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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Already answered on this. We can't shot down ballistic and high-speed cruise, ground/aerial launched missiles (Kh-22, Kh-31P, Onix), because we have only one PAC-3 and one SAMP/T battery, capable to do this. But they guard Kyiv. Also we have probably two or three PAC-2 batteries, which almost ineffective against these targets
  2. This morning Russia again conducted missile strike on Ukraine and again most of missiles were either ballistic or high-speed super-sonic. There were impacts in Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Kharkiv and Kharkiv oblast, Shostka (Sumy oblast - there was a military factory, but unknown eithr it works now or not, because this cit is close to the border), western Ukraine Total were launched: 3 Shaheds (0 shot down) 7 S-300 (0) 6 Kh-47 Kinzhal (0, but only 3 hit targets or close to them) 12 Kh-101 (7 + 13th missile crashed in Krasnodar region of Russia) 6 Kh-22 (0) 4 Kh-59 (1) 2 Kh-31P (0) Air Force Command claimed despite only 8 taghets of 40 were intercepted, but 20 aerial attack assets didn't reach own targets due to EW systems work (I veeery doubt) and due to bad quality of missile assembling on Russian factories
  3. In Sevastopol burried next five victims of Storm Shadow strike on command center of 3rd radar regiment on 6th of January. No data about number of victims, reportedly two Storm Shadows were launched, one was either shot down or missed, but other hit underground bunker perfectly, causing collapsing of exit tonnel and underground fire, what led to death by rumors at least 13 servicemen (but othe rrumors say number of dead can be in 2-3 times more). Became knowingly among victims is comamnder of this regiment in colonel rank. This was important command center, supplying Moscow with information about aerial situation over Crimea. Simultaiously with this command center near Sevastopol, UKR missiles and drones reportedly hit antennas of satellite control and communication center near Yevaptoria, also Saky airfield was hit and warehouses near one of villages (this strike was on 4th of Jan)
  4. Russian Zvezda TV showed first four UMPK devices for FAB-1500 bombs, making these dumb bombs gliding and quite accurate
  5. Since Russian offensive almost exhausted near Avdiivka and Kupiansk (or they prepare new spalsh of activity) and enough bogged on northern flank of Bakhmut, now Russians main efforts concentrated on Maryinka - Novomukhailivka section, trying to advance west to Heorhiivka and Kurakhove and south to Novomykhailivka. The latter village also attacked from east and south-east. According to Kostianntyn Mashovets, Novomykhailivka is not enough significant point itself, but Russian command obvioulsy prepare to launch new attempt of elimination of Vuhledar salient. For this Russian will try to push off UKR forces behind the road Vuhledar - Maryinka. For this objectives they have to activate not only northern part of salient (Novomykhailivka), but also southern - Vuhledar. Again. First units of 57th motor-rifle brigade of 5th CAA, after 1,5 months of rest and replenishment were spotted on southern flank of Vuhledar salient. But now main intensive clashes are for Novomykhailivka village. Russians intesively use artillery and avaiation with gliding bombs. Despite fierce UKR resistance and counter-attacks. allowing to restore situation on some poditions, in whole situation here still very hard. Russians have small but sready advance. Here is on the video next results of combat work of one of battalions of 79th air-assault brigade on Novomykhailivka direction, but despite these losses Russian still advance Maryinka - Vuhledar situation on the map
  6. Youtube video on normal speed of two Bradleys and T-90M engagement with English comment Just on 2:01 author mistakingly says "T-90M is detonating", but in comments other people write this were smoke screen charges, shot by tank. After Russian tank has stopped on obstacle it was finished with FPV - Russian crew abandoned the tank (at the second half of video)
  7. Often both sides have on position too few infantry (Russians, especially Z-stormers often havn't ATGMs and even enough number of RPGs) to supress it with artillery and mortar fire, wasting the valuable ammo, so better to move small armor group in flank of trench and supress the enemy with point blank fire. Combining with FPV strikes is possible if they avaiable. And then unleash infantry from "combat taxi". I bet Russian had on this position 3-4 men.
