "Rarog" that at last these two pieces of sh...t were cought. Verkkniotoretske is ralative close rear of two Russian sectors - Avdiivka and Toretsk, so artillery can work in both directions. 24th brigade defends Toretsk sector
  10. But in CM projectille would fly through the pole (flavor object) and wouldn't ricocheted )
  11. We'll see. This guy says in comments that number of Russian losses, issued by our General Staff in these days are close to reality
  12. Particularly Avdiivka is not "strategic offensive", but it shouldn't be considered as something separate and local. First. Political reasons. Of course everybody know Putin will win presidental elections in 2024, but Russian authorities critically need any significant success on frontline to boost it in media as confirmation of right startegy of war, which will lead to future victory. But Russian authorities play dangerous game. There are rumors about conflict between Gerasimov and some generals, who keep Putin in warm bath (or Putin, who want to be in warm bath - no matter). Gerasimov demands immediate mobilization of 300 000 people in order to prepare them for several month, else as if he claims, exists a real risk of catastrophe if UKR troops early of later break through southern front. Because will no reserves to stop them by weakened units. As alternative he offered to withdraw troops to Tokmak to save their capabilities, but this was rejected. So, Russian authotities in front of coming elections can't do both unpopular things - neither to make "a gesture of free will", nor announcing mobilization, because this can rise social unstability and entail additional significant expences. So, was choosen the variant of alsmot simultainous offensive operations in four locatins, which if all four are successfull, this can be sold as "4 Putin's strikes" (by analogy with 10 Stalin's strikes) or as "Strategical offensive", "radical fracture of the war" etc. But if only one of them is successful this also can be sold by TV-propaganda. According to probability theory if you try more, you have more chances to get the desired result. So these operations are: - Kupiansk (we retook large railroad node! We revenged Balakliya! ) - Lyman (we liberated heroical town! We threw UKR in Oskol river! We revenged Balakliya!). According to Mashovets Lyman operation can be most complicated in four stages and now we can see the first stage in Makiivka area. - Avdiivka (we encircled and destroyed southands of banderites in heavy fortified ) - Novomykhailivka (we secure our new railroad which we built from Rostov through Mariupol and Volnovakha) And looks like Russian political and military leaders main bet put on Avdiivka. Here should be classical Soviet-style blitzkrieg with artyllery wall of fire, massive airstrikes and bulk attacks of the armor. Avdiivka has open terrain, not so forestry and riverine like Kupiansk and Lyman and more fiercely defended by UKR, then "unpopular" Novomykhailivka, so TV will get nice picture. Here opinions of around-mulitary TG "Colonel Shuvalov" - Avdiivka was a main bet. According to other Russian TG Avdiivla operation had to be finished with full success up to 4th of November - new Russian holiday, actively boostng by state propaganda - "The Day of national unity" (timed to "expelling of Polish intervents from Moscow in 1612). Here is Russian forces involved in this operation (by Mashovets). I notice, that Avdiivka operation is not only near the town itself - this is zone from Pisky/Pervomaiske on NW to Krasnohorivka/Novokalynove and N-20 road on the north Main forces - 1st Army Corps of DPR of 8th CAA of Southern military district Additional forces: elements of 150th and 20th MRDs of 8th CAA, 21st motor-rifle brigade of 2nd CAA, Central military district, couple of Territorial Troops regiments Total: Separate motor-rifle brigades - 8 Motor-rifle and tank regiments - 15 Separate rifle regimenys - 11 Separate tank battalion - 1 Separate motor-rifle battalion - 1 Separate rifle battalions - 22 BARS and Shtorm Z units of about battalion size - 3 Reserves: Separate motor-rifle brigade - 1 (21st motor-rifle, already entered to the battlle north from Krasnohorivka) motor-rifle regiments - 3 rifle reserve batatlions - 7 BARS - 1 But all this armada has uneven level of personnel and vehicles staffing
  13. It can be two main reasons: - laziness - masking reasons. If you clear on 10 m around own trenches all vegetation, it just makes only easier unvealing of positions by UAVs. About UKR approaching - this is game for both. UKR soldier also has blocked LOS - you could see often in such videos, how UKR soldiers got sudden contact from knife range. Also piles of bushes and fallen branches makes fast advance too hard.
