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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. French TRF-1 howitzer on heavy mudded position
  2. Meanwhile, north from Bakhmut situation is getting worse day by day. Even some reserves, moved here to help exhausted 77th air-assault brigade and several rifle and TD battalions, can't stop Russian advance here. Russians attack with fresh full equipped 98th VDV division and 200th motor-rifle brigade of coastal defense. Recently Russians moved here new-formed 299th VDV regiment of 98th VDV divisiosion, but keep it mostly in reserve, though some of it elements probably already involved in attack toward Rozdolivka, when main forces obviously have an objective to threat the rear of southern flank of UKR troops, which also forced to repell intensive Russian attacks. In first days of December main UKR strike force on southern flank - 3rd assault brigade was moved to rear for rest and replenishment.
  3. Russian TG claims UKR troops landed and seized positions on Velykyi Potyomkin island south from Kherson. So, Russian milblogger assumes UKR forces aimed on Hola Prystan'. ISW went further and clamned whole island (this big semi-round one in the middle divided by small river) now under UKR control, but this is obvious exaggregation In Krynky area UKR forces repelled next assault of Russians. Video of 35th marines brigade "Magyar birds" except four tanks and about dozen of light armor for yesterday also destroyed Russian BTR with mounted RP-377 "Loraindit" EW system for SIGINT and supseession of UHF radio communications. Three FPVs were wasted to destroy it. Total for 10th of Dec were destroyed 4 tanks, 2 BMDs, 4 BTRs and supressed/destroyed 28 of 31 enemy FPV drones Russian TG clarified why general Teplinskiy established "officer assault detachemnts" - this is a method of "upbringing" for false reports about situation. Lower commanders scare to be punished for bad news, so reprort "all good, we push teh enemy", but instead situation completely different. So, platoon and company commanders now have three options: to be punished for lying, to be pinished for truth, to be killed in next assault on Krynky
  4. From Russian TG - reportedly direct hit of Grad rocket into engine compartmement of T-62 somewhere in Kherson oblast
  5. Polish "Rak" 120 mm SP-mortars on "Rosomak" APC basis arrived to Ukraine and were spotted in service of 44th mech.brigade 54 "Rak" mortars were ordered. I suppose, these mortars would be look more naturally in air-assault units, but... On other hand this brigade already has "Rosomak" APCs and Leo 1A5
  6. I can't find this screen again - Russian miliblogger writes Russian troops in Krynky area complain that Iranian shells have completely different ballistic features, but there are no firing tables for them. Also many shells have the same problem as N.Korean - enough big deviation in powder masses of charge. So, most of shoots even with equal settings lead to significant undershoots or overshoots far beyond standard dispersion ellipse
  7. Today at about 4:00 of morning Kyiv was attacked by 8 missiles, flying of ballistic trajectories. Launches were conducted from Bryansk oblast. Air raid alarm was turn on already after first explosions. But our Patriot crews are top - all eight missiles were shot down over SE and SW outskirts of the city. Fragments of shot down missiles damaged several cottages, reportedly four people were slighly injured. Power substation was damaged by fragments, causing cutting of power in more than 100 private houmsteads. The type of missiles is clarifying - more likely this can be S-400 due to massive salvo.
  8. I searched some LA data of drone attacks and found, but only for Russian side. You can see that since August- September Russians rapidly increased usage of FPV drones (I repeat, this is just spotted video confirmations, real number of attacks are much bigger) And November became a champion with 657 FPV spotted strikes. From this total number of FPV attacks videos (2508) they give next results (results, alas, don't reflected on the diagram, so I write from the text of LA): Targets destroyed - 373 Targets damaged - 385 Successful hits, but result is unknown - 1093 Result of strike unknown - 336 Misses - 184 So low number of misses can be explained, that usually Russian servicemen post a video of successfull strikes (or successful by their opinion), it's strange if you will post 100 % miss. This will reduce your chances to get donations. According to UKR "Magyar birds" unit they manage to supress/destroy about 60-70 % of drones (both FPV and recon Mavics), but they have special unit with special EW equipmnet for this What Russian FPV operators have been chosing as targets: Positions - 916 Infantry out of shelters - 353 logistic vehicles - 345 armored vehciles - 257 buildings - 293
  9. Russian LostArmor periodically issues the comparative statistic of videos of drone attacks, spotted in network. Some our twitters were reposting them, but I didn't see it already two or more months. Last time number of spotted UKR drone attacks exceeded RUS about in two times. But our soldiers say situation is getting worse month by month. Russia invests really large money into drones R&D, domestic manufacturing, ordering of drones in China, IT support and pilots training. Especially they are forcing FPV programs and last month their NV FPV have been beginning a real headache for our troops.
  10. Krynky results for today from "Magyar birds" Also UKR soldiers write, Russians now try to use new tactic - their BMDs and BTRs on full speed breakthrough from flanks and disembark infantry al;most in our rear - our positions in Krynky are too disperse, so often we can't react immediately. After disembarking enemy vehicles make smoke and run away, leaving infantry to deal with our troops. But due to drones and artillery most of these vehicles we hit on their way back. Infantry than wipe out in skirmishes, artillery fire and FPV strikes.