  8. One more brigade got Sweden CV90. Before this we have 50 CV90 in 21st mech.brigade and at least one battlion of 93rd mech.brigade. Now these vehicles have appeared in 14th mech.brigade On the video is a rare example of CV90 work - after UKR tank shot out Russian trench at point blank range, IFV disembarked a squad for cleaning the trench. This is Kupiansk direction
  9. Newest Russian RB-109A "Bylina" EW automatical control center was destroyed near Donetsk airport. This system was adopted in 2018, but only since October 2023 have been deploying in mass into EW brigades. RB-109A can conduct ELINT on the depth up to 800 km in the rear of the enemy terrtory and airspace (if it has clear rafion horizon and other conditions) and unveal enemy radioelectronic assets signals. Furter it automatically create a map of signal activity and automatically switches on for supressing proper EW asset, pluggeed to RB-109A control lines. System also shows own EW field cover zones in multiple ranges, so it useful thing for coordination of EW assets in the single field, reducing the risk of "friendly supressing" and increasing effectiveness of brigade's assets work. In present time next EW systems can be integrated to RB-109A: Krasukha-2O, Krasukha-S4, R-330Zh Zhytel', R-330M1P Diabazol, Palantin
  10. I think hypothetical CMBS 2.0 already will be. With such ruling of artillery and all-watching drones any tactical engages will be not enough interest for playing. If not to make this on opeartive level, influencing on tactical clashes
  11. See my post above about Krynky assault. This is BMD-4M more likely. 104th air-assault division is on that direction, having some new BMD-4M and older BMD-2
  12. Since yesterday Russian troops launched heaviest assault of Krynky bridgehead among all previous. FPVs and grenade-droppers in conditions of artillery shells lack (but for Krynky bridgehead is not so feels like on some other directions) is deadly weapon, which is capably partilally substitute "mass of salvo", but with effectiveness of guided ammunition Just two videos of FPVs work on Krynky assault repelling First video - platoon-size armored group on BMD-4M destroyed by FPVs Second video - T-72B3M obr.2022 just nuked out by FPV hit Before Russians started next assault of bridgehead they lost top-officer in classical situation for Russian army: Colonel Arman Ospanov, chief of armor service of VDV Command. As claimed comrade-in-arms of general Teplinskiy. Ospanov on Jan 6th arrived with inspection to Kozachi Laheri wesrt from Krynky and in this time he got a report from recovery squad leader, that his BREM-1 ACRV, trying to tow BTR-82A, disables near Krynky has broken tow rope. Colonel pesonally took new rope, sat in UAZ and has driven to place of evacuation. On the route his UAZ was spotted by drone and targeted with artillery. He and recovery squad leader were killed
  13. It's claimed these four Russians surrendered, because their morale was completely broken, when their position was conttinuosly hit by FPVs. The guy from the right is mercenery from one of "Global South" countries %) By the way about new source of mereceries. It's claimed Egyptian merceneries in Russian army I can't imagine how these people can survive in trenches in our climate.
  14. Maybe Budanov realizes first step on some foggy strategic plans of Ukraine in Africa, which will be more actual after the war. I think, after the war we will have many people, who already can't find themselves in civil life and Ukriane also can establish some PMC to eliminate Wagner scum in Africa
  15. No. PMC Wagner just changed owners and divided between several PMCs. Part of Wagners incrorporated to Rosgvariya as special purpose unit. But many of Wagnerites now under control of MoD still conduct own missions in Africa. Enlistment to PMC for "Africa travel" is continuing. I don't know plans of Ukraine in Africa, but Zelenskiy told we have to pay more attacntion to this region, Ukraine for example already loing time ago had weapon supply partnership with Sudan (story of "Faina" freighter with tanks, captired by purates, if you remember) Russian aggressive expansion into Africa forced France to withdraw from countries (CAR, Burkina-Faco, Mal) with strategical resources - uran, gold, etc. China is also rapidly expanding own influence on this continent, when European countries weaken under bla-bla-bla of "colonizers legacy". So, who knows, if EU afraid to fight and just avoid this, maybe Ukraine will di this work...
  16. Because Russians launched many ballistic missiles, which can be intercepted only by PAC-3/SAMT-P. And cities were hit, which weren't covered by these systems. We have per one battery of each Launches statistic: Kh-101/555 - 24 (18 shot down) Shaheds - 8 (8 shot down) S-300/400 - 7 (0 intercepted) Kh-22 - 8 (0) Iskander-M - 6 (0) Kinzhal - 4 (0) Kh-31P - 2 (0) Kharkiv, Dnipro, Novomoskovsk, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia were struck
  17. One more loss in our Air Forces. 23 y.o. "Blue Helmet" MiG-29 pilot has died during the mission. Those, who know what happened, hint this was accident, not a combat loss. But currently it's not allowed to say about reasons of his death and to make public his name. His family, according to the law can't receive 15 millions UAH of compensation (because non-combat death), so volunteers opened fundrising to support the family, until they will solve numerous bureaucracy barriers to get much smaller compensation
  18. Here a video with some tactic of drone ammo dropping usage, which only now was allowed to post. Skilled UKR operators, using race mode of FPVs bomb Russian positions and infantry with toss-bombing, when FPV is nor a kamikadze, but a bomber. This video is from summer Next top-ace bombing example - 3-points drop from high altitute into opened hatch through "barbeque grid" But Russians improve own drone technologies too. This is TG post of know UKR specialist of Russian captured drone and EW system researcher First time I've seen on own eyes the video, intercepted from Russian FPV, equipped with machine vision and autolocking of target. More, it has thermal mode. It's still raw, but already tests on frontline. My friends from Ministry of DIgitalization, let hurry up with our solutions For those, who is not in the thread. The pilot reach the target and marked it from the top, further the drone makes everything itself. What is change: 1. EW cupolas now are useless 2. Experienced pilots are no needed 3. The losing of pictures near the land is no matter (range of fly will incrace in two times). 4. Moving target will hit more precisely. I really worried about this. You understans role of FPVs in this war Updated statistic of spotted Russian strike drones usage in social media. For December this number increased to 759 (upper green bar). Source - LostArmor
  19. Russia destroyed next "strategic object". Reporetdly S-300 missiles (but maybe N.Korean) hit Pokrovsk town of Donetsk oblast. Six private houses completely destroyed. Whole street was badly damaged. 11 civilians were killed, among them 5 kids, 10 injured. Russia often hit Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts towns, close to frontline. S-300, Iskanders, Smerch. These strikes don't count in official statistic, because this is considered as combat zone. But people still live here.
