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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Likley results of failed Russian attack on Kupiansk direction - in this time they tried to advance from Lyman Pershyi to Oskil river Soldier of 115th mech.brigade finished off damaged and abandoned Russian tank with RGW-90 Matador
  2. This video about current offensive of Russians on Kupiansk. Due to Kraken actions UKR forces could advance in flank of Russian groupment, attacking from Orlianka toward Ivanivka. Developmnets approx of week ago.
  3. I suppose it were armored cars AMN-590951 or VPK-Ural, widely used near Avdiivka. Just their distant similarity and not enough good quality of picture has borned this joke assoсiation of UAV operator. It will be interesting to see a continue.
  4. Russian TGs reported about strong UKR attack from Pervomaiske toward Pisky (southern flank of Avdiivka). Of course "enemy suffered heavy losses, but could to seize some our minor positions, our troops now strike back and will overrun them" In previous days UKR forces, repelling enemy attempts, could advance very close to "Republic The Bridge" position on western outskirt of Pisky PS. UKR TGs reported about successfull attack with small assault groups, supported by several tanks and artillery. 500 m of advance.
  5. All more simple - often IFF malfunctions, bad communication between AD, ground forces and aviation units. The same problem for Ukraine, we also lost enough planes and helicopters and huge number of own drones by friendly fire
  6. Fighterbomber reported again about AD friendly fire, caused a loss of Mi-8MTV-5 with a crew
  7. If this is not wrong identification, tanks of T-90 family have appeared near Avdiivka. UKR TG reports one T-90 was destroyed
  8. Russians hit a house, where allegedly were deployed UKR troops with LMUR heavy helicopter missile. LMUR can ve launched from Mi-28, Ka-52 and special versions of Mi-8 - Mi-8MNP-2 and Mi-8AMTSh-VN Comparely with "Ataka" and "Vikhr' " ATGMs this missile has larger HE warhead (no info about HEAT version) - 25 kg and maximum range 14,5 km. The missile has two modes of homing: "fire and forget", when operator marks the target and makes a launch and online guidance like UAV. In this latter mode it can be launched on maximal range. For this LMUR just launched toward the enemy, using inertial homing with GLONASS corrections if need, and then operator can choose any target, directing the misiile in desirable course. In this mode operator receives a picture from warhead and can control a flight like UAV.
  9. The battle for slage heap is continuing. Russians now changed tactic and try to seize the heap with multiple small assault groups of infantry, covering by artillery fire. OSINTer maps show Russian zone control now expanded to NE slopes of the slageheap. According to Kostiantyn Mashovets Russian command continues to build up forces on Avdiivka direction, preparing to throw them in other assault. In this time this is mostly mobik regiments of Territorial Troops: 1487th MRR, 1004th MRR, 504th tank regiment of Territorial tropops and 111th motor-rifle regiment of 44th VDV division (former 111th reserve rifle regiment of DPR)
  10. Last night Russians hit the logistic terminal of "New Post" near Kharkiv with several S-300. 6 killed, 14 wounded. "New Post" is very successfull commercial alternative of state post in Ukraine with outstanding logistic, allowing to deliver anything in any part of Ukraine within 24 hours. This company works even in rear of frontline areas, so it's "magic wand" for supplying of soldiers except large charity funds. Russians claimed this was legal target, beacuse "New Post" as if delivered weapon and even combat vehciles. It's probably because of stupid Russian generals passed as seriuos an old photoshoped meme with truck of "New Post" delivering some armor - like friedly joke, that "New Post" can do all
  11. I posted this video yesterday and made an assumption, this could be vehicles of 15th motor-rifle "peacemaking" brigade, having BTRs on armament (BTRs are very rare in separate motor-rifle brigades). Brigade was moved here recently, but stood in reserve. But this also could be some replenished DPR unit, 114th motor-rifle brigade, for example, though I don't know about their current equipment. Judging on back of theese BTRs, all are obviously BTR-80-based. Absence of turrets it more probably wrong imagination because of racurse. Even if that BTR, which pushes other hasn't a turret, this is usual BTR-80, but his turret just dismounted by some reason. At least Oryx team identified all BTRs from this video as common BTR-80/82A
  12. UKR riverine movement near Kherson. The boat enough big
  13. Somebody of Russian personnel filmed conditions of helicopter parking in Luhansk airport after ATACAMS strike. Video, alas, isn't informative - cameraman likely didn't risk to approach close to helicopters and films only pavement with cluster munitions craters. But you can see three Ka-52 without blades - probably damaged and one burned down unknown helicopter
  14. I've found about what you told - intersting, this Kaliberg has 190 m, but looks much taller than slagheap in Avdiivka, having a point "height 230". But maybe this is relative point from the sea level, not absolute height of the heap.
  15. "Birds of Magyar" now in Kherson oblast and hunt for Russian boats. Drones drop 82 mm mortar shells. "Magyar" says Russians use stealed or volunteer-supplied boats of different sizes - most usually carry 5-6 men, but not rare they use larger ones for 7-10 men. Multiple boat hits on this video, which gives opportunity to learn more about silent riverine war between islands
  16. Avdiivka slag heap. View from east/north-east. Red arrows - direction of Russian attacks. Behind it - territory of Avdiivka coke plant. According to UKR TGs - no one side now control this important point. Situation is dynamical. According to Russian TGs - eastern approaches to the slagheap now under control of Russians, western area - under control of Ukriane
  17. Locals reported about loud explosion in area of Berdiansk airport
  18. Meanwhile on left bank of Dnipro. No UKR sources, some UKR servicemen made a posts with demand to shut up about developments, so only Russian sources we have, but they are often contraversal. Krynky is a very narrow and very long village (about 9 km with attached dachas) in two parallel streets along Konka river. In its SW part Krynky is gradually passes into Kozachi Laheri village and in NE part into Korsunka village. In previous reports UKR troops were spotted in SW and NW parts Kostiantyn Mashovets wrote Russians hastly moves reserves to this sector - particularly elements of 126th coastal defense motor-rifle brigade and 127th recon brigade. Poulet Voulant marked also 177th naval infantry regiment there, but I doubt about this.