  11. Russians could recapture most of own strongpoint south from Robotyne
  12. Only Russian claims, but no video of real interceptions And here Russian post about EW effectiveness on guided ammunition like HIMARS and Excalibur It's a BS has been written. Total (answer on claims about effectiveness of EW against western guidd wepaon) Excaliburs have not bad inertial navigation system. In addition to satellite navigation system. The highest point of Excalibur trajectory is on the altitude 8-10 km. Any of our "supressors" begin to have effect only on last 1-3 km of trajectory. To this time inertial system already ajusted itself exellent. On several last seconds of flight it has enough accuracy with a spare. The same about сhimeras (HIMARS in Russian slang). All this I cheked personally. On my own. As far as on Kherson bridgehead, when we tried to cover Antonovskiy bridge with EW. We could do nothing. EW doesn't affect Excaliburs and HIMARS in the area of target In comments some our commentattors assumed, that enough big deviation from the tarhet (but no more 10-15 m) can be not because of EW workm but because of instrumental error in coordinates and further calculations as well as outdated topogeodetic data
  13. During several previous days Russian 104th air-assault division lost in attempts to push UKR torops from Krynky bridgehead about company set of BMDs. At least half of them were BMD-4M. According to Russian TG four vehicles were lost because of remotely mined ways. Just several pictures, taken from "Magyar birds" videos (indeed on their videos number of hit BMDs slaightly more) This BMD-4M stuck on road embankment for unknown reasons and was hit by ATGM. Further on the road inthe forest destroyed BTR-82A is seen. Completely disassembled BMDs on the road in Krynky Russian TGs sharply criticized methods of general Teplinskiy in Krynky. This one say that contrary to official propaganda and posts of some milbloggers, "six-weeks Teplinskiy's battle for Krynky" turned out as a "cauldron" not for Ukrainians, but more for Russians, because during this time Ukrianian garrison in Krynky, which maximum at one time had 2.5 companies forced Russian troops to withraw for replenishment 70th motor-rifle division, 61st naval infantry brigade was replenished by three companies of new personnel, 104th air-assault division was thrown to the battle, but has significan losses in vehicles. Several Russian TG channels claim Teplinskiy has been establishing so-called "shock officers detachments" - the same assault units, like "Storm", but of officers. The scale of this phenomena is so significant, that even milbloggers write about this so far. Everybody, who at least in general makes sense in military affairs understand this is catastrophe. This is a collaps of control system and command vertical in troops groupment "Dnepr"
  14. This BTR-82A tried to cross the field on full speed, but got into the shell crater. After the driver couldn't free the vehicle from the trap, crew abandoned BTR and soon it was destroyed by UKR FPVs.
  15. @The_Capt This is video of Feb 2023. Kherson oblast
  16. UKR servicemen warn that Russians more and more use newest night FPV drones with cheap NV cameras, which allow to operate in dusk or night on 10-15 km behind frontline. For example on Bakhmut direction on the one of frontline section each night there are reports about 1-2 night FPV attacks. But several days ago Russians conducted "NV swarm drone attack" on one of directions and they could take out about dozen our soldiers and four pick-ups. This is very dangerous tendency - we also use night FPVs, but this is mostly Mavics with thermal cameras and they are too expensive for such single usage, when Russia already ordered direrctly in Chima dozen thousands of cheap FPV with NV cameres, much more cheaper, than thermal. And since some time this can cause huge problem for out logistic, because most of movements in close rear is conducting in darkness. So, our soldiers demand from officials immediately to find solution for quick development and mass production of EW assets, capable to supress video channel of drones. We already have some working models, but not all of them showed itself good, and all of them developed for some particular tasks. ANd both we and Russians already try to pass on new control frequensies, so this race can be endless. More universal solution will have bigger dimensions and development of suchg things demand many money, qualified developers, IT-specialists etc. But I have met more than once stories like this: "You came to enlistment center - by free-will or being mobilized and say - I xxxx specialist, I know English, I have experience in YYYY, I will be effective in ZZZZZ. Enlistmet officer says, oh, that good. You come to training center and became usual riflelman to assault next tree-plant since a month" Here is diagram, from where Russia imports spare parts for own drones production (it's unknown either assembled drones included or not) China - 54.29 % Taiwan - 20 % Honkong - 5.71 % UK - 4.29 % Turkey - 4.29 % USA - 2.86 % (special thanks to NVIDIA for their AI video chips for Lancets) Canada - 2.86 % Chili - 1.43 % Bulgaria - 1.43 % Uzbekistan - 1.43 % So, China is a growing monster of drones production and spare parts and I afraid, western countries one time can encounter with painful reality...
  17. Maryinka area - Russians have sent forward T-55 VBIED with 6 tons of HE, but it couldn't reach UKR positions - impressive nuke as result
  18. Battalion "Donbas" of 15th Operative brigade of National Guard hit one Russian tank with Stugna-P and the second likely with mortar fire
  19. Yeah their potwine is really cool thing. For a V-Day (or khuilo death) I keep a bottle of Commandaria from Cyprus. The best of sweet wines that I'v ever taste )
  20. This is not real Girkin This is UKR OSINT account, existing since 2014. Russians believe this account and NecroMancer666 both are administrated by UKR PsyOps unit.
  21. The pair of UKR helicopters near Stepove. Video of drone recon team of 116th mech.brigade
  22. I suppose energy of 25 mm HE airburst shell is much more than hand grenade, so usual body armor can't protect from this. UKR infantrymen advice to newcomers to buy light kevlar body armor, which better resists to fragments of grenades and small fragments of artillery shells, than usual steel plates, but worse against direct hit of bullets.
  23. UKR GAZ-66 overcomes "rasputitsa" under new war-song hit "Вehind terricones, there behind fields"
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