  14. Some Russian TGs wrote offensive (Avdiivka and Kupiansk) were planned on September, but by unknown reason terms were shifted almost on a month. According to UKR sources one of reasons was 20 Shtorm Z convict assault battalions didn't acomplish own training and armig for time X.
  15. One more pr.22160 patrol ship allegedly "Sergey Kotov" in dry dock of Novorossiysk. Damaged or planned docking
  16. This guy is platoon commander of L119 in 46th air-assault brigade https://twitter.com/denintern I remember he complained about 105 mm shortage, but long time ago. His last posts havn't nothing about this
  17. Russians pointed out UKR became to use "daring helicoter attacks" on extremaly low altitude on Zaporizzia front - they entering to the sector in Robotyne area, then turn west, fly and work at positions near Kopani. Author advices to comamnder to solve this problem, deploying MANPADs on forward positions. Captured Russian VDV troopers near Verbove
  18. UKR Naval Forces press-service issued official statement, that UKR naval drones attacked twice patrol ship "Pavel Derzhavin" and resque sea tug of BSF "Professor Nikolay Muru", which arrived to tow damaged patrol ship and also was attaked herself. Press-service didn't confirm attack on "Buyan" missile corvette and nothing told about allegedle attack on "Alrosa" submarine, claimed by SBU, who in cooperation with Naval Forces conducted drone strike operations. More and more Russian TGs write now that attack of UKR naval drones took place at all 2-3 days ago. According their statements attacks more likely were conducted by new underwater drones ("Marichka"?). Looks like these were deep underwater detonations, which hit hulls of ships with water hammer. "Pavel Derzhavin" for short time got damage of propeller controls, "Nikolay Muru" was disabled and needed assist of other tugboat. One of TGs claimed "Pavel Derzhavin" lost two sailors, which fell overboard in moment of explosion and drowned. According to UKR official statement "Pavel Derzhavin" now left Sevastopol and heading likely to Feodosia, where Russians moved part of ships. Most of large ships now based in Novorossiysk and come to Sevastopol only for misiles reloading, because of Novorossiysk hasn't proper infrastructure for this. On the photo "Professor Nikolay Muru" resque sea tug (pr.22870, comissioned in 2014). Black Sea had four vessels of this type. One of them "Vasiliy Bekh" was sunk with two "Harpoon" missiles in 2022 near Zmiinyi island. On the screen of video after incident - tugboat approaches to disabled "Nilolay Muru" (right)
  19. looks like the episode of battle for waste heap. At 1:38 a body of DPR fighter (red tape, usual for LDPR trops) lies on the grey slope of it I wonder whose were Tigr (?) armored cars. Never seen them in LDPR units.
  20. No, Russians are not in situation to weaken southern front. Main forces around Avdiivka are best DPR brigades - 1st motor-rifle and 114th motor-rifle (ex 11th regiment "Vostok") as well as 9th motor-rifle naval infantry brigade, "Sparta" and "Somali" assault units. Russin army represented by numerous mobik regiments and reportedly by 21st motor-rifle brgade, moved here from Lyman direction, but it still in reserve
  21. Two infographics: Dynamic of daily artillery shots. It's claimed now in first time Ukraine makes more daily shots than Russia. The source is unknown X coordinate is a year quarters, Y coordinate southands of shots. Official RosStat statistic concerning death rate in Russia among 20-29 y.o. males in 2022 (digits are roughly rounded). From 18 000 of died (from left to right): - 7000 were killed at the war (about 40 %) - 1900 died in road traffic accidents - 1100 died of suicides - 3700 of "other external reasons" (murdered, died from traumas at home or at work, here can be included also "postponed" war deaths beacuse of wounds) - 1300 of heart attacks and circullatory system diseases. - 3300 of other diseases
  22. "Rarog" drone unit of 24th mech.brigade (now deployed in Horlivka area) bombs in the night Russian unit in some village, making full devastation. R18 bomber works.
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