  19. 47th mech.brigade "Magura" is moved to Avdiivka sector. Or at least one of their battalions on Bradleys. Ukrainian film director Oleh Sentsov, who is an officer in this brigade, has written a post in FB about their actions during repelling of Russian zreg-rush, where he was slightly wounded. Alas UKR attempt to recapture the tree-line was unsuccessful - they at the start completely lost one assault group, other two could seize enemy positions and held them some time, until other group was pished back with losses by arriving Russian reserves. Sentsov's group held own part of trenches, when they had seen six arriving tanks, with infantry, who sit on the top so dense like monkeys on the tree. Russian column didn't spotted them an passed along, so UKR soldiers shelled last tanks with small-arms and killed several Russian infantrymen. Further under pressure of Russian attacks, they received an order to withdraw. Two Bradleys covered their maneuver. Group of Sentsov had only one wounded from 13 men, second group had bigger losses, some soldiers counting as MIA, the third group was lost completely by KIA. Some people in comments says to author of tweet Viacheslav Sikora, who reposted the screen of Sentsov's FB, that 47th brigade is on Zaporizhzhia front and he was wrong, saying this is about Avdiivka, but in comments one of soldiers of this brigade told he is in the same batatlion with Sentsov and they are now moved to Avdiivka So, maybe this video of Bradley, firing at tree-line, occupied by Russians already filmed near Avdiivka, not near Vervbove as claimed in this tweet. Terrain is more similar to Avdiivka area
  20. This video with falling Russian jet (not showing here) was issued two days ago like a video, being demonstarted to Valeriy Zaluzhnyi. But this is example of very bad propaganda - I can't say either this guy to shoot at Russian jet exactly in Avdiivka, but showed in next scene falling Russian plane is Su-30, downed in spring 2022.
  21. About yesterday assault of Avdiivka. There are rumors Putin yesterday visited HQ of SMO in Rostov and generals decided to make him a "gift" with massive assault of Avdiivka, which had to break UKR defense, but... UKR servicemen and TGs claims this was heaviest assault of the city, which by number of involved vehciles even spat out the assault of Oct 10. Then Russians used many infantry, supported with heavy aviation and artilelry trikes and armor. In this time they attacked very strong with mass of armor in three directions on northern flank. Their primary objective was the slag heap again. Russian armored columns had from 5 to 30 vehicles! Also a difference with previous assault - in this time Russians reportedly attacked most;y with regular units with support of DPR, when at Oct 10 main forces of attacks were Shtorm Z and DPR units with some suport of Russian regulars Here is known episode with BTR column from other point of view - in elimination of this attack participated at least elements of four units - 1st tank brigade, 3rd SOF regiment, 116th TD brigade and some artilelry unit. I suppose BTRs are belonged to 15th motor-rifle "peacemaking" brigade of 2nd CAA, Central millitary district, which was moved here from Svatove direction together with 21st motor-rifle brigade. And both were deployed on northern flank. 15th one of few motor-rifle brigades, armed with BTRs, not BMPs For yestrday GS isuued these crazy numbers - of course this is exaggregation, but level of Russian losses for Oct 19 was really colossal By the news of last hours, Russians continue desperate attacks not counting with losses. Reportedly they had some success near slag heap and it in grey zone now. Putin needs a victory to 4th of November - Day of National unity.
  22. CMBS reflects reality of 2011-2012, when artillery had usual Soviet communicatin system. In 2014 during ATO calling of fire of supporting unit of artilery brigade could take 15-30 minutes and some less for own brigade artilelry. Since 2015 Ukrianian volunteers developed special softawre for PDAs, which could communicate each other via digital radio network or via commercial sattelite, so some local information battlspace can be created and this allowed to increase significantly accuracy of coordinates determination, reduce a time of artillery firing data calculation and got fast information exchange between different levels and units, so even usual platoon commander or recon got an opportunity to target the enemy, without artillery spotters and if arty wasn't busy, they could open fire through 3 munutes (when it was ready to fire) and their fire could be ajusted immediately. But all ajustment and targeting anyway was classical - from the ground. Ukrainain army became use drones for artillery ajustment only since 2016-2017, when first Furia and Leleka in small numbers went to artillery brigades. Civil drones like Mavics in that time were not widely used, mostly some mortar batteries and recons had them. The art of drone usage - recon, spotting, targeting, ajustmemt, dropping - have been developing through several years of ATO and rised on new level since large-scale war. So, classical CMBS shouldn't have enough fast artillery fire call and ajustment. But anyway it should be more fast than in CMCW.
  23. Babay never served in Spetsnaz. This is just DPR-tales ) In 1995-1997 he served in air defense unit. Since 1995 he also enlisted to Kuban' Cossacks.
  24. Current ATACAMS version range. In theory Dzhankoy airfield can be next.
  25. Longer version of fire on Berdiansk airfield. Solsiers discuss about bad missile attack warning and try to understand how much helicopters are burning. They counted two Mi-8, Ka-52 and allegedly Mi-24
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