  20. Article in English about preliminary researching of ballistic missile parts (tail part of one of missiles remained in quite large fragments), which has struck Kharkiv several days ago. It is similar to Iskander-M, but has some differences. Diameter is on 10 mm more, assembling quality is much worse, erased factory mrks on many parts, no EW system, etc. But to make final conclusion that this is N.Korean missile need to conduct additioanal researhes https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/01/6/7436148/ But I agree with Zeliban. Evil Axis Russia - N.Korea - Iran with proxies backed by China is growing own strength month by month, arming each other and igniting conflicts, threating to West sensitive areas (Gaza, Red Sea) Russia expanded own "Shadow Axis" - BRICS, several days ago Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Ethiopia joined to this organisation, so BRICS countries now control 45 % of world oil US claimed: N.Korea will regret if hands over ballistic missiles to Russia N. Korea: handed over US: we will put personal sanctions on persons, responsible for this and will call UNSC meeting to blame this UK: This is a victory! We forced Russia to walk with outstrached hand! They beg missiles in N,Korea and Iran! Ukraine: soooo, but how it help us? N.Korea gave missile to Russia "stretched hand". Can we get at last ATACAMS, BGM-109 and Taurus? West: this may cause escalation.Maybe will be better if we help you to produce 155 mm shells? Through the year or two... N.Korea: shelled S.Korea territory with artilelry Evil Axis (chorus): Yes, we are fu...g nuts. And what will you do to us? West: sinking in 1000 round tables and deep concernings Alas, in situations "tough times demand tough solutions" liberal democracy is too slow in comparison with authocraties and dictatorships
  21. "Kurenivka" area is not a center. But M-TAC claimed their workshop was targeted with three missiles Kh-101. Unclear all three hit or a part. Also by rumors in twitter, on 29th of Dec not only storage was destroyed in Kyiv, but in the same place was destroyed one of workshops of DB LUCH (main plant is in otehr part of the city). By the way already 30 dead in result of this attack.
  22. Ukrainian society in this question was heavy affected by Russian and local politics PsyOps. And alas, by real facts how many commanders and military medicine commitees treat servicemen like in Soviet army where you are not valuable miltary specialist, even if you are rifleman, but a penny-cost spare part. As I wrote several months ago, main categories of population, who is not in army yet remained "I don't want to go at war, but if I mobilized I will go", "I don't wan't to go at war, but if I mobilized I will be forced to go because I will be prosecutd" and "I don't wan't to go at war, I'm free human being, mobilization and closed borders are violation of my human rights/ I'm citizen of the world / I hate your corrupted failed state / I want Russia will come" Russian PsyOps actively works with first two groups and actively involve the latter group for influence with a message "we already lost the war, all hopes are crashed, Zaluzhnyi need 500 000 for meat assaults, all who will be mobilized will die". Or conspiracy "West will wage a war until last Ukrainian and after just will grab our soil" Alas many "opposition" politics works against too. Some followers of Poroshenko actively shared takes that this is Zelenskiy guilted that Russia invaded, his corruption led that West will reject to support his authoritarian regime, so we can't win the war, so we need to establish new "Government of trust" it should start negotiations and best solutions would be "Minsk-3" (something like this already was hinted by Poroshenko personally). All this reinforced with a take "So, did you live too bad with Poroshenko and Minsk-2? Well, now with full-scale war and missiles are raining from the sky, with dozens of thousands killed - now do you feel better?". To be fair, not all Poroshenko followers share these takes and many Russian bots mask under Poroshenko-followers, sowing many hate in our social media.
  23. GUR agents performed diversion in deep Russian rear. Su-34 was set on fire on Shagol airfield near Cheliabinsk. 2nd mixed aviation regiment of 21st mixed aviation division is deployed here. The video, officially issued by GUR. It's unknown how much damages inflicts to the jet this diversion.
  24. In theory it is possible through Rhine and Danube, But the way will pass through Serbia and Hungary. And these ships will be priority targets for Russian missiles if they are deployed in Ukraine. Russians already sank UKR inshore minesweeper "Henichesk" (NATO Yevgenia class) with aviation missile in 2022. Also by the unconfirmed rumors last relatively large UKR ship - medium landing ship "Yuriy Olefirenko" (NATO Polnocny-C class) was badly damaged or even sank during powerful Shakheds and missile strike on Odesa port on 29th of May 2023. Numerous Russian OSINT researches over satellite maps didn't give answer about destiny of this ship, but last reports about it activity was as far as in the February-March 2023.
  25. Our experts say 250$ millions is enormously exaggregated at least in 5-6 times.
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